
单词 队员
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I wish they wouldn't keep chopping and changing. There's a different team on the field every week. 我希望他们不要老是变化无常,每星期上场的队员都不同。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The climbers did not return, and a search party was sent out to look for them. 登山队员没有回来,于是派出搜索队去寻找他们。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Firefighters had to cut off the roof of the car, so that the injured man could be lifted out. 消防队员只得割开车顶,以便抬出那名受伤男子。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕At first, the manager's appointment of talented but inexperienced players seemed like a stroke of genius. 起初,经理人选拔天赋高但缺乏比赛经验的队员似乎是个绝妙的主意。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕Firemen had to use a mobile crane to lift the carriages back onto the rails. 消防队员不得不使用移动式起重机把车厢吊起来,重新放回铁轨上。朗文写作活用〔MEMBER〕Brooks is a very valuable member of the team. 布鲁克斯是该队中一名很有价值的队员朗文写作活用〔Mountie〕A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.骑警队员:加拿大皇家骑警队员美国传统〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Red Cross officials condemned the treatment that imprisoned guerrillas have received. 红十字会官员谴责了被关押的游击队员所遭受的待遇。朗文写作活用〔THANK〕My daughter was rescued safely, and I am very grateful to the firemen. 我女儿安全获救,我对消防队员非常感激。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕Joan tried out for the school basketball team. 琼参加了学校篮球队员的选拔。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Rescuers found Campbell, who was conscious and coherent. 营救队员找到了坎贝尔,他还是清醒的,而且思路清晰。朗文写作活用〔acquire〕The team acquired three new players this year.今年这个队新增了三名队员韦氏高阶〔advantage〕Moss took advantage of the defender's mistake to score a goal.莫斯利用防守队员的失误进了一个球。麦克米伦高阶〔allow〕The defense has not allowed a touchdown in the past three games.在过去的三场比赛中,防守队员没让对手达阵得分。韦氏高阶〔animate〕The captain tried to animate her weary team.队长设法鼓舞她疲劳的队员牛津同义词〔attack〕Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury.德国队几名主力队员因伤不能上场,削弱了进攻力量。牛津高阶〔blaze〕Firefighters were called to a blaze at a warehouse yesterday.消防队员昨天被叫到仓库灭火。麦克米伦高阶〔camaraderie〕There is great camaraderie among the teammates.队员之间有着深厚的情谊。韦氏高阶〔center fielder〕The player who defends center field.中场击球手:守卫中外场的队员美国传统〔certain〕The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful.救援行动如果今天不能成功,登山队员必死无疑。牛津高阶〔cheer〕A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.欢呼:一小队啦啦队员齐声喊的短促、反复的音韵或短语美国传统〔choke〕The firemen choked in the smoke.消防队员给烟呛住。牛津同义词〔cloud on the horizon〕The only cloud on the horizon for the team is the age of its key players.这支队唯一潜在的问题是主力队员年龄偏大。韦氏高阶〔commando〕Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning.戴维·克莱门特上尉和150名突击队员今天早上对港口展开突袭。柯林斯高阶〔commando〕The commandos headed across the bridges.突击队员们向前行进, 跨过了一座座桥。外研社新世纪〔commentary〕He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out.他不断地对上下场的每一名队员进行解说。牛津高阶〔defect〕When the national hockey team visited the US, half the players defected.国家曲棍球队访问美国时,有一半队员都叛逃了。剑桥高阶〔defense〕He ran through the defense and scored a touchdown.他突破防守队员达阵得分。韦氏高阶〔define〕The responsibilities of each team member need to be clearly defined.每个队员的责任需要规定清楚。麦克米伦高阶〔demonstrate〕The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.消防队员在抢救孩子时表现得很勇敢。英汉大词典〔depth〕The team lacks depth this year.今年这支队缺乏强大的队员阵容。韦氏高阶〔draw on/upon〕Her new book draws on her personal experience as a firefighter.她的新书中借用了她当消防队员的个人经历。