
单词 颤抖的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔atremble〕Being in a state of shaking or trembling, as from fear or excitement.颤抖的:因害怕或激动而处于发抖或打颤的状态美国传统〔bleat〕She bleated her disgust.她用颤抖的声音表达了她的厌恶。英汉大词典〔bleat〕The old woman bleated (out) her complaints.老妇人以颤抖的声音诉苦。21世纪英汉〔distress〕He tried to hide his distress, but the tremor in his voice was unmistakable.他尽力掩饰自己的悲痛,但是颤抖的声音却无疑表明了一切。牛津搭配〔issue〕A weak trembling sound issued from his lips.他嘴里发出了微弱颤抖的声音。牛津高阶〔onset〕His trembling lip suggests the onset of Parkinson's disease.他颤抖的嘴唇表明他患上了帕金森氏病。外研社新世纪〔palpitant〕Shaking; trembling.颤抖的;发抖的美国传统〔palsied〕Trembling or shaking.颤抖的,摇摆的美国传统〔point〕He pointed a shaking finger at my friend and hissed with rage.他用颤抖的手指指着我的朋友, 低声怒喝。外研社新世纪〔quaver〕A quivering sound.颤抖的声音美国传统〔quaver〕She quavered out her bitter experience.她以颤抖的声音讲述她悲惨的遭遇。21世纪英汉〔quaver〕To speak in a quivering voice; utter a quivering sound.以颤音说话:以颤抖的声音说;发出颤抖的声音美国传统〔quaver〕To utter or sing in a trilling voice.以颤抖的声音说或唱美国传统〔shivery〕Causing shivers; chilling.引起颤抖的;令人战颤的美国传统〔shivery〕Trembling, as from cold or fear.颤抖的:由于寒冷或恐惧等原因而颤抖的美国传统〔shiver〕An instance of shivering or trembling.哆嗦或颤抖的实例美国传统〔trace〕He traced the words with a shaking hand.他用颤抖的手写下那些字。英汉大词典〔tremble〕He trembled out a few words of appreciation.他用颤抖的声音说出一些领情的话。英汉大词典〔tremble〕I opened the letter with trembling hands.我用颤抖的双手拆开了信。韦氏高阶〔tremble〕I will never forget the look on the patient's face, the tremble in his hand.我永远都不会忘记那个病人脸上的表情,还有他颤抖的手。柯林斯高阶〔tremble〕She tried to control the trembling in her legs.她竭力控制住颤抖的双腿。牛津高阶〔trembling〕He spoke in a trembling voice.他以颤抖的声音说话。文馨英汉〔tremendous〕Capable of making one tremble; terrible.恐慌的:能使人产生颤抖的;可怕的美国传统〔tremulous〕He wrote with a tremulous hand.他以颤抖的手书写。文馨英汉〔tremulous〕I opened the important letter with tremulous fingers.我用颤抖的手指打开这封重要的信。牛津同义词〔tremulous〕She opened the letter with tremulous hands.她用颤抖的双手拆开了信。韦氏高阶〔trill〕A fluttering or tremulous sound, as that made by certain birds; a warble.啭鸣,抖音:颤抖的或波动的声音,如某些鸟发出的叫声,啭鸣美国传统〔twitter〕A similar sound, especially light, tremulous speech or laughter.相似的声音,尤指轻的颤抖的讲话或笑声美国传统〔unsteady〕He poured the coffee with a very unsteady hand.他用颤抖的手倒咖啡。朗文当代〔unsteady〕Her voice was unsteady.她的声音是颤抖的韦氏高阶〔wobbly〕Tending to wobble; unsteady.倾向于颤抖的;不稳定的美国传统David poured two brandies with an unsteady hand. 大卫用颤抖的手倒了两杯白兰地。译典通He picked up the phone with a shaking hand, expecting bad news.他用颤抖的手拿起了电话,等待着坏消息的来临。剑桥国际He placed a calming hand on the child's shaking shoulder.他将安抚的手放在孩子颤抖的肩上。剑桥国际She scarcely recognised the tremulous voice on the end of the phone.她简直辨认不出电话那端微微颤抖的声音。剑桥国际She spoke in a small quavery voice.她以一种微微颤抖的声音说话。剑桥国际

