
单词 地方的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-phobia〕The place seethed with Europhobia.那个地方的人极度憎恨欧洲。柯林斯高阶〔BEHAVE〕She acts as if she owns the place and we're her servants. 她的举止就好像她是这地方的主人,我们都是她的仆人。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I've changed my mind about the Riviera. I do like it after all. 我已改变了对里维埃拉的看法。我还是挺喜欢这个地方的朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕Women everywhere are beginning to assert their rights. 各个地方的妇女都开始坚持自己的权利。朗文写作活用〔Gewürztraminer〕A similar wine produced elsewhere.杰乌兹拉米纳酒:产于其它地方的类似的酒美国传统〔HATE〕The long cold winter had only increased his hatred of the place. 漫长的寒冬只会加深他对这个地方的厌恶。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Don't ask me - I'm not really up on current events in that part of the world. 别问我,我对那个地方的时事不很熟悉。朗文写作活用〔PART〕What part of Russia are you from? 你是俄罗斯哪个地方的人?朗文写作活用〔SAME〕The rest of the world was in recession, but the Soviet economy remained unaffected. 世界上其他地方的经济都在衰退,唯独苏联没有受到影响。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕From his voice I'd say he was born somewhere in the North of England. 听他的声音,我觉得他是出生在英格兰北部某个地方的人。朗文写作活用〔THICK〕In some places, the walls are over two metres thick. 部分地方的墙身有两米多厚。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕The currents in these parts could carry a boat miles out to sea. 这些地方的水流可以把一艘小船漂到很远的大海。朗文写作活用〔alien〕A person from another and very different family, people, or place.外人:来自另一个完全不同的家庭、民族或地方的美国传统〔block grant〕An unrestricted federal grant, as to a locality.联邦政府发给地方的固定拨款美国传统〔bound〕The humor in the movie sometimes goes beyond the bounds of good taste.这部影片中有些地方的幽默流于低俗。朗文当代〔brickwork〕Plaster had fallen away in places, exposing the brickwork.有些地方的灰泥脱落了,露出了砖。牛津高阶〔challenge〕We were all keen walkers, and enjoyed the challenge of this remote place.我们都是徒步旅行爱好者,喜欢面对来自这个边远地方的挑战。麦克米伦高阶〔chifforobe〕A tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.两用衣橱:一件通常一边有抽屉、另一边有挂衣服的地方的高家具美国传统〔circuit〕One cannot make a complete circuit of the grounds by horse.骑马是不可能游遍这些地方的外研社新世纪〔clear〕Within minutes, police had cleared the area.几分钟之内警察就把这地方的人都赶走了。朗文当代〔companionway〕A staircase leading from a deck to the cabins or area below.甲板扶梯升降口:从甲板到舱或下面地方的楼梯美国传统〔consistent〕The upward trend is consistent with that in most other parts of London.这个上升趋势与伦敦其他大部分地方的趋势一致。外研社新世纪〔conveyor belt〕A mechanical apparatus consisting of a continuous moving belt that transports materials or packages from one place to another.传送带,输送带:由连续移动、把货物或包裹从一个地方运送到另一个地方的带子所组成的机械仪器美国传统〔corroborate〕Experiments elsewhere corroborate these results.其他地方的试验也证实了这些结果。朗文当代〔crab〕Crab is one of the specialties of this place.蟹肉是这地方的招牌菜之一。文馨英汉〔decontaminate〕It may cost over $5 million to decontaminate the whole site.全面消除这个地方的污染可能要花费超过 500 万美元。朗文当代〔deeply〕This attitude was in deep contrast with popular feeling in the rest of Italy.这一态度与意大利其他地方的普遍情绪形成鲜明对比。柯林斯高阶〔deflower〕The monkey had deflowered an entire section of the garden.这只猴子把花园中一整块地方的花都糟蹋了。21世纪英汉〔distant〕Somewhere, distantly, he could hear the sound of the sea.他能听到在远处某个地方的海浪声。牛津高阶〔drinkable〕Tap water is drinkable everywhere in the Algarve.阿尔加维所有地方的自来水均可饮用。外研社新世纪〔elsewhere〕Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny.今天其他地方的天气都比较晴朗。