“forward of”例句

单词 forward of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔canard〕An aircraft whose horizontal stabilizing surfaces are forward of the main wing.鸭式飞机:水平稳定面在主机翼前方的飞行器美国传统〔cowl〕The nose forward of the firewall was cowled with aluminium panels.防火墙的前段突起罩上了铝板做的通风帽。外研社新世纪〔forecastle〕The section of the upper deck of a ship located at the bow forward of the foremast.前甲板:船的上甲板的一部分,位于前桅前部的船首美国传统〔forward of〕The valves are located just forward of the fuel tanks.阀门位于油箱的正前方。韦氏高阶〔forward〕Forward of the main cabin are the guest cabins.主舱前面是客舱。柯林斯高阶〔forward〕Do you think it was forward of me to invite her to dinner when we'd only just met? 你觉得刚见面我就邀请她吃饭是不是有些鲁莽?剑桥高阶〔forward〕Sixty-one small parachute symbols were painted on the left side just forward of the wing.61 个小降落伞的标志被绘在左翼的正前面。柯林斯高阶〔forward〕The men were fighting forward of the main line of defence.士兵们在主要防线的前面作战。麦克米伦高阶〔headsail〕A sail, such as a jib, set forward of a foremast.船首帆:如三角帆等安装在前桅前方的帆美国传统〔ketch〕A two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel with a mizzenmast stepped aft of a taller mainmast but forward of the rudder.双桅纵帆船:一种两桅杆的纵向帆船,后桅竖于较高的主桅后的桅座上,同时又位于船舵前面美国传统〔leapfrog〕To advance (two military units) by engaging one with the enemy while moving the other to a position forward of the first unit.交互跃进:使(两支军事部队)前进,其中一支与敌军交锋,而同时将另一支部队调遣至第一支前方位置美国传统〔rough〕The centre forward of our school team was sent off the field by the referee for roughing.我们校队的中锋因动作粗野被裁判判罚出场。21世纪英汉The power forwards of both teams ended up in a scrum for the rebound. 两队的大前锋为了争夺篮板球而扭打。译典通

