
单词 localized
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHECK〕A doctor should examine the patient to ascertain where the pain is localized. 医生应当检查病人以查明痛在何处。朗文写作活用〔abscess〕A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area.脓肿,脓疡:身体的一部分因组织损坏而形成的局部脓肿,被四周发炎部位围绕美国传统〔aneurysm〕A localized, pathological, blood-filled dilatation of a blood vessel caused by a disease or weakening of the vessel's wall.动脉瘤:由于疾病或血管壁衰弱引起的血管局部病理性充血扩胀美国传统〔canker〕A localized diseased or necrotic area on a plant part, especially on a trunk, branch, or twig of a woody plant, usually caused by fungi or bacteria.植物溃疡:植物一个部分,尤指一株木本植物的主干、枝干或小枝上局部的患病或坏死区域,通常由真菌或细菌造成美国传统〔carbuncle〕A painful localized bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that usually has several openings through which pus is discharged.痈,红疹,红斑:一种疼痛的局部皮肤和皮下组织的细菌感染,通常有让脓流出来的一些口子美国传统〔cardialgia〕Localized pain in the region of the heart.心痛:心脏部位的局部疼痛美国传统〔distribution〕Fish populations assume highly localized distributions within each river.鱼群分布集中在每条河的某些区域。牛津搭配〔focal infection〕A bacterial infection localized in a specific part of the body, such as the tonsils, that may spread to another part of the body.病灶感染:如鼻孔等某特定器官的区域性细菌感染,可能会蔓延到身体的其他部位美国传统〔focus〕Pathology The region of a localized bodily infection or disease.【病理学】 病症:疾病集中或感染的主要部位美国传统〔gamma-ray burst〕A short-lived, localized, and intense burst of gamma radiation that originates outside the solar system from an unknown source.γ射线:由γ射线发出的密集、局部且短暂的干扰波,来自太阳系的不明来源处美国传统〔generalize〕Medicine To spread through the body. Used of a usually localized disease.【医学】 全身化:扩及人体全身,适用于限于局部的疾病美国传统〔hematoma〕A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel.血肿:由于血管破损而引起的局部积血淤肿美国传统〔inflammation〕A localized protective reaction of tissue to irritation, injury, or infection, characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes loss of function.发炎:动物组织针对外界刺激、伤害、感染的一种固定保护性发应,表现为疼痛、发红、肿大,有时丧失功能美国传统〔intentional community〕A small, localized, often rural community of persons or families pursuing common interests or concentrating on certain basic values.共益社区:由追求共同利益或笃守某种基本价值观的个人或家庭组成的小型的,地区性的,通常在乡村的社区美国传统〔lesion〕A localized pathological change in a bodily organ or tissue.机能障碍,器官损害:身体内器官或组织局部的病理转变美国传统〔liver spot〕A benign, localized brownish patch on the skin, often occurring in old age and in people with sun-damaged skin.褐黄斑:皮肤上局部的褐色良性斑块,老年人或皮肤因日照受损的人常会出现美国传统〔localizability〕Their interest localized on the subject of religion.他们的兴趣集中在宗教问题上。21世纪英汉〔localized〕Community radio is a concept which is much more localized.社区广播是一个将服务深度局域化的概念。外研社新世纪〔localized〕She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.她的乳癌尚未扩散, 两位主刀医生均建议她动手术。外研社新世纪〔localized〕She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.她的乳癌尚未扩散,两位主刀医生均建议她动手术。柯林斯高阶〔localized〕The storm has caused localized flooding.这场暴风雨引发了局部地区的洪水。韦氏高阶〔localize〕Anger localized on the new tax.民愤集中在这项新税上。英汉大词典〔localize〕Few officers thought that a German-Czech war could be localized.几乎没有军官认为德捷战争只会是一场局部战争。外研社新世纪〔localize〕Few officers thought that a German-Czech war could be localized.没几个军官认为德捷之战可被控制为局部战争。柯林斯高阶〔localize〕Gravity has localized the swelling to the foot and ankle.重力已将肿胀控制在脚部和脚踝处。剑桥高阶〔localize〕The software modules are being localized.这个软件模块正在进行本地化。外研社新世纪〔necrosis〕Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.坏死:因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死美国传统〔nucleus〕Anatomy A group of specialized nerve cells or a localized mass of gray matter in the brain or spinal cord.【解剖学】 神经核:一组专门的神经细胞或存在于大脑或脊髓中灰物质的局部块美国传统〔police action〕A localized military action undertaken without a formal declaration of war.警察行动:未经正式宣战而采取的局部军事行动美国传统〔puff〕Genetics A localized region of swelling in certain chromosomes indicating the active synthesis of DNA and RNA.【遗传学】 染色体的结合部分:某些染色体上表明脱氧核糖核酸和核糖核酸活性成分的局部肿胀美国传统〔ruby laser〕A laser that uses a ruby crystal to produce an intense, narrow beam of coherent red light, used in light-transmission communication and for localized heating.红宝石激光器:用红宝石晶体发出密集的连贯的红色细光线的一种激光器,用于炮线传播交流和局部加热美国传统〔sunscald〕Localized injury or death of the tissues of a woody plant caused by excessive sun in summer and by the combined effects of sun and low temperatures in winter.日灼病:木质植物组织的部分灼伤或坏死,由夏天过多日光辐射或冬天日光和低温的共同作用引起美国传统〔surgically〕Localized amyloid tumours can be surgically removed.局部淀粉样瘤可以通过手术移除。剑桥高阶〔thermocoagulation〕The use of heat produced by high-frequency electric current to bring about localized destruction of tissues.热凝固术:应用高频电流产热引起局部组织破坏美国传统〔topical〕Medicine Of or applied to an isolated or localized area of the body.【医学】 局部的:身体某一孤立或地域化的地方的;用于身体某一局部的美国传统Localized control at our five plants had cost us money.对我们的五家工厂实行局部控制使我们花了不少金钱。牛津商务Fortunately, the dispute/problem seems to be localized (= limited to a small area) .幸运的是,问题没有扩大。剑桥国际