牛津高阶〔elsewhere〕They were living rather well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world.和世界上其他地方的人相比,他们生活得相当好。柯林斯高阶〔empathize〕I clearly empathize with the people who live in those neighborhoods.我非常同情生活在那些地方的人们。柯林斯高阶〔enchant〕The beauty of the place enchants.这个地方的美丽令人陶醉。韦氏高阶〔entrails〕The sofa's entrails (= pieces of material from inside) were sticking out in places.沙发有些地方的填充物鼓了出来。剑桥高阶〔exact〕This is the exact spot where I put it.我就是把它放在这地方的英汉大词典〔finding〕The findings from the case study school may apply to schools elsewhere.该校个案研究的结果可能适用于其他地方的学校。牛津搭配〔handbook〕A concise manual or reference book providing specific information or instruction about a subject or place.手册,便览:关于一件事物或一处地方的具体介绍或指导的参考书或简明手册美国传统〔ilk〕Duncan of that ilk.邓肯那个地方的人姓邓肯美国传统〔impression〕What's your impression of the place?你对这个地方的印象如何?外研社新世纪〔infrequent〕He was an infrequent visitor to the place.他是这地方的稀客。麦克米伦高阶〔interest〕What interests me is all the history of these places.使我感兴趣的是这些地方的历史。朗文当代〔know〕I don't know the name of the place.我不知道那个地方的名字。外研社新世纪〔line〕Just keep going in a straight line;you can't miss it.只管照直走,你不会找不到那地方的牛津高阶〔line〕London prices are way out of line with the rest of the country.伦敦的物价与英国其他地方的有很大的差异。牛津高阶〔line〕The cost of goods here is out of line with the rest of the world.这里的商品成本与世界其他地方的商品成本有差异。外研社新世纪〔local color〕The interest or flavor of a locality imparted by the customs and sights peculiar to it.乡土色彩:一个地方的风俗及特殊风光所传达出的韵味及兴趣美国传统〔localism〕A local custom or peculiarity.地方风俗:地方的风俗或独特性美国传统〔localized〕Restricted to a particular place.地方的地方的:局限于特定地区的美国传统〔local〕Informal A person from a particular locality.【非正式用语】 来自某一特定地方的美国传统〔look〕They've given the place a completely new look.他们使得这地方的面貌焕然一新。牛津高阶〔map〕Maps can reveal the history of a place.地图可以反映一个地方的历史。牛津搭配〔misplaced〕The sentence contained a misplaced comma.句子里有一个放错地方的逗号。麦克米伦高阶〔numen〕A presiding divinity or spirit of a place.守护神:一个地方的神力或精神美国传统〔offset〕The company's losses in the US were more than offset by gains everywhere else.该公司在其他地方的利润不足以弥补其在美国的损失。牛津搭配〔overemphasize〕I can't overemphasize the cleanliness of this place.这个地方的清洁我再怎么说都不为过。柯林斯高阶〔perimeter〕Many of the offices are located on the perimeter of the site.许多办公室位于那个地方的周边。牛津搭配〔residence〕Average residence in one place is less than four years.通常人们在一个地方的居住时间平均不会超过4年。外研社新世纪〔residence〕The act or a period of residing in a place.居住时间:居住在某个地方的行为或时期美国传统〔ripple〕The problems in one place create ripples elsewhere.一个地方的种种问题会在别处引起反响。牛津搭配〔room for manoeuvre〕The law in this area is very strict and doesn't allow us much room for manoeuvre.这个地方的法律非常严格,我们很难有回旋的余地。剑桥高阶〔row〕Doctors living elsewhere came back to doctors' row along 116th Street.住在其他地方的医生重返医生聚居的第116街居住。英汉大词典〔siphon〕The large chain stores are siphoning profits from the small local stores.大型连锁商店从地方的小店抽取利润。韦氏高阶〔smocking〕Needlework decoration of small, regularly spaced gathers stitched into a honeycomb pattern.正面刺锈迹:规律性出现于某地方的小褶裥上的织成蜜蜂巢状的刺绣饰品美国传统〔snowbird〕Slang One who moves from a cold to a warm place in the winter.【俚语】 打短工的流动工人:在冬天从寒冷地带迁移到温暖的地方的美国传统〔soak up〕This project is soaking up resources that could be used elsewhere.这个项目正在大量耗费本可以用于其他地方的资源。韦氏高阶〔spooky〕The whole place has a slightly spooky atmosphere.整个地方的气氛有点阴森可怖。柯林斯高阶〔spot〕Zimbabwe is very beautiful, in spots.津巴布韦有些地方的景色非常美。英汉大词典〔stepping-off place〕A place or point from which one leaves for unfamiliar regions.