
单词 紧握住
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕Bill squeezed her hand reassuringly. 比尔紧紧握住她的手,让她镇定。朗文写作活用〔bend double〕I held on tight as my fishing rod bent double.我紧握住弯折的鱼竿。韦氏高阶〔butt〕Your left hand should be wrapped fairly firmly around the butt end of the club.你的左手应该紧紧握住棒子较粗的一端。柯林斯高阶〔butt〕Your left hand should be wrapped firmly around the butt end of the club.你的左手应该紧紧握住棍子的末端。外研社新世纪〔clasp〕He clasped Lindsay's hand tightly.他紧紧握住林赛的手。麦克米伦高阶〔clasp〕He took her hand in his firm warm clasp.他用温暖结实的手紧紧握住她的手。牛津高阶〔clasp〕Peter took her hand in a firm clasp.彼得紧紧握住她的手。麦克米伦高阶〔cling〕She had to cling onto the door handle until the pain passed.她只好紧紧握住门把手,直到不疼了才松开。柯林斯高阶〔close〕Her hand closed tightly over his.她紧紧握住他的手。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕His hand was taken in a warm, firm grasp.他的手被热情地紧紧握住外研社新世纪〔grasp〕His hand was taken in a warm, firm grasp.他的手被热情地紧紧握住了。柯林斯高阶〔grip〕Hold the microphone in a firm grip and keep it still.紧紧握住麦克风不要让它动。朗文当代〔grip〕Hold the microphone in a firm grip.紧紧握住麦克风。牛津搭配〔grip〕The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.婴儿的小手紧紧握住我的手指。剑桥高阶〔hand〕He reached for her hand and held it tightly.他伸手抓住她的手并紧紧握住牛津搭配〔hang〕Hang on to the rope.紧紧握住绳子。牛津同义词〔hang〕To cling tightly to something.纠缠:紧紧握住某物美国传统〔neck〕Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle.凯瑟琳紧紧握住破裂的瓶颈。外研社新世纪〔palm〕He took her hand between his palms and squeezed it.他双手紧紧握住她的手捏了一捏。牛津搭配〔tighten〕His hand tightened painfully around her wrist.他的手紧紧握住她的手腕,弄得她生疼。牛津搭配〔tight〕He kept a tight grip on her arm.他紧紧握住她的胳膊。牛津高阶〔whiten〕He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened.他紧紧握住方向盘,握得指关节都变白了。牛津高阶〔wring〕The old man wrung the soldier's hands.老人紧紧握住战士的手。21世纪英汉He took hold of one end of the carpet and tugged.他紧握住地毯的一端用力拖。剑桥国际She held the child's hand in a firm clasp as they crossed the road.当他们过马路时,她紧紧握住孩子的手。剑桥国际The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.那个婴儿用他的小拳头紧握住我的手指。剑桥国际

