“come by”例句

单词 come by
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔One time〕I'll come by the next time I'm in town.我下次到城里时会来拜访。韦氏高阶〔VISIT〕Come by on Saturday and we'll have a drink together. 周六顺路过来,我们一起喝一杯。朗文写作活用〔bicycle〕Did you come by bicycle? 你是骑自行车来的吗?牛津搭配〔bike〕Did you come by bike? 你是骑自行车来的吗?牛津搭配〔by〕I'll come by this evening and pick up the books.我今晚过来取书。牛津高阶〔by〕Why don't you come by later? 何不稍后来我家坐坐?韦氏高阶〔by〕Why don't you come by my place later? 何不稍后来我家坐坐?韦氏高阶〔come by (somewhere)〕I'll come by (the office/your house) one day this week and we can have a chat.这周哪一天我顺道去(办公室/你家),我们可以聊一聊。剑桥高阶〔come by sth〕Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.便宜的有机食品仍然很难买到。剑桥高阶〔come by〕A good, well-paid job is hard to come by.很难找到一份薪水高的好工作。外研社新世纪〔come by〕How did you come by that scar on your cheek?你脸上的疤是怎么留下的?21世纪英汉〔come by〕I moved my car out of the way so that the heavy lorry could come by.我把小汽车开到路边,好让载重卡车通过。21世纪英汉〔come by〕In rural France, English language magazines are rather hard to come by.在法国乡村,很难找到英语杂志。柯林斯高阶〔come〕At that time, teaching jobs abroad were hard to come by.那时,国外教书的工作很难找到。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕He said he'd come by later.他说晚些时候他会来的。朗文当代〔come〕How did you come by such a beautiful house? 你是怎么弄到这么漂亮的房子的?麦克米伦高阶〔come〕How did you come by that scratch on your cheek? 你脸颊上的抓伤是怎么来的?牛津高阶〔come〕How did you come by these pictures? 这些画你是怎么弄到手的?朗文当代〔come〕I'll come by the house and get my stuff later, OK? 我回头再到你家拿我的东西,好吗?朗文当代〔come〕I'll come by this afternoon and we can talk about what happened.我今天下午要去你那儿,我们可以谈谈发生的事。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕Jobs are hard to come by these days.如今找工作很难。牛津高阶〔come〕Jobs were hard to come by .工作难找啊。朗文当代〔come〕Materials and machinery were hard to come by at that time.那时候材料和机器都不容易弄到。英汉大词典〔come〕Mortgages are hard to come by.抵押难以获得美国传统〔come〕Why don't you come by train?你为什么不乘火车来呢?外研社新世纪〔do your level best〕Tickets are hard to come by but I'll do my level best to get you one.票很难弄到,但我会尽全力给你弄一张的。剑桥高阶〔hard〕Permanent jobs are hard to come by (=difficult to find or get) .很难找到一份固定的工作。朗文当代〔hard〕Small cars are quite hard to come by in the States.在美国很难找到小型汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔here〕Come by here now! 现在到这儿来!牛津高阶〔man〕He found success hard to come by after losing his right-hand man.失去了得力助手后,他发现自己很难获得成功。牛津搭配〔mooch〕I'll come by next week and mooch a meal off you.我下星期去你那里,向你讨顿饭吃。英汉大词典〔now〕There was a knock at the door. Now Jan knew her mother had promised to come by, so she assumed it was her.有人敲门。简知道妈妈答应过要来,所以认为敲门的是她。剑桥高阶〔okay〕Is it okay if I come by myself?我一个人来行吗?外研社新世纪〔on〕I'll come by to help you later on.我过些时候过来帮你。韦氏高阶〔send〕To request to come by means of a message or messenger; summon.召唤:通过通讯或送信人请求…来;传唤美国传统〔ship〕Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road.原料和工人经水上、铁路和公路运送而来。牛津高阶〔should〕He should come by five o'clock, I think.我想他五点钟以前总会来的。文馨英汉〔train〕Did you come by train? 你是乘火车来的吗?剑桥高阶〔travel〕Did you travel on foot or come by bus?你是步行来的还是坐公共汽车来的?21世纪英汉〔warm〕Come by the fire and have a warm.到炉边来烤烤火吧。英汉大词典A good boss is not so easy to come by.遇上一个好老板不是那么容易的。剑桥国际He has just come by. 他刚走过去。译典通He wired us that he would come by plane. 他打电报告诉我们他搭飞机来。译典通If you're ever passing our house you should come by (=enter and visit) for a coffee.经过我们家时,一定要进来坐坐,喝杯咖啡。剑桥国际Please come by and have dinner with us. 请到我家来一起吃晚饭。译典通Such a universal genius is hard to come by. 这样的全才是很难得的。译典通We should all cherish this momentous progress as it is hard to come by. 我们应该珍惜这项重大的进步,因为它来之不易。译典通