韦氏高阶〔dummy〕He dummied past five defenders, then shot at the near post.他以假动作晃过五个防守队员,接着把球射向近门柱。牛津高阶〔evacuate from〕The firemen evacuated the guests from the burning hotel.消防队员把旅客从失火的旅馆里撤出来。21世纪英汉〔example〕With his enthusiasm and determination, he's an example to the rest of the team.他既有热情又有决心,是其他队员学习的榜样。麦克米伦高阶〔extinguish〕It took the firefighters several hours to extinguish the flames.消防队员花了几个小时才将烈焰扑灭。剑桥高阶〔feather〕The crew feathered ( their oars ) for the last few yards of the race.在划船比赛到最后几码时,全体队员回桨时把桨叶持平。21世纪英汉〔force back〕The Marines quickly blunted the attack and forced the enemy back in disarray.海军陆战队员迅速挫败了敌人的进攻并迫使其狼狈后撤。外研社新世纪〔front〕The midfield players aren't giving enough support to the front two.中场队员没有给两位前锋提供足够的支持。麦克米伦高阶〔game changer〕As a player he can be a game changer.作为队员他可以是一名改变比赛结果的人。剑桥高阶〔gather〕The players gathered together to hear the coach's game plan.队员围拢在一起听教练的比赛战术。韦氏高阶〔get (sb/sth) out〕A team of commandos got the hostages out from the rebel base.一队突击队员从叛军基地把人质解救了出来。剑桥高阶〔give up〕The defense gave up two touchdowns in the first quarter.防守队员让对方在第一节两次达阵得分。韦氏高阶〔halfback〕One of the two players positioned near the flanks behind the line of scrimmage.中卫:在争球线之后靠近侧翼的并列两名队员之一美国传统〔haze〕Varsity team members hazed the new players by leading them around campus on leashes.大学校队的队员用皮带拴着新队员在校园里走来走去,捉弄他们。韦氏高阶〔holdover〕The coach had a pointed message for newcomers to the team and a reminder for the holdovers.教练给了新队员明确的信息,也对留任队员发出了提醒。剑桥高阶〔injured〕Chelsea have three injured players.切尔西队有三名受伤队员朗文当代〔junior〕He was one of 73 juniors invited to compete for a place in the England team.他是受邀请竞争英格兰队队员资格的73名少年之一。麦克米伦高阶〔making〕He has the makings of a world-class footballer.他有成为世界一流足球队员的素质。朗文当代〔masonry〕Several of the firefighters were injured by falling masonry.几名消防队员被落下的砖石砸伤。剑桥高阶〔measure〕Our thanks are due in equal measure to every member of the team.我们同样感谢每一位队员牛津高阶〔midfield〕He plays(in) midfield.他是中场队员牛津高阶〔minimum〕Two fire crews managed to keep damage to a minimum.两组消防队员成功地将损失减至最低。牛津搭配〔order off〕Tom was ordered off in the second half after another yellow card for fouling on the opposing player.在下半场比赛中,由于侵犯对方队员,汤姆又得一张黄牌而被罚下场。21世纪英汉〔orderly〕Firefighters supervised the orderly evacuation of the building.消防队员指挥(人们)有秩序地从建筑物中疏散。美国传统〔overexpose〕The club is careful not to let the younger players be overexposed, and rarely allows them to be interviewed.俱乐部不想让年轻队员过度曝光,因而很少允许他们接受采访。牛津高阶〔qualm〕The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.主教练对放弃那些表现不好的队员未感到不安。朗文当代〔rain〕The team not only lost the game but three of its best players were injured. When it rains, it pours.这个队不仅输了比赛,三名主力队员还受了伤。真是祸不单行啊。韦氏高阶〔ranger〕A member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region.巡逻队队员:被雇佣来在某特定区域巡逻的武装部队的成员美国传统〔ranger〕Ranger A member of a group of U.S. soldiers specially trained for making raids either on foot, in ground vehicles, or by airlift. Ranger 突击队员,特别行动队队员:美国特殊训练的在地面,于地面交通工具或在空中执行特殊袭击任务的士兵美国传统〔re-up〕The team wants to re-up their star player for another two years.这个队想和他们的明星队员再续签两年的合同。韦氏高阶〔receiver〕Baseball The catcher.【棒球】 接手:接球的队员美国传统〔release〕Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。牛津高阶〔report〕Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported two Leeds United players for violent conduct.波兰裁判理夏德‧沃耀克告发利联队的两名队员行为粗暴。朗文当代〔reserve〕Bautista could be traded or moved into a reserve role.鲍蒂斯塔可能转会或转做替补队员牛津搭配〔responsible〕He is responsible for keeping a record of work done by team members.