
单词 考验
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROVE〕The acid test of a good leader is the extent to which they select a style to suit the circumstances. 考验一位优秀领导人要看他能否因时制宜。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The expeditions behind enemy lines were a tremendous test of one's endurance and nerves. 在敌军后方远征是对一个人的耐力和勇气的极大考验朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕The triathlon is the ultimate endurance test. 铁人三项赛是对一个人忍耐力的终极考验朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The early recordings have hardly stood up well to the passage of time. 那些早期的录音经不起时间的考验朗文写作活用〔absorb〕The beer industry had absorbed a doubling of federal tax in 1991.1991年,啤酒行业经受住了联邦税加倍的考验朗文当代〔acid test〕The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.在紧急情况下能否保持冷静是对好司机的严峻考验牛津高阶〔acid test〕This venture is seen as an acid test of the alliance.这次冒险被视为对同盟的决定性考验外研社新世纪〔adversity〕He had drifted through life with the advantage of wealth, never tested by adversity.他一生富裕,过得轻轻松松,从未经受贫苦的考验英汉大词典〔baptism of fire〕A severe ordeal experienced for the first time.初次考验:第一次经历的严峻考验美国传统〔basically〕Throughout the ordeal, he remained basically the same.在严峻的考验过程中,他毫不动摇、始终如一美国传统〔bear〕The results don't bear examination.这些结果经不起考验外研社新世纪〔bouncebackability〕This will be a test of their famous bouncebackability.这将是对他们众所周知的逆转能力的考验牛津高阶〔buffeting〕The severe buffeting she received in the past few months tested her self-confidence.她在过去几个月不断受到的猛烈抨击是对她自信心的考验外研社新世纪〔challenge〕A problem that has intrigued and challenged me for many years.吸引并考验我多年的一个问题麦克米伦高阶〔challenge〕We'll see that she continues to do the work which challenges her.我们一定设法使她把这项考验她才能的工作继续干下去。英汉大词典〔character〕These past few days have been a real test of my character.过去几天是对我品性的真正考验韦氏高阶〔comfort zone〕Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.攀岩运动对许多人来说是对能力与毅力的考验剑桥高阶〔composed〕They tried to remain composed throughout the ordeal.在严峻的考验中他们始终努力保持镇定。韦氏高阶〔crucible〕He's ready to face the crucible of the Olympics.他已准备好迎接奥运会的严峻考验韦氏高阶〔crucifixion〕An extremely difficult, painful trial; torturous suffering.磨练:极其艰难、痛苦的考验;折磨人的苦难美国传统〔durable〕His poetry has proved durable.他的诗已经证明是经得起时间考验的。朗文当代〔endurance〕The task was a test of their powers of endurance.这项任务是对他们忍耐力的考验牛津搭配〔endurance〕This event tests both physical and mental endurance.该比赛项目既是对体力也是对心理承受力的考验牛津高阶〔equal〕She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.她下定决心要经得起公司给她们的任何考验外研社新世纪〔field〕The new tank has yet to be tested in the field.这种新型坦克还有待在战场上经受考验朗文当代〔fire〕A severe test; a trial or torment.折磨:严格的考试;考验或磨难美国传统〔flying〕They came through the ordeal with flying colors.他们成功地通过了严酷的考验韦氏高阶〔glare〕Their relationship will be severely tested in the full glare of media publicity.他们的关系将在媒体全面关注下经受严峻的考验麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕Your theory does not hold water. The witnesses' conflicting stories held no water.你的理论经不起考验。证人互相矛盾的证词站不住脚美国传统〔hoop〕To undergo a rigorous trial or examination.经受磨练:经受严峻的考验或测试美国传统〔humility〕The ordeal taught her humility.那次严酷的考验教会她谦逊。韦氏高阶〔intellectual〕Students were asked which task represented the greatest intellectual challenge.