
单词 面向
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOO〕An object-oriented MUD.面向对象的虚拟多用户空间美国传统〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The market now caters mainly to tourists. 该市场现在主要面向游客。朗文写作活用〔academic〕It's an exam for academic children.这个考试面向有学习天赋的孩子。外研社新世纪〔accessibility〕The legal aid system should be accessible to more people.法律援助制度应该面向更多人。柯林斯高阶〔aged〕The course is open to children aged 12 and over.本课程面向 12 岁及 12 岁以上的儿童。朗文当代〔aspect〕The house had a south-west aspect.这幢房子面向西南。柯林斯高阶〔audience〕The book is not intended for a purely academic audience.本书不是面向纯学术读者的。朗文当代〔available〕Grants should be available for most students.助学金应面向多数学生。牛津搭配〔backward〕Directed or facing toward the back or rear.向后的:指向或面向后边或后部的美国传统〔beckon from〕Borrow beckoned to me from across the street.博罗从街对面向我招手。21世纪英汉〔bell-bottoms〕Trousers with legs that flare at the bottom.喇叭裤:裤腿下面向外张开的裤子美国传统〔blackboard〕She turned to face the blackboard.她转身面向黑板。牛津搭配〔brigade〕The magazine is targeted at the pipe and slippers brigade(=older men).这本杂志面向老年人。麦克米伦高阶〔confront〕I confronted him with my suspicions, and he admitted everything.我当面向他提出自己的怀疑,他承认了一切。朗文当代〔customer base〕We need to appeal to a wider customer base.我们需要面向更广泛的客户。牛津高阶〔disgusting〕It's disgusting that there are no schools or hospitals for these people.没有面向这些人的学校和医院,这真令人无法接受。剑桥高阶〔distribution〕The previously free (= not paid for) distribution of textbooks will now be confined to students who are needy.以前免费发放课本,现在只面向贫困学生。牛津搭配〔down-market〕Appealing to or designed for low-income consumers; downscale.小商品市场的:面向低收入消费者的;低价的美国传统〔downmarket〕The company wants to break away from its downmarket image.这家公司想摆脱它面向低消费阶层的形象。牛津高阶〔draw〕He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.他拔出匕首转身面向追他的人。柯林斯高阶〔edition〕The regional editions of the paper contain specific information for that area.该报地方版刊登一些专门面向那个地区读者的内容。剑桥高阶〔face〕I turned to face the sun.我转身面向太阳。麦克米伦高阶〔face〕Our school faces the square.我们学校面向广场。21世纪英汉〔face〕She turned around to face the window.她转过身面向窗户。韦氏高阶〔face〕Turn and face to the east.转身面向东方。韦氏高阶〔fall〕The ground falls away to the east.地面向东倾斜。韦氏高阶〔fall〕The road falls to sea-level.路面向海平面倾斜。牛津同义词〔flatwise〕With the flat side down or in contact with a surface.平平地,扁平地:以扁平面向下或与另一平面接触美国传统〔follow-on〕This course for bridge players with some experience is intended as a follow-on to the Beginners' course.这门课程面向有一定经验的桥牌玩家, 是初级课程的延续。外研社新世纪〔foreshorten〕The parts that extend towards the viewer are foreshortened.面向观赏者的部分用透视法缩短了。韦氏高阶〔frank〕The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market.这本杂志面向青少年市场,对性和恋爱问题作出坦率的忠告。剑桥高阶〔frontally〕The enemy attacked them frontally.敌人从正面向他们发动进攻。韦氏高阶〔front〕All the apartments front onto the sea.所有的公寓都面向大海。剑桥高阶〔front〕My apartment block faces (NOT is in front of) the sea.我的公寓楼面向大海。朗文当代〔front〕The house fronts Main Street.房子面向主街。韦氏高阶〔gender〕The job is open to all applicants regardless of age, race, or gender.这份工作面向所有申请者,年龄、种族和性别不限。麦克米伦高阶〔general〕This book is intended for the general reader rather than the student.这本书面向一般读者而非学生。外研社新世纪〔give〕The window gives on [upon] the park.这窗子面向公园。