他负责记录队员所做的工作。英汉大词典〔rookie〕Sports A first-year player, especially in a professional sport.【体育运动】 新队员:尤指第一年参加联赛的职业球队的新队员美国传统〔screen pass〕A short forward pass to a receiver in the flat who is protected by a formation of blockers.掩护性传球:一个短的向前的传球,一旁的接球员被同队队员用阻拦对方球员的方法加以保护美国传统〔second〕Seconds later, firemen reached his door.一转眼, 消防队员就到了他家门口。外研社新世纪〔seed〕To arrange (the drawing for positions in a tournament) so that the more skilled contestants meet in the later rounds.安排:安排(比赛项目中的抽签)从而使较优秀的队员或参赛者在较后的几轮比赛中相遇美国传统〔slot〕The new members of the team slotted in easily.新队员很容易就融入了队伍之中。麦克米伦高阶〔solidarity〕We can depend on the solidarity of our team.我们可以信赖队员的团结一致。牛津同义词〔split end〕Football A pass receiver who lines up apart from the rest of the formation.【橄榄球】 边锋:列队在队形中其它队员之外的接球员美国传统〔strengthen〕The team has been strengthened by the addition of several new players.几位新队员的加盟增强了这支队的实力。韦氏高阶〔sub〕The team's subs need to be versatile.球队的替补队员要求技术全面。韦氏高阶〔tackle〕Firemen later tackled the blaze.消防队员们后来扑灭了这场大火。柯林斯高阶〔talk trash〕Players on both teams were talking trash.两队的队员们正在打口水战。韦氏高阶〔taxi squad〕The four extra players on the roster of a professional team who are prepared to join the team on short notice, as to substitute for injured players.替补球员:在职业球队的花名册上准备短时间内加入球队的四名额外队员,如代替受伤的队员美国传统〔teammate〕A fellow member of a team.队友:一支队伍中的队员美国传统〔tight end〕An offensive end who lines up close to a tackle.近边锋:站位离阻截队员很近的进攻队员美国传统〔typify〕His heroic actions typified the courage of all the firefighters at the scene.他的英勇行为代表了现场所有消防队员的英雄气概。韦氏高阶〔upend〕The midfielder was upended before he got the ball.那名中场队员还没接到球就被撞倒了。韦氏高阶〔varsity〕He is on the varsity in tennis.他是大学网球队队员英汉大词典〔veteran〕He's a 10-year veteran with/of the team.他是这支队服役了10年的老队员韦氏高阶〔volunteer〕Mike was a member of the local volunteer fire brigade.迈克是当地志愿消防队队员外研社新世纪〔weave〕She weaved through the defenders and scored a goal.她绕过数名防守队员进球得分。韦氏高阶As a football player, John is second to none. 作为一名足球队员,约翰可是首屈一指的。译典通Broken water pipes and gas leaks have hindered firefighters in their efforts, but the fire is now under control.爆裂的水管和煤气泄漏妨碍了消防队员的灭火工作,不过现在火势已得到控制。剑桥国际Fire fighters with turntable ladders yesterday rescued six people from the fifth floor of an office building.昨天消防队员用云梯从一座办公楼的五层救了六个人。剑桥国际Firefighters put their lives on the line (= risk their lives) every working day.消防队员在每个工作日都面临着生命危险。剑桥国际Joe Montana overthrew that pass, missing his wide receiver altogether.乔·蒙太那传球太猛,完全超过了边接应队员剑桥国际One of our players stuck his foot out and deflected the ball away (from the goal).我们的一个队员伸脚阻挡,使球偏离球门,球踢偏了。剑桥国际Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保罗想当队长,但我们先发制人,说亨利才是最好的队员译典通Seeing the poor performance of their opponents the previous day was a great morale booster to the young team.前一天看到对手差劲的表现令年轻队员们的士气大增。剑桥国际She's open, hard-working and a good team member.她坦诚、勤劳,是一个好队员牛津商务The group of men had a sign which said ‘Official Picket’.那帮人有一个标志写着“官方纠察队员”。剑桥国际The team got together to brainstorm (the project).队员们聚集在一起集体谈论(这个方案)。剑桥国际The temperature rose to such an extent that all the firemen were forced to leave the burning house. 温度太高,以致所有消防队员被迫离开那座燃烧的房屋。译典通There were scenes of angry jostling between the two teams when one of the players was accused of unfair play.当一个队员被指责犯规时,就出现了两个队愤怒地推推搡搡的情景。剑桥国际When the divers did not resurface after an hour, three members of the crew dived down to look for them.当潜水者们在1小时之后还没重新升到水面时,3名队员潜下去寻找他们。剑桥国际

