“make on”例句

单词 make on
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-saving〕People often put money aside in order to save up enough to make one major expenditure.人们常常为了一笔大的开销而存钱。柯林斯高阶〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The manufacturer has agreed to make one or two changes to the computer's design. 制造商同意就电脑的设计作一两处改动。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕I'd like to make one final point before we move on to another subject. 在我们接着讨论另一个话题前,我还想讲最后一点。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕We collected all the old candles and melted them down to make one big candle. 我们把所有的旧蜡烛都收集起来熔化掉,制成一根大蜡烛。朗文写作活用〔absolutely〕Let me make one thing absolutely clear.让我来彻底说清楚一件事。韦氏高阶〔addendum〕As an addendum let me make one more point.让我附带再提出一点。英汉大词典〔additional〕Can I make one additional comment?我可以再说一句吗?外研社新世纪〔circuit〕It takes a year for the Earth to make one circuit around the sun.地球绕太阳公转一圈需要一年。韦氏高阶〔correction〕I have to make one or two corrections to the text before it's finished.完稿之前我得对文本作一两处修改。牛津搭配〔criticism〕Any criticisms you can make on my draft will be greatly appreciated.你对我的草稿所能作出的任何批评指正将得到由衷的感谢。英汉大词典〔crystal clear〕I want to make one thing crystal clear – I do not agree with these proposals.有一件事我要说清楚 — 我不同意这些提议。朗文当代〔fate〕Such coincidences are almost enough to make one believe in fate.这样的巧合几乎足以让人相信命运。牛津搭配〔heart〕To lift one's spirits; make one happy.提高某人的士气;使某人高兴美国传统〔lap〕A length, as of rope, required to make one complete turn around something.(滚筒上绳索的)一圈:一段可供围绕某物完整的一圈的距离,例如绳子美国传统〔make on〕Make on or we'll be late.快点,否则我们要迟到了。21世纪英汉〔make on〕If you sell the jam jars at five dollars each,what will you make on the sale?如果你们把这些果酱以每瓶5美元的价格出售,你们能获利多少?21世纪英汉〔make on〕With any luck,they might make on the deal.只要能交上一点好运,他们就能在这笔交易中获利。21世纪英汉〔make〕A hundred cents make one euro.一百分等于一欧元。牛津高阶〔make〕Did you make the club?【美】=【英】Did you make one of the club? 你有没有加入那个俱乐部?文馨英汉〔make〕He could make one shirt do for one week.一件衬衫他能凑合着穿上一星期。英汉大词典〔make〕He radioed headquarters for a make on the car's license plate.他用无线电与总部通话,要求核查那辆汽车的牌照。英汉大词典〔make〕The woman gave us a make on the guy who slugged her.那妇女向我们指认了那个猛击她的人。英汉大词典〔markedly〕All he needs to do is make one phone call and I'm a marked man.他只消打一个电话,我就大难临头了。柯林斯高阶〔miniaturize〕To plan or make on a greatly reduced scale.使微型化:计划或使尺寸极大地缩小美国传统〔nature〕If nature does not provide a thing we want, let us make one ourselves.如果自然界不提供我们所需要的东西,我们就自己来造。英汉大词典〔one or two〕I'd like to make one or two suggestions.我想提一两条建议。剑桥高阶〔one〕Great pictures make one think.伟大的画作发人深思。朗文当代〔one〕We may make one or two changes.我们可以作一两处改动。柯林斯高阶〔open-end〕How long are you staying or did you just make one of those open-end reservations? 您将住多久,要不只是作暂无定期的预订?英汉大词典〔other〕May I make one other point?我可以谈一点吗?外研社新世纪〔point〕I'd like to make one final point before I stop.结束前我想提出最后一个看法。朗文当代〔point〕Let me make one final point.让我说一下最后一点。韦氏高阶〔pun〕He made the following pun: “7 days without water make one weak.” 他用了下面的双关语:“7天没水使人虚弱”。(因 weak 与week同音,此句亦谐指:“7天没水就是一周没水。”) 英汉大词典〔revolution〕The Earth makes one revolution on its axis in about 24 hours.地球绕地轴自转一周约24小时。韦氏高阶〔revolution〕The earth makes one revolution round the sun in about 365 days.地球约在365天内绕太阳公转一次。英汉大词典〔rotation〕The Earth makes one rotation every day.地球每天自转一周。韦氏高阶〔save up〕People often put money aside in order to save up enough to make one major expenditure.人们往往为了支付一大笔开销而存钱。外研社新世纪〔such〕I hate such delays as make one impatient.我讨厌使人干著急的延误。文馨英汉〔three〕Three feet make one yard.3英尺合1码。英汉大词典〔trespass〕May I venture to make one trespass on your generosity? 我可以冒昧叨扰你一下吗?英汉大词典〔tuck〕To make one fold or several folds in.打褶美国传统〔turn〕A man will turn over half a library to make one book.一个人要写出一本书来非翻遍半座图书馆不可。英汉大词典Disasters such as this make one ask oneself what one can possibly do to help.像这样的灾难使人自问,我能做些什么来帮助别人。剑桥国际I have a few observations to make on your conduct. 我对你的行为有一些看法要说。译典通Mum cut down my big sister's old dress (=changed it to make it smaller) to make one for me.妈妈把大姐的旧衣服改小给我穿。剑桥国际One hundred centimeters make one meter. 一百公分等于一公尺。译典通Ten dimes make one dollar. 十个一角为一元。译典通The moon makes one revolution of/around the Earth in approximately 29 1/2 days.月球 大约29 1/2 天围绕地球旋转一周。剑桥国际There's something in the actual act of shopping which makes one acquisitive.购物行为本身多少会使人变得贪婪。剑桥国际You will need to make one monthly payment to the debt consolidator.你必须每月付款给债务合并人。牛津商务