文馨英汉〔gospel side〕The left side of an altar or a chancel as the congregation faces it.圣坛左侧:群众所面向的圣坛或圣台的左侧美国传统〔hike〕To sit facing the sail and lean far backward and over the side of a small boat in order to keep the craft flat in the water.为保持小船在水中平稳,面向船帆而坐,身体尽量后仰,至船舷以外美国传统〔incline〕The land inclined gently towards / toward the shore.地面向海岸缓缓倾斜。牛津搭配〔integrate〕To open to people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction; desegregate.使获得平等待遇:面向所有种族或宗教团体而无任何限制;取消种族隔离美国传统〔interest〕The group wasn't able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.这个团体没能说服他们再版专门面向女性的文学作品。柯林斯高阶〔into〕Driving into the sun, we had to shade our eyes.面向太阳开车,我们只好遮挡着眼睛。牛津高阶〔levorotatory〕Of or relating to a chemical solution that rotates the plane of polarized light to the left, or counterclockwise.左旋溶剂的:属于或关于一种使光的偏振面向左或逆时针方向旋转的化学溶剂的美国传统〔levorotatory〕Turning or rotating the plane of polarization of light to the left, or counterclockwise.左旋的:光的偏振面向左方向或逆时针方向转动或旋转的美国传统〔local〕This is a local shop for local people: we don't get many outsiders here.这是一家面向本地人的本地商店,来我们这儿的外地人不多。韦氏高阶〔loft〕The backward slant of the face of a golf club head, designed to drive the ball in a high arc.球棍末端的后倾部分:将高尔夫球棒棒头的面向后倾斜,用于将球击出一个高弧线美国传统〔look on〕My bedroom looks on to the sea.我的卧室面向大海。21世纪英汉〔look〕The hotel looks toward the sea.这家旅馆面向大海。韦氏高阶〔look〕The house looks on the sea.房屋面向大海。英汉大词典〔multicultural〕Europe's first Asian and multicultural satellite TV channel欧洲首个面向亚洲和其他多种族文化的卫星电视频道外研社新世纪〔orientated〕The industry is heavily orientated towards export markets.该产业主要面向出口市场。剑桥高阶〔pavilion〕The lower surface of a brilliant-cut gem, slanting outward from the culet to the girdle.(宝石等的)底面:多角形宝石的下部表面,从底面向外倾斜美国传统〔playlist〕Radio 1's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups.广播一台主要播放一些面向年轻人的乐团所演唱的畅销曲目。柯林斯高阶〔point〕To be turned or faced in a given direction; aim.朝向,瞄准:被转向或面向某一特定的方向;瞄准美国传统〔posterior〕Botany Next to or facing the main stem or axis.【植物学】 近茎轴一侧的:紧挨着主茎或轴的,面向主茎或轴的美国传统〔pour〕She poured out her troubles to me over a cup of coffee.她一面喝着咖啡,一面向我倾吐着她的烦恼。牛津高阶〔presence〕She ordered the car in the presence of the sales manager.她当面向销售经理订购了那辆汽车。英汉大词典〔problem-oriented language〕A programming language intended for use in solving a particular set of problems.面向问题的语言:用来解决特定问题的程序语言美国传统〔prominent〕Projecting outward or upward from a line or surface; protuberant.突起的:从直线或平面向外或向上伸的;突出的美国传统〔prospect〕The direction in which an object, such as a building, faces; an outlook.面向:物体(比如建筑)面对的方向;视野美国传统〔reverse dive〕A dive in which the diver leaves the springboard or platform facing the water and then rotates the body backward.反身跳水:跳水者面向池水然后向后旋转身躯而跳离跳板或跳台的跳水动作美国传统〔right〕Of, belonging to, located on, or being the side of the body to the south when the subject is facing east.右方的:当面向东的时候,属于、位于或是身体朝南的一侧的美国传统〔roadshow〕To raise new capital in the US, the company organized an investor roadshow for three days in Boston and New York.为了在美国筹集资金,这家公司花了3天时间在波士顿和纽约进行了面向投资者的巡回展示。剑桥高阶〔showdown〕Games The laying down of the players' cards face up to determine the winner of the pot in poker.【游戏】 摊牌:在扑克牌戏中牌手的牌面向上放下以决定一局牌的胜者美国传统〔sinistral〕Zoology Relating to or being a gastropod shell that has its aperture to the left when facing the observer with the apex upward.