
单词 groove
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LINE〕The record player needle kept jumping out of the grooves. 唱针老是跳出槽纹。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Then you cut a groove into the wood, so that the two pieces can be slotted together. 然后在木头里刻一道凹槽,那两块就可以插接起来。朗文写作活用〔band〕Any of the distinct grooves on a long-playing phonograph record that contains an individual selection or a separate section of a whole.凹槽:慢速照片上任何清晰的纹路,该照片包含个别选择或整体中一部分美国传统〔be (stuck) in a groove〕We never do anything exciting any more - we seem to be stuck in a groove.我们做的事情再也让人感觉不到有意思了——我们似乎太墨守成规了。剑桥高阶〔be/get in the groove〕Alex Popov proved he was back in the groove by winning the 100 metres freestyle.亚历克斯‧波波夫赢得了100米自由泳比赛,这证明他又回到了以前的良好竞技状态。剑桥高阶〔bezel〕A groove or flange designed to hold a beveled edge, as of a watch crystal or a gem.宝石座:用来固定斜面的沟槽,如钟表或宝石的美国传统〔break〕The bullet burned the hair off in a groove, yet it never broke the skin.子弹削去一绺头发留下一道槽纹,但丝毫没有伤及皮肤。英汉大词典〔came〕A slender, grooved lead bar used to hold together the panes in stained glass or latticework windows.带槽铅条:一种细长、开槽的铅条,用于将彩色玻璃或格式窗子的格子联成一体美国传统〔canaliculate〕Having one or more longitudinal grooves or channels.具沟的,花条痕状的:具有一条或多条纵向沟槽或管道的美国传统〔cannelure〕A groove around the cylinder of a bullet.弹壳槽线:一圈环绕着子弹的圆柱状凹槽美国传统〔chamfer〕A furrow or groove, as in a column.沟槽:如柱子上的槽或沟槽美国传统〔chamfer〕To cut a groove in; flute.在…开槽;制作凹槽美国传统〔channel〕A trench, furrow, or groove.沟渠,沟槽美国传统〔channel〕Deep grooves channeled the soft rock.在质地松软的岩石上形成许多深槽。21世纪英汉〔channel〕To form a groove or flute in.在…上开槽美国传统〔channel〕Water had channelled grooves in the rock.水在岩石上冲出了沟槽。朗文当代〔corrugate〕To shape into folds or parallel and alternating ridges and grooves.起皱:使起皱,使有平行或变化的边或槽美国传统〔corrugation〕A groove or ridge on a corrugated surface.皱褶:起皱的表面上的一条槽或边美国传统〔coulisse〕A grooved timber in which something slides.滑缝,滑槽:带有沟槽的木块,可以使东西滑过美国传统〔crossbow〕A weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock, with grooves on the stock to direct the projectile.弩:一种包括有一个交叉固定在木柄上的弓的武器,木柄上有槽以释放弓箭美国传统〔croze〕A groove inside the end of a barrel or cask into which the head is set.桶板槽:一种刻在木桶边板两端装端板用的槽美国传统〔cullis〕A gutter or groove in a roof.排水天沟:屋顶的槽或沟美国传统〔dado〕A rectangular groove cut into a board so that a like piece may be fitted into it.开榫槽:把木板切割成长方形的凹槽,以便相似的板能被放进去美国传统〔dado〕The groove so cut.榫槽:这种切割的凹槽美国传统〔deadeye〕Nautical A flat hardwood disk with a grooved perimeter, pierced by three holes through which the lanyards are passed, used to fasten the shrouds.【航海】 三眼木盘:带有一个圆边槽的硬木盘,通过船上系物的短绳穿三个洞,用来系紧左右支桅索美国传统〔erosion〕Centuries of erosion by wind have carved grooves in the rocks.经过几个世纪的风化,岩石上出现了一道道沟痕。韦氏高阶〔fang〕Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison.蛇的毒牙:毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙美国传统〔feather〕A wedge or key that fits into a groove to make a joint.加强肋:作为连接物填入槽内的楔形物或舌状物美国传统〔fissure〕Anatomy A normal groove or furrow, as in the liver or brain, that divides an organ into lobes or separates it into parts.【解剖学】 裂纹,沟:如在肝或脑中把某个器官分成几叶或几个部分的正常的槽或沟美国传统〔flute〕A similar groove or furrow, as in a pleated ruffle of cloth or on a piece of furniture.