
单词 错误地
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕Science fiction is often wrongly regarded as a ‘lesser’ form of literature. 科幻小说常被错误地归为“次一等”的文学作品。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕People on welfare are often wrongly characterized as lazy or dishonest. 领取福利救济的人常被错误地认为是懒惰或不诚实的。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕In 1963, the White House wrongly predicted that the military action in Vietnam would be over by 1965. 1963年,白宫错误地预计在越南的军事行动可于1965年结束。朗文写作活用〔Pyramus〕A Babylonian youth who committed suicide when he mistakenly thought his lover Thisbe was dead.皮拉摩斯:巴比伦王国的一个年轻人,当他错误地认为他的爱人提斯柏已经死了时而自杀了美国传统〔Susanna〕In the Apocrypha, a captive in Babylon who was falsely accused of adultery and was rescued by Daniel.苏撒那:《圣经旧约》的次经中,在巴比伦被抓的俘虏,曾被错误地指控为犯有通奸罪,后被但以理救走美国传统〔THINK〕The average American is under the mistaken impression that wildlife refuges have been set up to protect animals. 一般的美国人错误地认为建立野生生物保护区的目的是为了保护动物。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕It is sometimes erroneously believed that cutting interest rates will cure all our economic problems. 有时候人们会错误地认为,降低利率会解决我们所有的经济问题。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Pauline was under the mistaken impression that I didn't like her. 保利娜错误地以为我不喜欢她。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕These verbs mean to treat a person or thing wrongfully, incorrectly, or harmfully.这些动词指错误地、不正确地或伤害性地对待某人或某事。美国传统〔allow〕The judge in the present case had been wrong to hold that the initial arrest was not lawful and the court allowed the appeal on that question.审理此案的法官错误地认为最初的逮捕是不合法的, 法庭批准对该问题提出上诉。外研社新世纪〔amiss〕In an improper, defective, unfortunate, or mistaken way.错误地,不正确地:反常地、有缺陷地、不幸地或错误地美国传统〔amiss〕You have judged his character amiss.你错误地判断了他的人格。文馨英汉〔ascribe〕He mistakenly ascribes the expression 'survival of the fittest' to Charles Darwin.他错误地认为“适者生存”是查尔斯·达尔文说的。柯林斯高阶〔assumption〕They have taken a wrong turning in their assumption that all men and women think alike.他们错误地设想所有男女均见解一致。柯林斯高阶〔attribute〕The unsigned painting was wrongly attributed to Raphael.这幅未署名的画被错误地认为是拉斐尔的作品。英汉大词典〔bark〕To misdirect one's energies or attention.找错目标:精力或注意力集中在错误地美国传统〔blunder〕They blundered into an argument.他们错误地卷进了一场争论。21世纪英汉〔bounce〕His bank wrongly bounced cheques worth £75,000.他的开户银行错误地拒付了票面金额为75,000英镑的支票。柯林斯高阶〔case〕It was simply a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.这只不过是在错误的时间身处错误地点的问题。外研社新世纪〔confirm〕The museum made the mistake of accepting the painting before it had been authenticated.博物馆在还未确认这幅画的真实性之前就错误地把它接受了。美国传统〔corruption〕The swear word "bloody" is wrongly thought by some to be a corruption of the words "by our Lady".有些人错误地认为咒骂用语 bloody 是 by our Lady 的变体。剑桥高阶〔delusive〕I harboured the delusive hope that he would return my love.我错误地以为他会对我的爱作出回报。剑桥高阶〔demand〕Researchers wrongly assumed that people were quite clear about the demands of the task.研究人员错误地认为大家都很清楚该项任务的要求。外研社新世纪〔demand〕Researchers wrongly assumed that people were quite clear about the demands of the task.研究人员错误地认为大家都很清楚该项任务的要求。柯林斯高阶〔erroneously〕Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood.一些人错误地认为献血会让人感染艾滋病。柯林斯高阶〔error〕The computer had been switched off in error.电脑被错误地关机了。麦克米伦高阶〔error〕The plane was shot down in error.飞机被错误地击落了。外研社新世纪〔father〕To assign falsely or unjustly; foist.错误地或不公平地继承;冒称美国传统〔file〕He filed a story incorrectly indicating that the strike was over.