【动物学】 左旋的:当腹足动物的壳顶部朝上面向观察者时,呈左旋的,与其有关的美国传统〔snap-brim〕A hat having a flexible brim, usually turned down in front and up at the back.翻檐帽:一种帽檐可折叠的帽子,通常前面向下翻,后面向上翻美国传统〔spin〕She spun round to face him.她快速转过身面向他。麦克米伦高阶〔starboard〕The right-hand side of a ship or an aircraft as one faces forward.右舷:人在面向前时位于船或飞机的右舷美国传统〔straight poker〕Poker in which each player is dealt five cards face down, bets are made, and the showdown takes place without any new cards being drawn.一次发给五张牌的扑克游戏:每个玩牌者面对五张面向下的牌,押上赌注,然后在不加任何新牌的情况下最后摊牌美国传统〔target〕Yuppies are a prime target group for marketing strategies.雅皮士是市场营销策略面向的主要目标群体。柯林斯高阶〔teenybopper〕Those magazines really are for teenyboppers.那些杂志真正面向的是热衷流行音乐和时尚的青少年。外研社新世纪〔terrace〕Some guests recline in lounge chairs on the sea-facing terrace.在面向大海的平台上一些客人斜躺在躺椅上。柯林斯高阶〔thumb〕He thumbed a lift (或ride) outside the hospital.他在医院外面向过路汽车要求免费搭乘。英汉大词典〔turn〕I turned my chair round to face the fire.我把椅子转过来面向火炉。牛津高阶〔under〕There is a working holiday scheme for British citizens, but you have to be under 26.有一个面向英国公民的工作休假制度,但只有26岁以下的人才能享受。麦克米伦高阶〔unmo(u)ld〕He unmo(u)lded the gelatin and placed it face down on a plate.他把果冻从模子里倒出,面向下放在盘里。英汉大词典〔upwards〕She turned her face upwards to the sun.她抬头面向正午的太阳。剑桥高阶〔up〕I turned my face up towards the sun.我仰头面向太阳。麦克米伦高阶All the apartments front onto the sea.所有的房间都面向大海。剑桥国际Companies have been forced into a greater orientation to the market.各公司不得不作出改变,更加面向市场。牛津商务Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful but nobody dares actually (to) mention it to him. [+ (to) infinitive] 办公室里的每个人都说他身上有股怪味,但居然没人敢当面向他提及。剑桥国际If you toss a coin a hundred times, the law of averages suggests roughly fifty will come up heads and fifty tails.如果你把一个硬币扔一百次的话,那么根据概率,大概有50次是正面向上,50次是反面向上。剑桥国际It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.重要的是,政府资助的企业要更多地面向消费者。剑桥国际Someone threw a snowball at me from behind.有人从后面向我扔了个雪球。剑桥国际The building faces the big river. 这房子面向著大河。译典通The business school is international in orientation.这所商学院的定位是面向国际的。牛津商务The choirboys'cherubic pink faces smiled across the church as they sang.当唱诗班的孩子们歌唱时,他们粉红色的孩子气的脸蛋面向教徒会众微笑着。剑桥国际The company is starting to lose its downmarket image.这家公司开始失去其面向低端市场的形象。牛津商务The company supplies its goods only to the trade (= people who work in a particular business or industry), not direct to the public.这家公司只向企业提供货物,而不直接面向公众。剑桥国际The conductor turned to face her audience and the entire concert hall fell silent.指挥转身面向观众,整个音乐厅顿时鸦雀无声。剑桥国际The living room has seaward facing windows.这起居室的窗户面向着大海。剑桥国际The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market.这本杂志面向青少年市场,对性和浪漫史提出直率的忠告。剑桥国际The prow of the motor-boat cut through the water like a knife. 汽艇的船头像一把刀子劈开水面向前行驶。译典通The university used to suffer from a dearth of facilities for handicapped students.大学过去总是苦于缺乏面向残疾学生的师资力量。剑桥国际The window gives on the sea. 这窗户面向大海。译典通The windows look onto the lake.这些窗户面向湖泊。剑桥国际These apartments all have a delightful dockside frontage.所有这些公寓都面向码头边,景色宜人。剑桥国际They specialize in software for midmarket customers.他们专门开发面向中级市场客户的软件。牛津商务

