
单词 语汇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Latinism〕His writing is very stilted and contains many Latinisms.他的文字很做作,并用上许多拉丁语汇英汉大词典〔MEANING〕I can't understand all this legal gobbledygook. 我理解不了这些装腔作势的法律语汇朗文写作活用〔content word〕A word, such as a noun, verb, or adjective, that has a statable lexical meaning, rather than indicating a syntactic function, as a function word does.实词:有可陈述的语汇意义,例如名词、动词或形容词,而不是如同虚词一样地指示句法功能的字美国传统〔language〕Within a month the phrase would be part of the language.不出一个月,这短语就会成为语汇的一部分。英汉大词典〔lexicon〕Federalism is now as bad a word in the French political lexicon as it is in Britain's.与英国一样, 联邦主义如今在法国的政治语汇中也成了个贬义词。外研社新世纪〔sight〕Teachers should build up the sight vocabulary of children.教师应培养学童逐步积累一批见物识字的语汇英汉大词典〔vocabulary〕The alarm substances are only part of the ant's chemical vocabulary.报警物质只是蚂蚁化学语汇中的一部分。英汉大词典