他发了一篇报道,错误地指出罢工已经结束。韦氏高阶〔fuck〕To act carelessly, foolishly, or incorrectly.干蠢事:粗心地、愚蠢地、错误地行动美国传统〔hypocrite〕The magazine wrongly suggested he was a liar and a hypocrite.那家杂志错误地影射他是一个撒谎者和伪君子。外研社新世纪〔imply〕The article falsely implied that he was responsible for the accident.文章错误地暗示他应该对事故负责。牛津搭配〔label〕She was falsely labelled / labeled a liar.她被错误地扣上了说谎者的帽子。牛津搭配〔lull〕I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter.我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。外研社新世纪〔lull〕I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter.我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。柯林斯高阶〔misapprehension〕He is under the misapprehension that he can do what he chooses.他错误地认为可以随心所欲。麦克米伦高阶〔misapprehension〕Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy, muscular men.男人们似乎仍然错误地认为女人喜欢体毛浓重、肌肉强健的男人。柯林斯高阶〔miscalculate〕To count or estimate incorrectly.误算:错误地计算或估计美国传统〔misconceive〕To interpret incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:错误地解释,误解美国传统〔misconstrue〕To mistake the meaning of; misinterpret.误解:错误地领会了…的意思;误解美国传统〔misdescribe〕To describe wrongly or falsely.错误地或有缺陷地描写美国传统〔misguided〕The company misguidedly thought that expansion was the best way to survive.公司错误地认为扩大规模是生存下来的最好方法。朗文当代〔misinform〕They were deliberately misinformed about their rights.有人故意向他们错误地说明了他们的权利。牛津高阶〔misinterpret〕To interpret inaccurately.错误地理解美国传统〔misjudge〕The government misjudged the mood of the country when it decided to call an election.政府在决定举行一次大选时,错误地估计了本国人民的情绪。21世纪英汉〔misjudge〕The government misjudged the mood of the electorate.政府错误地判断了选民的情绪。朗文当代〔misjudge〕The outfielder misjudged the fly ball and it went over his head.外场手错误地估计了高飞球,结果球从头顶上越过。韦氏高阶〔misjudge〕They appear to have misjudged the public mood on education.他们似乎错误地判断了公众对教育的态度。麦克米伦高阶〔misjudge〕To judge wrongly.错误地判断美国传统〔misnomer〕A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object.错误(或不当)的名称:错误地或不恰当地用于人或物的名称美国传统〔misplace〕My confidence in him was misplaced.我错误地信任了他。21世纪英汉〔misquote〕He claimed that he had been misquoted and he threatened to sue the magazine for libel.他声称自己的话被错误地引用,并威胁说要以诽谤罪起诉这家杂志。柯林斯高阶〔misquote〕His speech was misquoted in many of the newspapers.他的讲话被多家报纸错误地引用了。英汉大词典〔misquote〕The mayor says that she was misquoted by the press.市长说媒体错误地引用了她的话。韦氏高阶〔misquote〕The minister claimed she had been misquoted in the article.部长声称那篇文章错误地引用了她的话。麦克米伦高阶〔misquote〕The minister complained that the newspapers had misquoted him.部长抱怨说报纸错误地引用了他的讲话。21世纪英汉〔misread〕I think she misread the situation.我想她是错误地估计了形势。朗文当代〔misreport〕To report mistakenly or falsely.错误地报道美国传统〔misspeak〕To speak mistakenly, inappropriately, or rashly.讲错了话:错误地、不合适地或过于匆忙地讲话美国传统〔misspell〕To spell incorrectly.误拼:错误地拼写美国传统〔mistaken〕Marijuana has few withdrawal effects, and this has given rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.大麻的脱瘾症状不多,这就让人们错误地认为它不会使人上瘾。朗文当代〔mistake〕A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that getting results is all that matters.许多人错误地认为只有结果才重要。牛津搭配〔mistake〕I made the mistake of believing her.我错误地相信了她。韦氏高阶〔misunderstanding〕Your comments indicate a serious misunderstanding of the situation.你的意见表明你非常错误地判断了形势。麦克米伦高阶〔misunderstood〕Incorrectly understood or interpreted.被误解的:被错误地理解或错误地领会的美国传统〔misuse〕To use incorrectly.滥用:错误地使用美国传统〔perverse〕Obstinately persisting in an error or a fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn.执拗的,刚愎的:顽固地坚持错误和过失的;错误地自以为是的或倔强的美国传统〔pin〕The murder was pinned on the wrong defendant.被告被错误地定了谋杀之罪美国传统〔pretender〕One who simulates, pretends, or alleges falsely; a hypocrite or dissembler.伪装者,冒充者:假装,伪装或错误地宣称的人;伪君子或伪装者美国传统〔ptomaine poisoning〕Food poisoning, erroneously believed to be the result of ptomaine ingestion. Not in scientific use.食物中毒:食物中毒,人们错误地认为这是吸入尸毒的结果不作科学术语使用美国传统〔put down〕She says that the reporter put her quote down incorrectly.她说那个记者错误地引用了她的话。韦氏高阶〔run away with〕Don't run away with the idea that he is an honest man.不要错误地认为他是一个老实人。21世纪英汉〔self-deceiving〕Given to or believing or fancying mistaken notions about oneself.自欺欺人的:甘于自欺的、相信自己的错误想法或错误地想象自己的美国传统〔stick〕To treat severely or wrongfully.严厉或错误地对待美国传统〔suspect〕He was wrongly suspected of the crime.有人错误地怀疑他犯了罪。牛津搭配〔therein〕His name was mentioned in the article, although he was incorrectly described therein as a medical doctor.他的名字在文中被提及,虽然他被错误地描述成了一个内科医生。韦氏高阶〔thwart〕Eager to oppose, especially wrongly; perverse.执拗的,刚愎的:尤指错误地急于反对的;刚愎自用的美国传统〔trap〕Many people fall into the trap of believing that home decorating must always be done on a large scale.很多人错误地认为家居装修总是要大动一番干戈。柯林斯高阶〔trust〕His trust in them was misplaced.他错误地信任了他们。牛津搭配〔vampire bat〕Any of various other bats, as those of the family Megadermatidae, erroneously believed to feed on blood.假吸血蝙蝠:许多其它种类的蝙蝠的一种,如巨耳蝠科的,被错误地认为以血为食美国传统〔wrongly〕The two women were wrongly accused of murder.这两位妇女被错误地指控犯有谋杀罪。麦克米伦高阶〔wrong〕He's wrong in thinking that we will support the project financially.他错误地以为我们会在资金上支持这个项目。剑桥高阶〔wrong〕In a wrong manner; mistakenly or erroneously.错误地:采取错误的方式地;有误地或错误地美国传统〔wrong〕We were wrong to assume she'd agree.我们错误地以为她会同意。牛津高阶〔wrong〕We were wrong to assume that she'd agree.我们错误地以为她会同意。牛津高阶By mistake, the crew shut down (= stopped operating) the right-hand engine of their aircraft when a fire broke out in the left-hand one.当飞机左边的引擎起火时,机组人员错误地关掉了右边的一个。剑桥国际Customers remain convinced that money has been wrongly taken out of their bank accounts.顾客们仍然确信钱款已被错误地从他们的银行帐户中提走了。剑桥国际He made the mistake of putting his money into a wildcat scheme.他错误地把资金投入到一个不成熟的项目上。牛津商务He was under the mistaken belief (= He believed wrongly) that I was in charge.他错误地认为是我在负责。剑桥国际He's wrong in thinking that we will support the project fi-nancially.他错误地认为我们会在经济上支持这一项目。剑桥国际John is under the delusion that he will be promoted this year.约翰错误地以为今年自己将得到晋升。剑桥国际My speech has been misinterpreted by the press.我的演讲被新闻界错误地解释了。剑桥国际She is suffering from the delusion (= a false belief) that he will marry her.她错误地以为他会娶她,并受此幻念的折磨。剑桥国际She mistakenly believed that she could get away without paying her taxes.她错误地相信她可以不付她的税款。剑桥国际She was falsely accused of shoplifting.她被错误地指控在商店中行窃。剑桥国际The sculpture was for many years incorrectly thought to be by Donatello.多年来这雕刻被错误地认为是出自多那太罗之手。剑桥国际They wrongly believed that the United States would not have the stomach for a long and difficult war.他们错误地认为美国不愿打旷日持久的战争。剑桥国际Unfortunately, he is labouring under the delusion (= believes wrongly) that his students enjoy his lessons.很不幸,他因错误地以为学生喜欢自己上的课而苦恼。剑桥国际We inaccurately reported that she had been convicted of fraud and we apologise for any distress this may have caused.我们错误地报道了她被宣判犯了诈骗罪,我们为这可能引起的一切不快表示道歉。剑桥国际You wrongly stated on two occasions that the article was published in the Sydney Morning Herald.你在两个场合错误地说这篇文章发表在《悉尼先驱晨报》上。剑桥国际