学生们被问及哪个任务最能考验人的智慧。麦克米伦高阶〔limiting〕Her love for him was being tested to its limits.她对他的爱经受着极其严峻的考验柯林斯高阶〔meet〕British manufacturing failed to meet the crisis of the 1970s.英国制造业未能经受住20世纪70年代危机的考验柯林斯高阶〔mettle〕For both sides, it's the first real test of their mettle this season.对于双方而言,这是本赛季对他们的能力的首次真正考验柯林斯高阶〔oblige〕Politeness obliged me to go on with the ordeal.出于礼貌, 我不得不继续这个严峻考验外研社新世纪〔passage〕Their friendship has survived the passage of time.他们的友谊经受住了时间的考验英汉大词典〔put (someone or something) to the test〕A trip through the desert will put the truck to the test.穿越沙漠的旅行将是对卡车的考验韦氏高阶〔rigour〕The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter.这些植物经受不住严冬的考验牛津高阶〔severe〕The negotiations will be a severe test of his abilities.谈判将是对他的能力的严峻考验朗文当代〔severe〕The war was a severe test of his leadership.这场战争是对他的领导能力的严峻考验韦氏高阶〔severe〕They face a severe test of character against a vastly superior team.他们面临着一场对他们意志品质的严峻考验,对手是比他们水平高出一大截的球队。麦克米伦高阶〔severe〕This will be a severe test of our strength.这将是对我们实力的严峻考验剑桥高阶〔stamina〕The triathlon is a great test of stamina.铁人三项运动是对耐力的极大考验剑桥高阶〔stand the test of time〕Great art/literature/music can stand the test of time.伟大的艺术/文学/音乐能经得起时间的考验韦氏高阶〔stand〕His poetry will stand the test of time (=stay popular) .他的诗经得起时间的考验朗文当代〔storm〕Newspapers have weathered the storm of online information by providing news online themselves.报社通过提供网络新闻经受住了网络信息冲击带来的考验韦氏高阶〔strength〕Today's vote is being seen as a test of strength for the government.今天的投票被看成是对政府实力的考验牛津搭配〔stretch〕This movie really stretches the patience of the audience to the limit.这部电影简直就是在考验观众的耐性。剑桥高阶〔strongly〕This has tested our marriage, and we have come through it stronger than ever.这是对我们婚姻的考验,我们经受住了考验而且关系比以往任何时候都更稳固了。柯林斯高阶〔tax〕These dilemmas would tax the best of statesmen.这些进退两难的局面对一流的政治家也是个考验柯林斯高阶〔testing〕The most testing time is undoubtedly in the early months of your return to work.最考验人的时期莫过于重新回来上班的头几个月。外研社新世纪〔testing〕The most testing time is undoubtedly in the early months of your return to work.最考验人的时期莫过于重新回来上班的头几个月。柯林斯高阶〔test〕He put her courage to the test.他考验了她的胆量。英汉大词典〔test〕I felt that she was testing me, leaving all that cash lying around.我感觉她把现金到处乱放是在考验我。朗文当代〔test〕I was only testing you out.我不过在考验你。英汉大词典〔test〕If this romance is real, it can stand the test of time.如果这恋爱是真诚的,那末它能经得起时间的考验英汉大词典〔test〕It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship.度假对任何恋爱关系都是重大考验, 这是常识。外研社新世纪〔test〕It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time.她的许多食谱经受住了时间的考验,这充分证明了她的厨艺。柯林斯高阶〔test〕Paul soon found himself in an emergency situation that put all his training to the test.保罗很快发现自己处于紧急状况,让他所接受的全部训练都受到了考验朗文当代〔test〕Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.总有一天, 生活会对这段关系是否牢固进行考验外研社新世纪〔test〕Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.总有一天,生活会考验这种关系是否牢固。柯林斯高阶〔test〕The calls for tax reform pose a severe test for the government.税改呼声对政府构成了严峻考验牛津搭配〔test〕The new president is facing his toughest political test so far.新总统面临着迄今最为严峻的政治考验牛津搭配〔test〕The next six months will test your powers of leadership.接下来的六个月将考验你的领导能力。