
单词 gill
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abranchiate〕An animal that has no gills.无鳃动物美国传统〔abranchiate〕Having no gills.无鳃的美国传统〔anterior〕The anterior part of a fish contains the head and gills.鱼的前部包括头和鳃。英汉大词典〔be green around the gills〕Some of the passengers looked kind of green around the gills after the trip! 一些乘客在旅途之后脸色发青!剑桥高阶〔branchia〕A gill or similar organ of respiration.鳃:鳃或类似的呼吸器官美国传统〔brogue〕Gill speaks in a quiet Irish brogue.吉尔说话带有轻微的爱尔兰口音。柯林斯高阶〔caducous〕Dropping off or shedding at an early stage of development, as the gills of most amphibians or the sepals or stipules of certain plants.脱落:大多数两栖动物在其生长过程中早期具有的褪皮现象,某些植物的花萼或托叶的脱落美国传统〔chortle〕Gill chortled with delight.吉尔高兴得哈哈大笑。牛津高阶〔course〕My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic.我能给吉尔的最大帮助就是对他忠诚、关爱他并且永远满怀同情之心。柯林斯高阶〔despondent〕Gill had been out of work for a year and was getting very despondent.吉尔失业一年了,变得非常消沉。朗文当代〔external respiration〕The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the environment and respiratory organs such as gills or lungs.外呼吸:外界和呼吸器官(如鳃或肺)之间氧气和二氧化碳的交换美国传统〔gill arch〕One of several bony or cartilaginous arches located on either side of the pharynx and supporting the gills in fish and amphibians.鳃弓:位于咽两边的支撑鱼和两栖动物的鳃的骨或软骨弓美国传统〔gill fungus〕A fleshy fungus having a cap with gills on the underside.菌褶真菌:一种肉质真菌,它的下面覆盖着真菌褶美国传统〔gill net〕A fishing net set vertically in the water so that fish swimming into it are entangled by the gills in its mesh.鱼刺网:垂直设在水中的渔网,因此鱼游过时,网会把鱼鳃缠住美国传统〔gill-netter〕Nautical A boat used in fishing with gill nets.【航海】 刺网渔船:用刺网捕鱼的船美国传统〔gill-netter〕One who uses a gill net to catch fish.刺网渔夫:用刺网捕鱼的人美国传统〔gillnet〕To catch (fish) by means of a gill net.刺网:用鱼刺网捕(鱼)美国传统〔gill〕I was stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake.我吃巧克力蛋糕都撑到嗓子眼儿了。牛津高阶〔gill〕I'm fed up to the gills with his whining! 我简直受够了他的牢骚!韦氏高阶〔gill〕Often gills The wattle of a bird. 常作 gills 鸟的垂肉美国传统〔gill〕Once gutted and gilled, the fish weighed 22.2kg.在取出内脏洗净以后, 这条鱼称重22.2千克。外研社新世纪〔gill〕The bar was packed to the gills on Monday.星期一,酒吧里人满为患。朗文当代〔gill〕The car was packed to the gills for our vacation.车里塞满了我们度假用的东西。韦氏高阶〔gill〕The room was packed to the gills.房间里塞得满满的。麦克米伦高阶〔gill〕To become entangled in a gill net. Used of fish.被缠在刺网中,多用于鱼美国传统〔gill〕To catch (fish) in a gill net.用刺网捕鱼美国传统〔green〕Last night in the hospital he'd looked a little green around the gills.昨晚在医院他看起来脸色有点发青。外研社新世纪〔green〕The passengers were looking green around the gills.乘客们看上去面如土色。韦氏高阶〔grudge〕Mr Gillis was not normally a man to bear grudges .吉利斯先生一般不是那种会积怨的人。朗文当代〔happen〕Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy(= have you any news about her)? 你有吉尔 · 洛夫西的消息吗?牛津高阶〔hemichordate〕Any of various wormlike marine animals of the phylum Hemichordata, having a primitive notochord and gill slits.