
单词 monosaccharide
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aldose〕Any of a class of monosaccharide sugars containing an aldehyde group.醛糖,醛式糖:含有醛类的单糖中任意一种美国传统〔compound sugar〕A sugar that yields two or more monosaccharides on hydrolysis.多糖:在水解作用下能产生两个或多个单糖的糖美国传统〔disaccharidase〕An enzyme, such as invertase or lactase, that catalyzes the hydrolysis of disaccharides to monosaccharides.双糖酶:一种促使双糖水解成单糖的酶,如转化酶或乳糖酶美国传统〔disaccharide〕Any of a class of carbohydrates, including lactose and sucrose, that yield two monosaccharides upon hydrolysis.双糖:碳水化合物的一种,包括乳糖和蔗糖,在水解下可生成两个单糖美国传统〔oligosaccharide〕A carbohydrate that consists of a relatively small number of monosaccharides.低聚糖:由相对少量的单糖构成的糖美国传统〔pentose〕Any of a class of monosaccharides having five carbon atoms per molecule and including ribose and several other sugars.戊糖:分子中含有五个炭原子的一种单糖,包括核糖及其它几种单糖美国传统〔polysaccharide〕Any of a class of carbohydrates, such as starch and cellulose, consisting of a number of monosaccharides joined by glycosidic bonds.多糖,多聚糖:一类碳水化合物中的任一种,如淀粉和纤维素,由许多个由糖苷键联结的单糖构成美国传统〔triose〕One of a group of monosaccharides that contain three carbon atoms.丙糖:一种含有三个碳原子的单糖中的一种美国传统〔trisaccharide〕A carbohydrate that yields three monosaccharides upon hydrolysis.三糖:完全水解时能产生三个单糖的一种糖美国传统

