
单词 盛水
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aquarium〕A tank, bowl, or other water-filled enclosure in which living fish or other aquatic animals and plants are kept.水草缸,养鱼缸:池塘、碗形物或其它盛水的围护物,在其中蓄养活鱼和其它水族动物植物美国传统〔dipper〕One that dips, especially a container for taking up water.舀水的用具:浸入的东西,特别是用盛水的容器美国传统〔finger bowl〕A small bowl that holds water for rinsing the fingers at the table.洗手碗:一个放在餐桌上供人洗手指的盛水小碗美国传统〔font〕A basin for holding baptismal water in a church.洗礼盆:在教室里洗浸时用来盛水的盆美国传统〔ladle〕A long-handled spoon with a deep bowl for serving liquids.长柄勺:一个带有用来盛水的大碗的长柄勺子美国传统〔rise〕Water mounted in the ship's hold.船的盛水器中水不断上涨。美国传统〔scale〕A hard mineral coating that forms on the inside surface of boilers, kettles, and other containers in which water is repeatedly heated.锅垢:在锅、壶和其它盛水器皿中经反复加热后在容器内壁形成的硬矿物质层美国传统〔steam iron〕A pressing iron that holds and heats water to be emitted as steam on the cloth being pressed.蒸汽电熨斗:可以盛水并将其加热将蒸汽喷到所熨衣物上的电熨斗美国传统The villagers use gourds for holding water.村民们用葫芦盛水剑桥国际

