“film director”例句

单词 film director
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FILM/MOVIE〕Tarantino is one of the most famous film directors of our time. 塔伦蒂诺是当代最著名的电影导演之一。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕Stone is possibly America's finest film director. 斯通也许是美国最优秀的电影导演。朗文写作活用〔Seizing the moment〕Seizing the moment, she introduced herself to the famous film director.趁着这个机会,她向那位著名电影导演毛遂自荐。韦氏高阶〔WORK〕A major new work by one of Poland's leading film directors will be shown next Saturday. 由波兰一名大导演拍摄的一部新的大片将在下星期六上映。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕He's kidding himself if he thinks he's going to be a great film director. 如果他认为自己会成为一位了不起的电影导演,那么他是在自我欺骗。朗文写作活用〔ambition〕I've always had a burning (= very great) ambition to be a film director.我一直有一个远大的志向,那就是做电影导演。剑桥高阶〔around〕She's been around as a film director since the 1980s.自 20 世纪 80 年代以来她一直是活跃在影坛的著名导演。牛津高阶〔boyhood〕It was his boyhood ambition/dream to become a film director.当电影导演是他儿时的志向/梦想。剑桥高阶〔league〕If you ask me, Soderberg's in a different league from most Hollywood film directors.比某人/某物好得多麦克米伦高阶〔new wave〕Truffaut was an important film director of the French New Wave.特吕福是法国新浪潮派一位重要的电影导演。剑桥高阶〔pace〕The film director spent the morning in putting the new actor through his paces.电影导演花了一上午的时间测试那位新演员的才能。英汉大词典〔regard〕Kubrick was widely regarded as one of the most influential post-war film directors.库布里克被公认是战后最有影响的电影导演之一。麦克米伦高阶〔species〕Women film directors in Hollywood are a rare species.女性电影导演在好莱坞属于稀有物种。剑桥高阶〔wannabe〕The bar is frequented by wannabe actresses and film directors.这家酒吧经常有梦想成名的女演员和电影导演光顾。剑桥高阶〔wife〕The woman was the wife of a film director.这个女人是一个电影导演的妻子。柯林斯高阶A glorious free-for-all followed when film directors could make anything they wanted for almost any amount they wanted.接着出现了百花齐放的兴盛局面,电影导演们可以制作任何他们想要制作的影片,而且数量也几乎不受限制。剑桥国际Godard and Truffaut were two of the most important film directors involved in the French New Wave of the 1960s.戈达德和屈浮特是1960年代法国新浪潮运动的两位最重要的电影导演。剑桥国际Her husband is a film director. 她丈夫是电影导演。译典通I've always had a burning (=very great) ambition to be a film director.我总是雄心勃勃,想成为一名电影导演。剑桥国际It was his boyhood ambition / dream to become a film director.成为电影导演是他少年时期的抱负 / 梦想。剑桥国际The bar is frequented by wannabe actresses and film directors.这间酒吧常常有幻想成名成家的女演员和电影导演光顾。剑桥国际Women film directors in Hollywood are a rare species.好莱坞电影女导演的人数极少。剑桥国际

