“collaborate with”例句

单词 collaborate with
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Fellini collaborated with Rossellini on the script of the film. 费利尼与罗塞利尼合写这部电影的剧本。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Hewlett Packard collaborated with Nokia to produce the palmtop-telephone. 惠普与诺基亚合作生产掌上电脑电话。朗文写作活用〔collaborate〕A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product.一家德国公司与一家瑞士小公司合作开发该产品。剑桥高阶〔collaborate〕During the late seventies, he collaborated with the legendary Muddy Waters.七十年代后期,他和大名鼎鼎的慕迪‧沃特斯合作过。朗文当代〔collaborate〕Frenchmen who collaborated with the Nazis 和纳粹分子勾结的法国人英汉大词典〔collaborate〕He collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production.他和儿子迈克尔将一篇有关食品生产的文章合译成了英文。外研社新世纪〔collaborate〕He still denies that he collaborated with the Nazis.他仍然否认他勾结纳粹分子。麦克米伦高阶〔collaborate〕He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police.他被控与秘密警察勾结。柯林斯高阶〔collaborate〕I believe he collaborated with the Nazis.我坚信他曾与纳粹分子勾结。外研社新世纪〔collaborate〕She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography.她同意与他合作撰写她的传记。牛津高阶〔collaborate〕She directed the film and collaborated with Goldman on the script.她执导这部电影,并与戈德曼合编了电影脚本。麦克米伦高阶〔collaborate〕The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府正在督促日本的公司进行更多的海外合作。柯林斯高阶〔collaborate〕The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府力促日本公司同外国人合作。外研社新世纪〔collaborate〕The pair collaborated with each other on the film.这对搭档合作拍摄了那部电影。韦氏高阶〔collaborate〕Vigilantes began combing the city for anyone known to have collaborated with the enemy.治安维持会会员开始在城里仔细搜索通敌分子。朗文当代〔collaborationist〕One that collaborates with an enemy occupation force.通敌者,卖国贼:和占领敌军勾结的人美国传统A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product.一家德国公司和一家瑞士企业联合起来开发这个产品。剑桥国际

