
单词 acknowledging
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕I have just sent off a letter acknowledging their message. 我刚寄了一封信告诉他们电报收悉。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Max walked past her, without acknowledging her presence by the slightest alteration in his expression. 马克斯走过她身旁,表情依旧,仿佛没有注意到她。朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕She walked right by me without even acknowledging me.她就从我旁边走过,连个招呼也不打。韦氏高阶〔acknowledge〕That student walked right past his teacher without even acknowledging him.那个学生从他老师面前走过,连招呼也不打一个。英汉大词典〔acknowledge〕The army sent me a letter acknowledging my request.军队寄了一封信给我, 告知我的请求已收到。外研社新世纪〔acknowledge〕The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request.军队寄给我一张明信片告知我的申请书已收到。柯林斯高阶〔bill of lading〕A document issued by a carrier to a shipper, listing and acknowledging receipt of goods for transport and specifying terms of delivery.提货单:运货人向发货人出具的文件,列明并告知收到所运货物,并详细说明交货日期美国传统〔confession〕A written or an oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense.供认状:由被控告或指控的人作出的承认罪行的书面或口头声明美国传统〔credit line〕A line of copy acknowledging the source or origin of a news dispatch, published article, or other work.荣誉行:说明某则新闻报道、出版的文章或其它工作的出处或来源的一行文字美国传统〔debenture〕A certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt.借据:说明已收到欠款的证明或凭据美国传统〔obligatory〕His lips curved up in the obligatory smile, acknowledging the compliment.他嘴边挤出一个习惯性的微笑, 对称赞表示感谢。外研社新世纪〔obligatory〕His lips curved up in the obligatory smile, acknowledging the compliment.他嘴边礼节性地挤出一个微笑,以示对称赞致谢。柯林斯高阶〔twilight〕He had the courage to spend his twilight hours acknowledging his misdeeds.他有勇气在暮年承认了自己的种种恶劣行径。牛津搭配He felt a sense of perverse pride in acknowledging that he had made a mistake.当他承认自己犯了一个错误时感到一种反常的骄傲。剑桥国际She premised what she was saying by acknowledging that other interpretations were possible.她以承认其他解释是可能的来引出自己的话。剑桥国际The ship owner issued a clean bill of lading, acknowledging that the goods were received in good order.船东签发了清洁提单,表明所收到的货物状况良好。牛津商务

