
单词 baptist
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Andrea del Sarto〕Italian painter whose works, including a fresco cycle of the life of John the Baptist, epitomize Florentine classicism.安德里亚·萨托:意大利画家,他的作品包括壁画《施洗约翰的诞生》,是佛罗伦萨古典画派代表作美国传统〔Baptist〕He attends the Baptist church.他参加浸礼会教派的礼拜。韦氏高阶〔Dunker〕A member of the German Baptist Brethren, a group of German-American Baptists opposed to military service and the taking of legal oaths.德美浸社会教派成员:德国浸礼会教派成员,该教派是反对兵役和宣誓的德美浸信会教派团体美国传统〔Elizabeth〕In the New Testament, the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary.以利沙伯:新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚美国传统〔Salome〕In the New Testament, the daughter of Herodias and niece of Herod Antipas, who granted her the head of John the Baptist in return for her dancing.莎乐美:新约中希罗底之女希罗安提帕之侄女,用她的舞蹈向安提帕换来施洗者约翰的头颅美国传统〔Zacharias〕In the New Testament, the husband of Elizabeth and the father of John the Baptist.撒迦利亚:新约圣经中以利沙伯的丈夫及施洗约翰的父亲美国传统〔attender〕Daniel was a regular attender at the Baptist Church.丹尼尔经常去浸礼会教堂做礼拜。朗文当代〔baptist〕He was ordained a Baptist minister in 1993.他于1993年被按立为浸礼宗牧师。外研社新世纪〔bethel〕Chiefly British A Nonconformist chapel, especially a Baptist or Methodist one.【多用于英国】 非英国国教的礼拜堂:基督新教徒的教堂,尤指浸信会或卫理公会教徒美国传统〔denomination〕Methodists, Baptists, and other Christian denominations 循道宗、浸礼会及其他基督教派韦氏高阶〔hardshell〕Hardshell Baptists (美国)严紧派浸礼会信徒英汉大词典〔minister〕His father was a Baptist minister.他的父亲是一名浸礼会牧师。外研社新世纪〔minister〕His father was a Baptist minister.他的父亲是浸礼会牧师。柯林斯高阶〔missionary〕Baptist missionaries 浸信会传教士牛津高阶〔primitive〕Primitive Baptist is a very small offshoot of the Baptist faith.原初浸礼会是浸礼会的一个很小的分支。外研社新世纪A mission was sent to Africa by the Baptist Church. 浸礼教会派了一个传教团去非洲。译典通The Baptists claim 29 million members worldwide.基督教浸礼会在全世界号称拥有2900万教徒。剑桥国际The Reverend Phillip Foster was inducted as minister of the local Baptist church in 1992.菲利浦·福斯特牧师于1992年正式就任为当地浸礼会教派教堂的牧师。剑桥国际

