
单词 形于色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔display〕I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion.我难得见到她将喜怒形于色牛津高阶〔dry〕He was a man of few words with a delightful dry sense of humour.他话不多,却富有不形于色的幽默感,让人很欣赏。牛津高阶〔exult〕They exulted at/over their victory.他们获得了成功,喜形于色剑桥高阶〔glee〕She couldn't disguise her glee at their embarrassment.看到他们难堪的样子她不禁喜形于色牛津高阶〔hide〕She was unable to hide her delight at his failure.对他的失败她禁不住喜形于色牛津搭配〔leak〕My feelings always leak into my looks.我的喜怒总是形于色英汉大词典〔resentful〕He watched them, envious and resentful.他注视着他们,艳羡和愠怒形于色英汉大词典〔sarcasm〕I love him for his cutting wit and dry sarcasm.我喜欢他的机敏才智和不形于色的嘲讽。牛津搭配〔shine〕The joy shone clear on her face.她喜形于色英汉大词典〔show〕His happiness showed in his face.他喜形于色朗文当代〔show〕His happiness showed in his smile.他喜形于色英汉大词典〔show〕I got mad inside, but I never let it show.我内心火得要命,但从不让愤怒形于色英汉大词典〔show〕The fear showed through.恐惧形于色英汉大词典〔stolid〕He was a rather stolid, serious type.他是那种一本正经不太喜形于色的人。英汉大词典〔stolid〕He's a very stolid, serious man.他是个喜怒不形于色、很严肃的人。剑桥高阶〔undemonstrative〕His father was distant and undemonstrative.他的父亲冷淡且喜怒不形于色韦氏高阶〔unfold〕Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.威尔斯先生喜形于色地开始讲他的故事。外研社新世纪〔unfold〕Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.威尔斯先生喜形于色地讲述自己的经历。柯林斯高阶By the end of the meeting he was seething.会议结束的时候,他已是怒形于色剑桥国际The joy shone clear on his face. 他喜形于色译典通The winner was all smiles as he heard the results of the voting. 获胜者听到投票的结果时喜形于色译典通