半索动物:半索动物门中类似蠕虫的海生动物的任何一种,具有原始的脊索和鳃腔外口美国传统〔incandescence〕Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.吉尔个性鲜明,热情洋溢。柯林斯高阶〔incandescent〕Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.吉尔个性鲜明, 热情洋溢。外研社新世纪〔lamella〕A thin scale, plate, or layer of bone or tissue, as in the gills of a bivalve mollusk or around the minute vascular canals in bone.薄片,薄板,薄层:一种薄的骨头或组织的鳞片、盘、或壳层,如双壳软体动物组成鳃的薄板或是骨内环绕小的维管的骨层或组织美国传统〔list〕The first person on my list is Mrs Gilling.我的名单上排在第一位的是吉林夫人。朗文当代〔operculum〕A lid or flap covering an aperture, such as the gill cover in some fishes or the horny shell cover in snails or other mollusks.鳃盖:覆盖在一孔或缝隙上的盖,如一些鱼类的鳃或覆盖在蛇或其它软体动物身上的角质壳美国传统〔respire〕Fish use their gills to respire.鱼用鳃呼吸。韦氏高阶〔siren〕Any of several salamanders of the family Sirenidae, such as the mud eel, having an eellike body, permanent external gills, small forelegs, and no hind limbs.(海牛类的)蝾螈:一种木鳗属动物,例如泥鳗,其有鳗状的身体,有时有一外部腮和小前肢,但无后肢美国传统〔sprint〕Gilles Delion, of France, won the Tour of Lombardy in a sprint finish at Monza yesterday.法国选手吉勒斯·德利翁昨天在蒙扎凭借最后的冲刺获得伦巴第巡回赛冠军。柯林斯高阶〔stay on〕Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.吉尔决定留在大学继续进行研究工作。剑桥高阶〔stuff〕The room was stuffed to the gills with trophies.房间里全都是奖杯。牛津搭配〔take〕Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼用鳃吸取氧气。牛津高阶〔take〕I did all the work, but Gill took all the credit.我干了所有的活儿,但功劳却全是吉尔的。麦克米伦高阶〔the〕She took Gill by the hand.她拉住吉尔的手。外研社新世纪〔the〕She took Gill by the hand.她拉起吉尔的手。柯林斯高阶〔thread〕He threaded his twine through the gills.他把细绳穿过鱼腮。英汉大词典〔to the gills〕By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.第四道菜上来的时候,我都撑到嗓子眼了。剑桥高阶〔to the gills〕The restaurant was packed to the gills.这家饭店已经座满。剑桥高阶〔typical〕It's not typical of Gill to be so critical.吉尔很少会这么挑剔。朗文当代〔weever〕Any of several marine fishes of the family Trachinidae, having venomous spines on the gill cover and first dorsal fin.龙鳖:龙鳖科的几种海鱼之一,在鳃盖和第一背鳍上的许多毒刺美国传统〔when〕When I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years.遇到吉尔一家时我已经做了近10年的园艺工作。柯林斯高阶Gill decided to stay (on) at university to do further research.吉尔决定继续留在大学中作进一步的研究。剑桥国际Gill had to take two months off work because she broke her leg, but luckily Kathy was able to step into the breach.吉尔因腿骨折要休息两个月,但幸运的是,凯西能顶替她。剑桥国际Gill seems rather distracted at the moment--I think she's worried about her exams.吉尔眼下看上去忧心困惑的样子----我想她在为考试担心。剑桥国际A gill is equal to a quarter pint. 一基尔等于四分之一品脱。译典通By the time the fourth course was served I was full/stuffed to the gills (= could not eat any more food).到第四道菜上来,我已饱得不能再饱了。剑桥国际Fish respire through their gills.鱼通过鳃呼吸。剑桥国际He looked white in the gills. 他吓得脸色发白。译典通The anterior part of a fish contains the head and gills. 鱼的前部包括头和鳃。译典通

