“over and over”例句

单词 over and over
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAIN〕I've told him over and over again not to call me at work, but he won't listen. 我一再地告诉他,叫他不要在我上班的时候打电话给我,可他就是不听。朗文写作活用〔AGAIN〕She practised the lines over and over again until they were word perfect. 她一遍遍地练习台词,直到滚瓜烂熟。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕The dance is basically a sequence of steps that you repeat over and over again. 这种舞基本上就是不断重复一连串舞步。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕The director made us rehearse the opening scenes over and over. 导演要我们一遍又一遍地排演开头那几场戏。朗文写作活用〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕My kids are perfectly happy to watch the same videos over and over again. 我的孩子一遍又一遍地看同样的录像,感到非常满足。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Politicians tend to repeat the same hackneyed expressions over and over again. 政客往往会一遍又一遍地重复那些同样的套话。朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕I've lain awake at nights, turning the problem over and over in my mind. 我晚上睡不着,脑子里翻来覆去想着这个问题。朗文写作活用〔angle〕We had to do the scene over and over again, from different angles.我们不得不翻来覆去地从不同的角度拍这个场面。柯林斯高阶〔assure〕I checked over and over again to assure accuracy.我反复核对以确保准确无误。英汉大词典〔betray〕She betrayed his trust over and over again.她一次又一次地辜负了他的信任。牛津高阶〔bores you stiff〕He bores us all to tears by telling the same stories over and over again.他把同样的故事讲了一遍又一遍,我们都快被他烦死了。韦氏高阶〔continual〕These adjectives are compared as they mean occurring over and over during a long period of time.这些形容词可以互相比较,它们都表示在一段长时期内一再发生的。美国传统〔establish〕He has established over and over again that Mr. Lowden accepted a bribe.他再三确认洛登先生曾受贿。英汉大词典〔go〕I had gone over and over what happened in my mind.发生的这一切,我在心里想了又想。朗文当代〔laminate〕Laminate these cards so that you can use them over and over.将这些卡片外层压膜以反复使用。外研社新世纪〔loop〕The tape ran in a continuous loop, repeating the same songs over and over.这盘磁带处于循环播放状态,反反复复地播放那几首歌曲。剑桥高阶〔old〕Grandpa tells the same old stories over and over again.爷爷总是一遍又一遍地讲那些老故事。韦氏高阶〔on〕He kept on saying ‘Where are the kids?' over and over again.他一遍又一遍不停地说“孩子们在哪儿?”麦克米伦高阶〔over and over (again)〕I read the article over and over till it made sense.我把文章读了一遍又一遍,直到读懂为止。剑桥高阶〔over〕I read the report over and over, till I almost knew it by heart.我反复地阅读这篇报告直到差不多把它背下来。麦克米伦高阶〔over〕I've told you over and over again not to do that.我已一再跟你讲不要再那么做了。牛津高阶〔over〕Say the lines over and over until you have memorized them.反复念这些台词,直到记住为止。韦氏高阶〔over〕The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over.汽车滑出路面不断翻滚。牛津高阶〔over〕The children rolled over and over (= turned over many times) down the gentle slope.孩子们在缓坡上一次次地滚下来玩。剑桥高阶〔over〕The way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again.要背熟剧本的办法是自己反复地念。朗文当代〔over〕They keep asking the same questions over and over again.他们一再地问一些相同的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔over〕They played the same record over and over.他们反复地放同一张唱片。 英汉大词典〔phrase〕It was a single short phrase being sung over and over again.那是一段被反复演唱的单独短乐句。外研社新世纪〔play〕He only knew one tune, which he played over and over again.他只会一首曲子, 反反复复地弹。外研社新世纪〔relivable〕I relived those happy old days over and over in my mind.在我的脑海中我不断重温那愉快的往日。21世纪英汉〔repeat〕A single note repeated over and over again, throbbing in my head.一个音符反复出现在我的脑海中。牛津搭配〔repeat〕He kept repeating the same thing over and over.他一遍又一遍地重复着同一件事。韦氏高阶〔repeat〕She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.她轻轻地一遍又一遍地重复着他的名字。牛津高阶〔repeat〕She kept repeating it over and over again like a robot.她像机器人一样一遍遍地重复着。牛津搭配〔replay〕The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again.警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。牛津高阶〔roll ... over〕The dog rolled over and over on the ground.这只狗在地上直打滚。21世纪英汉〔roll〕The tigers rolled over and over in the mud.这些老虎在泥里滚来滚去。牛津搭配〔ruminate〕To reflect on over and over again.反刍,倒嚼:沉思,反复思考美国传统〔sentence〕I kept reading the same sentence over and over again.我一遍又一遍地读同一个句子。牛津搭配〔sink in〕I had to tell him what to do over and over before it finally sank in.在他完全理解以前,我不得不再三告诉他该怎么做。韦氏高阶〔turn〕My stomach was turning over and over as I waited for my turn on the stage.我等着轮到自己上台,心窝里揪得好紧张。英汉大词典〔verb〕In this essay he has used the same verbs over and over again.他在这篇文章中多次重复使用这几个动词。牛津搭配He made his sandwich last as long as possible by chewing each mouthful over and over again.他吃三明治吃得尽可能地慢,每一口都嚼了一遍又一遍。剑桥国际Literature tends to be very allusive, with Greek and Roman mythology, the Bible and Shakespeare being echoed over and over again.文学趋于引经据典,希腊和罗马神话,圣经与莎士比亚的作品都在被一遍又一遍地引用着。剑桥国际The children rolled over and over (= turned over many times) down the gentle slope.孩子们在那不很陡的斜坡上往下滚了又滚。剑桥国际They played the same phrase over and over again.他们把同一句乐曲奏了又奏。剑桥国际