凹槽,褶痕沟:如在布的折皱边或家具上的类似的槽或纹美国传统〔flute〕Architecture A long, usually rounded groove incised as a decorative motif on the shaft of a column, for example.【建筑学】 长凹槽:一种作为装饰性图案刻在柱身上的修长的、通常为环状的糟美国传统〔fluting〕The grooves formed by narrow pleats in cloth, as in a ruffle.褶边:由布上的窄褶形成的槽,如在皱边中美国传统〔fluting〕The act of incising or making grooves.凹槽雕刻:切刻或做出凹槽的行为美国传统〔fuller〕A groove made by such a hammer.用套柄铁锤压成的槽美国传统〔furrow〕To form grooves or deep wrinkles in.在…开出沟槽,使起深皱纹美国传统〔fusuma〕Light, sliding partitions of thick paper mounted in grooves on the floor and the ceiling of a Japanese house and moved into various positions to form rooms.日本式隔扇:一种厚纸糊成的可滑动调节的轻分隔物,安放在日本住宅地板和天花板的凹糟里,可移动到各种位置形成房间美国传统〔glyph〕Architecture A vertical groove, especially in a Doric column or frieze.【建筑学】 束腰竖沟,竖沟装饰:竖沟,尤指多立斯式立柱或横楣美国传统〔gouge〕A groove or hole scooped with or as if with such a chisel.凿孔;凿槽:用凿挖出的或象是用这种凿子挖出的槽沟或空穴美国传统〔groove〕Acting has always been his groove.演戏一直是他得心应手的理想工作。英汉大词典〔groove〕He's a great pitcher when he's in a/the groove.当他状态好时他是名很棒的投手。韦氏高阶〔groove〕Her singing grooved me.她的歌唱使我听得出神。英汉大词典〔groove〕His singing grooved us.他的歌唱使我们非常兴奋。21世纪英汉〔groove〕I close my eyes to groove on the music.我闭上眼睛尽情享受音乐。21世纪英汉〔groove〕It is hard for him to get out of a groove.他很难改变因循守旧的习惯。英汉大词典〔groove〕Latin and African grooves.拉丁乐和非洲音乐的节奏柯林斯高阶〔groove〕Life as it is really grooves.眼下这样的生活可真带劲。英汉大词典〔groove〕Our product range was stuck in a groove.我们的产品线一成不变。朗文当代〔groove〕Running water had carved a groove down the face of the wall.流水在墙上冲刷出了一道凹槽。牛津搭配〔groove〕She hasn't yet found her groove.她还没到得心应手的地步。韦氏高阶〔groove〕She was grooved in the business of helping her mother in the house.她已习惯于天天帮她母亲做家务。英汉大词典〔groove〕She was almost inextricably wedged in a groove of gentle, understanding motherhood.她几乎陷入了一种温柔体贴的传统母亲角色而无法自拔。外研社新世纪〔groove〕The grooves in the base and the sides of the unit will hold the back panel in place.元件底座和侧面的沟槽可以使后面板固定就位。外研社新世纪〔groove〕The bolt slid easily into the groove.插销顺畅地滑入槽里。朗文当代〔groove〕The daily life on the farm slipped back into orderly grooves.农场的日常生活又悄悄回到有条不紊的常轨。英汉大词典〔groove〕The door slides along a groove in the doorframe.门沿着门框上的沟槽滑动。韦氏高阶〔groove〕The show was a groove.那场演出好极了。英汉大词典〔groove〕The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off.洗池上刻有沟槽,以便水能流走。21世纪英汉〔groove〕The steps are grooved by the passage of generations.楼梯梯级被几代人走过的脚步踩出凹痕。英汉大词典〔groove〕The trio began to groove irresistibly.三重奏小组开始酣畅淋漓地演奏, 让人流连忘返。外研社新世纪〔groove〕The window slides along a deep metal groove to open and close.窗户沿着一条深深的金属槽滑动打开或关上。剑桥高阶〔groove〕Their wheels left grooves in the ground.他们的车轮在地面上留下了车辙印。柯林斯高阶〔groove〕There may be nerve compression at the elbow in the ulnar groove.在手肘处的尺神经沟处可能发生了神经压迫。剑桥高阶〔groove〕These mountainsides are carved and grooved with valleys.这些山坡上沟壑纵横。外研社新世纪〔groove〕They really groove on his music.他们迷上了他的音乐。英汉大词典〔groove〕They've gotten stuck in a groove in their jobs.他们在工作中墨守成规。韦氏高阶〔groove〕To cut a groove or grooves.刻沟,刻槽美国传统〔groove〕We grooved to the beat.我们跟着节拍跳舞。韦氏高阶〔guiro〕A Latin American percussion instrument made of a hollow gourd with a grooved or serrated surface, played by scraping with a stick or rod.葫芦锯琴:拉丁美洲的打击乐器,以有着沟槽或是锯齿状表面的中空葫芦制造,以棍棒或是杆棒刮擦以演奏出音乐美国传统〔gutter〕A furrow or groove formed by running water.