
单词 隔膜
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔banjo〕A fretted stringed instrument having a narrow neck and a hollow circular body with a stretched diaphragm of vellum upon which the bridge rests.班卓琴:一种有格子纹的细颈弦乐器,琴身中空,呈圆形,由可延展的羔皮隔膜包覆,琴桥即安于其上美国传统〔collenchyme〕A gelatinous mesenchyme that constitutes a layer in the body wall of many coelenterates and ctenophores.胶充质:一种胶状间质,在许多腔肠动物及栉水母门动物身体内壁构成一层隔膜美国传统〔diaphragm〕A membranous part that divides or separates.隔膜,隔板:一个分开的膜和薄分隔板美国传统〔dissepiment〕A partition dividing an organ, such as an ovary or a fruit, into chambers.隔膜,隔壁:将某一器官,如子房或果实分成几个室的分隔物美国传统〔foramen ovale〕An opening in the septum between the right and left atria of the heart, present in the fetus but usually closed soon after birth.卵圆孔:心脏的左右心房之间隔膜上的口,在胎儿身上出现但一般出生后不久即闭合美国传统〔lower〕As the diaphragm lowers it pushes against the abdominal organs.横隔膜下降会挤压到腹部器官。外研社新世纪〔mesogastrium〕The portion of the embryonic mesentery that is attached to the early stomach.胃系膜:与早期胃部相连接的胚胎隔膜的一部分美国传统〔partition〕A wall, septum, or other separating membrane in an organism.隔膜:器官内的壁、隔膜或其它隔离薄膜美国传统〔saccule〕The smaller of two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the inner ear.球囊:内耳的膜的迷路的两个隔膜小室中较小的一个美国传统〔septal〕Septal defect is sometimes known as "hole in the heart".心隔膜缺陷有时被称为“心脏内的一个洞”。剑桥高阶〔septate〕Divided by a septum or septa.隔膜的:被隔膜分开的美国传统〔silique〕A dry, dehiscent, elongated fruit, characteristic of the mustard family, having two valves that fall away leaving a central partition.长角果:十字花科植物典型的干燥、开裂的长形果实,有两个果片离开中间的隔膜向下倾斜美国传统〔vomer〕A thin flat bone forming the inferior and posterior part of the nasal septum and dividing the nostrils in most vertebrates.犁骨:形成鼻中隔膜下后部的一块薄而平的骨头,在大多数脊椎动物中分开鼻孔美国传统In humans and other mammals, the respiratory system includes the lungs, the diaphragm and the windpipe.人类与其它哺乳动物的呼吸系统包括肺、隔膜和气管。剑桥国际The diaphragm is the principle muscle of respiration (= breathing).横隔膜是主要的呼吸肌肉。剑桥国际