朗文当代〔test〕The pay dispute has really put her management skills to the test.工资争议使她的管理能力受到了极大考验牛津搭配〔test〕The problems she faced were a real test of character.一起生活很快就会让他们的关系得到考验朗文当代〔test〕The project is designed to put your skills to the test.该方案旨在考验你的技能。麦克米伦高阶〔test〕The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.如何对待少数群体, 这是对任何一个文明社会的考验外研社新世纪〔test〕There were times when my temper was sorely tested.有些时候我的脾气真是受到很大的考验牛津搭配〔test〕This film has stood the test of time.该部影片经受住了时间的考验麦克米伦高阶〔test〕Those who do solid work can stand the test of time.工作扎实的人能经得起时间考验英汉大词典〔the acid test〕It looks good, but will people buy it? That's the acid test.看上去不错,但人们会买它吗?这才是真正的考验剑桥高阶〔the moment of truth〕Lift-off is always the moment of truth for a new rocket.离地升空始终是考验一枚新火箭的关键时刻。剑桥高阶〔tough〕Many homeless people are facing a tough winter.许多无家可归者正面临严冬的考验剑桥高阶〔trial〕A test of one's abilities, especially the ability to perform well under pressure.考验:测试某人的能力,尤指在压力下正常行动的能力美国传统〔ultimate〕Christmas is the ultimate endurance test.圣诞节是对耐力的终极考验外研社新世纪〔unbeaten〕They will be putting their unbeaten record to the test next Saturday.下周六他们的不败纪录将要受到考验牛津高阶〔untested〕The Egyptian Army remained an untested force.埃及军队依然有待考验外研社新世纪〔utmost〕My limited diplomatic skills were tested to the utmost.我有限的外交手腕儿受到了极其严峻的考验柯林斯高阶〔weather〕She refuses to resign, intending to weather the storm(= wait until the situation improves again).她拒绝辞职,想要经受住这次风暴的考验牛津高阶〔workout〕A strenuous test of ability and endurance.考验:能力和毅力的艰苦测验美国传统〔workout〕In this way he had given his nerves a thorough workout.这样,他使自己的神经经受了一次彻底的考验英汉大词典After many trials and tribulations, we finally reached our destination. 经过了许多考验和磨难之后,我们终于到达了目的地。译典通Giving the presentation in France really tested my French.在法国作演讲的确是对我法语水平的考验牛津商务He always challenges his staff to find new solutions to problems.他总是要考验他的员工,要求他们找出解决问题的新方法。牛津商务He has gone through many a severe test during his lifetime. 他一生中经受过多次严峻的考验译典通His betrayal of his friends was a real test of his wife's loyalty (= the firmness of her friendship or support for him) .他背叛朋友是对其妻子忠诚度的考验(忠于友谊还是支持丈夫)。剑桥国际If she's going to get through this ordeal, she's going to have to draw on her inner strength.如果她要通过这场考验,她就要利用她的内在力量。剑桥国际She is an artist whose work will undoubtedly withstand the test of time (= it will still be popular in the future).她是一位艺术家,毫无疑问她的作品将会经受住时间的考验剑桥国际That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring.那堂课真是在考验我的忍耐力,它是那么乏味。剑桥国际The job doesn't really challenge her.这项工作不能真正考验出她的能力。牛津商务The real test of her political mettle will come in the May elections.对她的政治勇气的真正考验会在五月的选举中来临。剑桥国际The religious leader described the earthquake as a divine test.宗教领袖将地震描绘成神的考验剑桥国际The triathlon is a great test of stamina.铁人三项赛是对耐力的极大考验剑桥国际This theatre is the crucible of comedy, where fame or failure is found.这个剧院是对喜剧的考验,成功和失败都有可能。剑桥国际This will be a severe test of our strength.这将是对我们力量的严峻考验剑桥国际This will try your courage. 这对你的勇气将是一个考验译典通Those icy roads certainly put my driving to the test.那些冰冻的路实在是对我驾驶技术的考验剑桥国际Throughout her dreadful ordeal, she behaved with great dignity (= control, seriousness and calmness).她经历可怕的考验时,自始至终表现出庄重和尊严。剑桥国际

