
单词 联线
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔isogonic line〕A line on a map connecting points of equal magnetic declination.等磁偏线:地图上连结具有相同磁偏角各点的一条联线美国传统〔isohel〕A line drawn on a map connecting points that receive equal amounts of sunlight.等日照线:地图上连结接受相同数量日照的各点的一条联线美国传统〔isohyet〕A line drawn on a map connecting points that receive equal amounts of rainfall.等雨量线:地图上所画的一条连结接受相同数量降水的各点的联线美国传统〔isomagnetic〕Of, relating to, or being lines connecting points of equal magnetic force.等磁力的:属于或与等磁力有关的,或为结等磁力各点联线美国传统