犁沟:由流水形成的槽或小沟美国传统〔housing〕A hole, groove, or slot in a piece of wood into which another piece is inserted.榫眼:木块上的洞、曲缝或狭缝,其中可插入另一木块美国传统〔indent〕To make notches, grooves, or holes in (wood, for example) for the purpose of mortising.中间做成凹痕:在(木头)上作槽口、凹口或眼,使其能榫固美国传统〔jointer〕A tool used to cut grooves indicating the joints in cement.涂缝镘,泥板:用来在水泥上刻槽以表示接缝的工具美国传统〔kerf〕A groove or notch made by a cutting tool, such as a saw or an ax.锯缝,劈痕:切割型工具如锯或斧子所制造的沟槽或凹口美国传统〔kerf〕The width of a groove made by a cutting tool.锯面,切面:切割性工具所切出的沟槽的宽度美国传统〔key〕A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.钥匙:有沟槽的一种金属工具,用于开或锁住锁美国传统〔knurl〕One of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping.刻槽,压花:金属物体表面或边缘上的一系列小峰或凹槽,如指旋螺钉,使更容易握紧美国传统〔land〕The raised portion of a grooved surface, as on a phonograph record.槽脊:平滑表面凸起的部分,如留声机唱片上的槽脊美国传统〔matchboard〕A board cut with a tongue on one side and a matching groove on the other to fit with other boards of similar cut.假型板:在一侧有舌状切口且另一侧有能与其它板相似切口相适合的沟巢的木板美国传统〔match〕You have to match the tongues and grooves carefully.你必须小心地将榫和槽组装起来。外研社新世纪〔mill〕To groove or flute the rim of (a coin or other metal object).印出沟槽:在(钱币或其他金属制品)的边上印出沟槽的美国传统〔needle〕A small, pointed stylus used to transmit vibrations from the grooves of a phonograph record.唱针:小而尖的唱针用来传递唱片凹槽的振动美国传统〔nick〕Printing A groove down the side of a piece of type used to ensure that it is correctly placed.【印刷术】 凹纹:沿着模板的一道凹线,用来保证正确的放置美国传统〔nock〕The groove at either end of a bow for holding the bowstring.弓上的凹口:弓两端用来缚弓弦凹口美国传统〔phonograph〕A machine that reproduces sound by means of a stylus in contact with a grooved rotating disk.留声机、唱机:通过与有磁道的、转动的唱盘连在一起的唱针来发声的机器美国传统〔pod〕The lengthwise groove in certain boring tools such as augers.纵沟:在某些钻孔工具、如螺旋钻的纵槽美国传统〔quirk〕Architecture A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.【建筑学】 深槽:在装饰线条的上部凸起部分与下部之间的一条纵向槽美国传统〔rabbet〕A cut or groove along or near the edge of a piece of wood that allows another piece to fit into it to form a joint.槽口:沿着一块木头或在其顶端附近的切口或槽口,可让另一块木头接合形成榫头美国传统〔raphe〕The median groove of a diatom valve.阀缝:硅藻阀上的中槽美国传统〔reeding〕Parallel grooves cut into the edge of a coin at right angles to the faces.锯齿纹:与硬币面成直角嵌入硬币边缘的平行沟痕美国传统〔retainer〕One that retains, as a device, frame, or groove that restrains or guides.护圈,定位器:保持起限制或指引作用的装置、框架或沟槽的设备美国传统〔riffle〕A groove or block in such a lining.槽沟:在这种隔离物中的凹槽或支撑物美国传统〔rifle〕An artillery piece or naval gun with such spiral grooves.膛线炮:有这样的螺旋形槽线的大炮或海军大炮美国传统〔rifle〕To cut spiral grooves within (a gun barrel, for example).制来复线:在(例如,炮筒)内刻螺旋形槽线美国传统〔rifling〕Grooves cut in a rifle barrel.来复线,膛线:刻在来复枪枪膛中的槽线美国传统〔rifling〕The process or operation of cutting spiral grooves in a rifle barrel.来复线凿制:在来复枪枪膛中刻螺旋形槽线的过程或操作美国传统〔rut〕A sunken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles.车辙:车轮留下的印迹或沟槽美国传统〔screw thread〕The continuous helical groove on a screw or on the inner surface of a nut.螺纹:螺丝上或螺帽内部表面上的连续螺形刻痕美国传统〔scrobiculate〕Marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits.有浅槽的:有许多浅的洼陷、凹槽或小坑的美国传统〔seam〕A similar line, ridge, or groove made by fitting, joining, or lapping together two sections along their edges.