“to cajole”例句

单词 to cajole
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERSUADE〕He managed to cajole Hayden to take part in the program. 他对海登连哄带劝,设法让他参加这个计划。朗文写作活用〔cajole〕To cajole is useless.哄骗是办不到的。21世纪英汉〔cajole〕He really knows how to cajole people into doing what he wants.他精于哄骗人们为他做事。剑桥高阶〔cajole〕I had hoped to cajole them into helping us.我原来还指望哄他们帮我们一把。麦克米伦高阶〔cajole〕I managed to cajole her out of leaving too early.我设法说服了她不要过早离开。剑桥高阶〔cajole〕I managed to cajole his address out of them.我设法从他们那里套出了他的地址。牛津高阶〔cajole〕Megson's ability to cajole his squad is certain to be crucial.梅格森劝诱球队的能力肯定是至关重要的。外研社新世纪〔cajole〕The most effective technique is to cajole rather than to threaten.最有效的方法是劝诱而不是威胁。剑桥高阶〔cajole〕There was no use trying to cajole my mind into silence.想哄骗我叫我不要开口是办不到的。英汉大词典〔cajole〕We do our best to cajole rich countries into helping.我们尽力说服富裕国家提供援助。朗文当代〔honey〕To cajole with sweet talk.用甜言蜜语哄骗美国传统〔jive〕To cajole or mislead.勾引,误导美国传统He really knows how to cajole people into doing what he wants.他确实知道如何哄骗人们为他做事。剑桥国际I managed to cajole her out of leaving too early.我说服了她不要太早离开。剑桥国际The most effective technique is to cajole rather than to threaten.最有效的方法是说服而不是威胁。剑桥国际

