“concentration camp”例句

单词 concentration camp
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Belsen〕A village of northern Germany north of Hanover. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.贝尔森,贝尔根-贝尔森:德国北部一村庄,位于汉诺威市以北。二次大战期间为纳粹集中营所在地美国传统〔Buchenwald〕A village of central Germany near Weimar. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.布痕瓦尔德:德国中部,靠近魏玛的一村庄,第二次世界大战期间纳粹集中营所在地美国传统〔CRUEL〕Survivors from the concentration camps had witnessed unspeakable atrocities. 集中营的幸存者目睹了言语无法形容的暴行。朗文写作活用〔abolish〕Entire peoples were exterminated in the concentration camps.在集中营整个民族被迫害而灭亡。美国传统〔concentration camp〕Nazi concentration camps 纳粹集中营剑桥高阶〔death camp〕A concentration camp in which those held captive are likely to die or be killed.死亡集中营:集中营,其中被俘虏的人可能会死掉或被杀美国传统〔do〕She was caught by the Nazis and did two years of concentration camp.她被纳粹分子逮捕,并在集中营关了两年。英汉大词典〔exterminate〕Millions of Jewish people were exterminated in concentration camps in the Second World War.二战期间,数百万犹太人在集中营被集体屠杀。剑桥高阶〔liberate〕They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.他们将所有战俘从集中营里解放出来。21世纪英汉During World War II, millions of Jews died in Nazi concentration camps.在第二次世界大战中,数以百万的犹太人在纳粹集中营里死去。剑桥国际Millions of Jewish people were exterminated in concentration camps in the Second World War.二战中,数以百万计的犹太人在集中营中被全部杀害。剑桥国际The film contains a macabre account of life in Auschwitz and other concentration camps.影片记载了奥斯维辛集中营和其他集中营的恐怖生活。剑桥国际The gas chambers at Nazi concentration camps such as Auschwitz stand as reminders of the extremes of human cruelty.纳粹集中营,如奥斯威辛,所设的毒气室使人回忆起人性的极端残酷。剑桥国际

