
单词 出道
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAN/CAN'T〕Around 7 or 8, children are already capable of making their own moral evaluations. 孩子在七八岁时就已经能自己作出道德评价了。朗文写作活用〔blurt sth out〕She suddenly blurted out, "I can't do it!" 她突然脱口而出道:“我不能做这件事。”剑桥高阶〔broadside〕The car swung off the road and broadsided the house.汽车颠出道路,车侧撞在房屋上。21世纪英汉〔buy it〕I nearly bought the farm when my car skidded off the road.当汽车滑出道路时,我差点丢了性命。韦氏高阶〔chance〕He was taking a chance on a relatively new young actor.他在冒险用一个出道不太久的年轻演员。朗文当代〔choice〕Doctors have to make moral choices every day of their lives.医生的人生中每天都要作出道德上的抉择。牛津搭配〔comedian〕He started out as a stand-up comedian.他是作为一个单口喜剧演员出道的。牛津搭配〔comer〕He was a young star from the moment he arrived - everybody thought he was a comer. 他刚出道时就是一颗新星,所有人都认为他会成功。剑桥高阶〔crazily〕The car swerved crazily, and plunged off the road.汽车莫名其妙地突然拐弯,冲出道路。麦克米伦高阶〔derivative〕Despite being derivative in a pleasing fashion, the band arrived on the rock scene like a breath of fresh air.尽管这支乐队多少从他人那里有所借鉴, 其出道时还是像新鲜空气一样出现在了摇滚乐坛。外研社新世纪〔honoured〕Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.那些对君主最为尊崇的右翼人士认为没有理由作出道歉。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕Those right-wing people who most honour their monarch see no reason for any apology.那些对君主最为尊崇的右翼人士认为没有理由作出道歉。外研社新世纪〔overturn〕The car skidded off the road, hit a tree and overturned.汽车滑出道路,撞到树上后翻了。剑桥高阶〔overturn〕The truck went off the road and overturned several times.卡车冲出道路,翻了几个滚。韦氏高阶〔purge〕The judge ordered him to purge his contempt by apologizing to the court.法官命令他做出道歉以赎蔑视法庭之罪。21世纪英汉〔render〕He had to render an apology for his rudeness.他不得不因他的粗鲁作出道美国传统〔responsible〕Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior.有责任感的,对自己负责的:能够全靠自己做出道德或理性的决定并因而能对其行为负责的美国传统〔ripple〕I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.我能看见黎明的微风在波光粼粼的水面上吹出道道涟漪。外研社新世纪〔ripple〕I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.我能看见黎明的微风在波光粼粼的水面上吹出道道涟漪。柯林斯高阶〔run into〕He went off the road and ran into a tree. = His car went off the road and ran into a tree.他驾车冲出道路,撞上了一棵树。韦氏高阶〔run off〕They ran off the road and ended in a ditch.他们冲出道路, 掉进了沟里。外研社新世纪〔score〕The slave's back showed scores made by the whip.奴隶的背部显出道道鞭痕。英汉大词典〔stablemate〕Tomorrow he will play his Cuemasters stablemate.明天他将迎战同是台球大师俱乐部出道的球手。柯林斯高阶〔stand-up〕She started out as a stand-up.她出道时是个独角喜剧演员。牛津高阶〔streak〕Rain had begun to streak the window-panes.雨水已经开始在窗玻璃上冲出道道条痕。外研社新世纪〔streak〕Rain had begun to streak the windowpanes.雨水已经开始在窗玻璃上冲出道道条痕。柯林斯高阶〔tooth〕He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre.他 60 年代刚出道时在爱丁堡特拉弗斯剧院担任导演。柯林斯高阶〔vile〕Spain issued an unprecedented apology yesterday over the vile racist soccer chants.西班牙队昨天破天荒头一回就足球赛场上令人反感的种族主义加油口号作出道歉。外研社新世纪When she first announced her candidacy, all the pundits thought little of her. 当她刚出道的时候,所有的权威人士都不看好她。译典通

