
单词 高通
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW〕High interest rates and high inflation mean a recession is not far away. 高利率和高通货膨胀意味着经济衰退为期不远了。朗文写作活用〔accompany〕Low rates of unemployment are often accompanied by high inflation.低失业率常常伴随着高通货膨胀。韦氏高阶〔broaden〕They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.他们正在拓宽大桥以提高通行能力。剑桥高阶〔couple〕High inflation coupled with low output spells disaster for the government in the election.低产出下的高通胀导致政府在选举中惨败。剑桥高阶〔flip side〕The flip side of the government's economic growth policy is high inflation.政府的经济增长政策的对立面就是高通货膨胀。麦克米伦高阶〔forestall〕It's hoped that the bank's measure will forestall a return to high inflation.人们希望银行的措施可以预防高通胀卷土重来。麦克米伦高阶〔problem〕The very high rate of inflation poses/presents (= is) a serious problem for the government.高通货膨胀率对政府来说是个严重的问题。剑桥高阶〔similarly〕High inflation usually leads to high interest rates. Similarly, interest rates decline when inflation is low.高通货膨胀通常会导致高利率。同样,物价走低的时候,利率也会下降。麦克米伦高阶〔stagflation〕Sluggish economic growth coupled with a high rate of inflation and unemployment.滞胀:同时存在高通货膨胀率和高失业率的萧条的经济美国传统〔worse〕High inflation will make unemployment worse .高通货膨胀率将使失业状况更加严峻。朗文当代High inflation coupled with low output spells disaster for the Government in the election.高通胀伴随着低产出意味着政府在选举中会彻底失败。剑桥国际Loose fiscal policy (= low taxes and/or high government spending) could lead to high inflation.宽松的财政政策可能导致高通胀。牛津商务The economy has been hit by high inflation and its resultant problems.经济受到了高通货膨胀极其所带来问题的打击。剑桥国际There is high inflation and mounting frustration over price rises for food and utilities like heating and telephone calls.当前存在着高通货膨胀以及因食品和暖气、电话等公用事业价格的上涨而产生的越来越大的失望。剑桥国际