启程点:启程出发去不熟悉地方的地点美国传统〔storm〕A violent, sudden attack on a fortified place.猛袭:对一筑有工事的地方的猛烈的突然的袭击美国传统〔sub〕Winter weather brought sub-zero (= less than 0 degrees) temperatures to much of the country.冬天国内许多地方的气温降到了零度以下。剑桥高阶〔threadbare〕This carpet is threadbare in places.这块地毯有些地方的绒毛已磨光露白了。英汉大词典〔topical〕Of or belonging to a particular location or place; local.局部的:某一特定部位或地方的;属于这一特定部位或地方的;地域的美国传统〔top〕This place is the tops for outstanding facilities.这个地方的设施是最好的。麦克米伦高阶〔treble〕The cost of living there has trebled.那个地方的生活费已增加了两倍。外研社新世纪〔true-blue〕A boy born there can grow to be a man in the old true-blue fashion.生在那地方的男孩长大会成为忠于保守党的老派人物。英汉大词典〔true〕What applies at a local level holds doubly true at a national level.适用于地方的,在全国更为适用。牛津搭配〔unlike〕The plants that grow here are unlike the plants that grow where I live.这里生长的植物与我住的地方的植物不同。韦氏高阶〔unlimited〕This plan allows you to make an unlimited number of phone calls to anywhere in the U.S.这个套餐允许你无限次拨打美国任何地方的电话。韦氏高阶〔usurp〕Local control is being usurped by central government.地方的权力被中央政府攫取了。剑桥高阶〔vagabond〕A person without a permanent home who moves from place to place.流浪者:没有固定家园并从一个地方流浪到另一个地方的美国传统〔vagrant〕Wandering from place to place and lacking any means of support.流浪的:从一个地方漂泊到另一个地方的,并且缺少任何方面的支持的美国传统〔vague〕They had only a vague idea where the place was.他们只是大概知道那个地方的位置。牛津高阶〔vector〕Genetics A bacteriophage, a plasmid, or another agent that transfers genetic material from one location to another.【遗传学】 遗传媒介:把遗传物质从一个地方转到另一地方的噬菌体、质体或其它介体美国传统〔vis-a-vis〕It was felt that the company had an unfair advantage vis-à-vis smaller companies elsewhere.人们感到这家公司与其他地方的小公司相比占有不公平的优势。牛津高阶〔wherever〕Dublin people dress more individually than people in London or wherever.都柏林人比伦敦或任何其他地方的人都穿得有个性。朗文当代〔wonder〕I wonder if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? 不知你能否给我提供一些这个地区可供游玩的地方的情况。剑桥高阶〔world〕The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.卫星使我们能够计算出他们在世界上任何地方的精确位置。柯林斯高阶〔yonder〕One that is at an indicated place, usually within sight.那边的东西:在指定的地方的人或物,通常在视线内美国传统〔you〕It's a friendly place—people come up to you in the street and start talking.这个地方的人很友好,在街上走着就有人上来跟你攀谈。牛津高阶A simple mixture of glucose and water can save lives in many parts of the world.一种葡萄糖与水的简单混合物能够拯救世界许多地方的人的生命。剑桥国际I was the last crew member to be hoisted to safety by helicopter.我是最后一个被直升飞机运抵安全地方的机组人员。剑桥国际In many parts of the world, the rate of population growth already swamps the ability of society to cope.世界上许多地方的人口增长率已经使社会束手无策了。剑桥国际Local politicians have accused the government of incompetence in failing to restore public services after the earthquake.地方的政客们指责政府在震后的公用事业恢复方面无能。剑桥国际She lives in a poxy little village in the middle of nowhere.她住在一个不知名的地方的一个很小的村子里。剑桥国际The law in this area is very strict and doesn't allow us much room for manoeuvre.这地方的法律非常严密,无空可钻。剑桥国际The menu is mainly traditional French cooking, interlaced with some exotic dishes from further afield.这份菜单主体上还是传统的法国烹饪,点缀了一些来自更远地方的异乡菜。剑桥国际The shades of evening had come to increase the dreariness of the place. 暮色更增添了这个地方的单调。译典通They're a well-travelled/widely travelled couple (= they have visited many countries).他们是一对到过许多地方的/见多识广的夫妻。剑桥国际War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.战争、饥荒和压迫迫使这个地方的人们逃离了他们的家园。剑桥国际

