
单词 短处
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD AT〕Before choosing a career you should spend time identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses. 择业之前应该花点时间认识一下自身的长处和短处朗文写作活用〔TALK〕In a job interview you should highlight your strengths and gloss over your weaknesses. 在求职面试时你要强调自己的长处,避免谈论自己的短处朗文写作活用〔defensive〕Psychology Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego.【心理学】 自我保护的,自卫的:不断地保护自己,使自我不受批评,不暴露自己的短处或不受其它真的或可察觉的事威胁自我的美国传统〔discommend〕To cause to come into disfavor or ill regard.使受冷遇,揭人短处美国传统〔entreat〕I earnestly entreat that we don't get caught out again.我诚挚地祈求我们不要再被人抓住短处了。外研社新世纪〔entreat〕I earnestly entreat that we don't get caught out again.我诚挚地祈求我们不要再被人抓住短处了。柯林斯高阶〔pad〕He hoped that by padding his résumé his lack of experience would be overlooked.他希望通过拉长简历使人忽略他经验不足的短处韦氏高阶〔recognize〕I recognize my shortcomings.我承认我的短处牛津同义词〔shortcoming〕Peter was painfully aware of his own shortcomings.彼得痛苦地认识到了自己的短处朗文当代〔strength〕Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses .要清楚你自己的长处和短处朗文当代〔virtue〕The school had its drawbacks and it had its virtues.这所学校有其短处,也有其长处。英汉大词典〔want〕Whatever his wants, he has always been honest.不管他有什么短处,他的为人还是一贯正直的。英汉大词典Attention to detail is one of his weak points (= He is not very careful about detail).不注意细节是他的短处之一。剑桥国际The car has its drawbacks and it has its virtues. 这汽车有其短处,也有其长处。译典通