接缝,焊缝:通过将两个部分拼合、连接或重叠而形成的相类似的线、边或槽美国传统〔seam〕To mark with a groove, wrinkle, scar, or other seamlike line.使有皱纹:使留下槽、伤疤、皱纹或其他线缝状的痕迹美国传统〔seat〕The O-rings had not seated correctly in their grooves.这O形圈无法装入他们的车辙内美国传统〔sheave〕A wheel or disk with a grooved rim, especially one used as a pulley.滑轮:有沟槽边缘的轮或盘,尤指用作滑轮的美国传统〔slot〕He slotted the piece of wood into the groove.他把那块木头塞进了凹槽。韦氏高阶〔spline〕The groove or slot for such a projection.键槽:凸起物上的凹槽或狭槽美国传统〔striate〕Marked with striae; striped, grooved, or ridged.有条纹的:划有条纹的;有条纹,凹槽或参差不平的美国传统〔stria〕A thin, narrow groove or channel.条痕:细而狭窄的印痕或渠道美国传统〔strigose〕Zoology Marked with fine, close-set grooves, ridges, or streaks.【动物学】 具硬鬃的:具细密槽纹脊或条纹的美国传统〔stylus〕A sharp, pointed tool used for cutting record grooves.铁针:用来刻制唱片纹道的细长而尖利的工具美国传统〔sulcate〕Having narrow, deep furrows or grooves, as a stem or tissue.具深沟的,具槽的:有窄而深的纹路或沟槽的,如茎或组织美国传统〔sulcus〕A deep, narrow furrow or groove, as in an organ or a tissue.沟,槽:一条深而窄的沟或槽,如在某一器官或组织中美国传统〔swage block〕A metal block with holes or grooves for shaping metal objects.型砧,金属砧:有洞或凹槽的金属块,用以塑造金属物品美国传统〔tongue and groove〕A joint made by fitting a tongue on the edge of a board into a matching groove on another board.舌榫,榫槽接合:将一块状物边缘上的舌片嵌入另一块状物上相对应的槽或沟美国传统〔tongue〕A protruding strip along the edge of a board that fits into a matching groove on the edge of another board.舌片,榫舌:块状物边缘伸出来的嵌入另一块状物相对槽的细长条美国传统〔tongue〕To join by means of a tongue and groove.嵌:用舌片和槽沟进行联接美国传统〔track〕A metal groove or ridge that holds, guides, and reduces friction for a moving device or apparatus.导轨:一金属槽或脊,可承受、引导移动装置或设备并减少其摩擦美国传统〔travel〕The stylus is travel(l)ing in a groove.唱针正循着唱片纹路移动。英汉大词典〔travel〕To move along a course, as in a groove.移动:沿着一条路线移动,如在沟槽中美国传统〔tread〕The grooved face of a tire.胎面花纹:车胎的有沟槽的表面美国传统〔twist drill〕A drill having deep helical grooves along the shank from the point.螺旋钻:从顶端开始沿着针杆有很深的螺旋槽的钻头美国传统〔vallecula〕A shallow groove, depression, or furrow, as between the hemispheres of the brain.(线)沟:浅浅的沟、凹陷或槽,如大脑两个半球之间的浅沟美国传统〔velvety〕I rubbed the velvety grooves inside the calf's ears.我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕Over many years, flowing water wore deep grooves into the rock.多年之后,流水在岩石上冲刷出一道道深深的凹槽。剑桥高阶〔wear〕The grooves have worn deep.这些槽已经给磨得很深了。英汉大词典〔window box〕One of the vertical grooves on the inner sides of a window frame for the weights that counterbalance the sash.窗锤箱:在窗框内侧的垂直沟槽,用于放置平衡窗框的吊索和吊窗锤美国传统Don't get stuck in a groove, do something different.不要因循守旧,做些别的事情。剑桥国际He was grooved in running errands for his neighbors. 他已习惯于为邻居跑腿。译典通Over many years flowing water wore deep grooves into the rock.经过许多年,流水在岩石上磨出了深深的凹槽。剑桥国际The band is really in the groove tonight. 乐队今晚演奏得精彩极了。译典通The carpenter grooved the board. 木匠在木板上开槽。译典通The flower show was a groove. 那个花展棒极了。译典通The window slides along a deep/shallow metal groove to open and close.窗户在一条深/浅的金属凹槽上滑动来实现开和关。剑桥国际There was a grooved pattern (= one with grooves in it) in the wood.这块木头上有沟状的花纹。剑桥国际These young girls really groove on his music. 这些小姑娘迷上了他的音乐。译典通Things just go along in the same old groove.情况还是老样子。剑桥国际Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road. 轮子在泥路上会留下车辙。译典通

