
单词 传授
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RELIGION〕Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus was raised to life three days after he was crucified. 正统基督教向人们传授耶稣被钉在十字架上处死三天之后复活。朗文写作活用〔acquire〕Having read the book, she will be able to pass on the acquired knowledge to trainee teachers.读完此书,她便能将从书中所得传授给实习教师。柯林斯高阶〔artifice〕They have taught the Turks numerous inventions, artifices, and machines of war.他们把众多发明创造、巧妙装置和战争机器传授给了土耳其人。外研社新世纪〔be another/a different kettle of fish〕Having knowledge is one thing but being able to communicate it to others is another kettle of fish.拥有知识是一回事,但能够传授给别人就完全是另一回事了。剑桥高阶〔bee〕Butterflies, flies, and bees pollinate flowers.蝴蝶、苍蝇和蜜蜂都传授花粉。牛津搭配〔communicate〕They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.他们成功地把知识传授给他人。柯林斯高阶〔core〕Schools have to deliver the core skills.学校必须传授基本的技能。朗文当代〔cram〕Education should be about understanding the world, not cramming children with facts.教育应该是传授理解世界的方法, 而不应该是向孩子灌输死知识。外研社新世纪〔delicate〕Teachers need to strike a delicate (= carefully achieved) balance between instructing their students and letting them discover things for themselves.教师需要在向学生传授知识和引导学生自己去探索之间找到一个微妙的平衡点。剑桥高阶〔dispenser〕A teacher should be more than a dispenser of knowledge.教师不应该只是知识的传授者。韦氏高阶〔dispense〕I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children.我把自己当作在向子女传授至理名言的一家之长。柯林斯高阶〔dispense〕I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children.我把自己看成家长, 向所有的孩子们传授至理名言。外研社新世纪〔drill〕The teacher drilled grammar and the multiplication tables every day.教员每天通过练习传授语法和乘法表。21世纪英汉〔fact of life〕Mum told me the facts of life when I was twelve.我十二岁的时候妈妈向我传授性知识。朗文当代〔gospel〕It taught only materialism, the gospel of mammon.它只传授了物质主义, 即拜金的信条。外研社新世纪〔hierophant〕An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge.圣师:解释宗教神秘含义或传授宗教知识的人美国传统〔impart〕I am about to impart knowledge to you that you will never forget.我会向你传授让你终生牢记的知识。柯林斯高阶〔impart〕Our aim is to impart knowledge.我们的目的是传授知识。外研社新世纪〔impart〕The ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers.具备传授知识并赢得尊敬的能力是对教师的基本要求。柯林斯高阶〔indoctrinate〕To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.传授:以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导美国传统〔induction〕Induction into university education occurs not at 18 but at 16.不等(学生)到18岁,而是在16岁时就开始(给他们)传授大学教育须知。英汉大词典〔induct〕They were inducte d into the skills of magic.他们获得传授魔术。牛津高阶〔initiate into〕The teacher initiates his pupils into the elements of grammer.老师把基本语法知识传授给他的学生。21世纪英汉〔initiate〕One who has been introduced to or has attained knowledge in a particular field.被传授了初步知识的人:已被引入或熟悉某一特定领域知识的人美国传统〔initiate〕They initiated her into the ways of the corporate world.他们把商界的规矩传授给她。韦氏高阶〔institute〕An educational institution, especially one for the instruction of technical subjects.学院:教育机构,特别是为了指导传授技术科目而设立的美国传统〔instruction〕An imparted or acquired item of knowledge; a lesson.传授的或获得的知识;课程美国传统〔instruction〕Imparted knowledge.教诲:传授的知识美国传统〔job〕These skills will be taught on the job.这些技能将在工作中传授外研社新世纪〔pain〕The Professor lavished his learning on the young visitor but gained little gratitude for his pains.教授将自己的学识倾囊传授给那位年轻访客,到头来却没有获得一点感激。柯林斯高阶〔pollinate〕Flowers are often pollinated by bees.花常常由蜜蜂传授花粉。21世纪英汉〔pollinate〕To transfer pollen from an anther to the stigma of (a flower).传授花粉给…:从(一朵花)的花粉囊传到柱头美国传统〔pollinize〕To pollinate.给…传授花粉美国传统〔priceless〕Gillian is passing on some of her priceless skill and experience.吉莉恩正在传授她那宝贵的技术和经验。外研社新世纪〔profane〕Not admitted into a body of secret knowledge or ritual; uninitiated.外行的,未经传授的:没有给予秘传知识或被宗教仪式接纳的;无经验的美国传统〔prophecy〕An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will.预言:预言家传授的话,被看成是神的意志的启示美国传统〔sex〕They teach that sex outside of marriage is wrong.他们向人们传授这样的观点:婚外性行为是一种过错。牛津搭配〔spoon-feed〕They had information spoon-fed to them.他们的知识是以满堂灌的方式传授给他们的。牛津高阶〔teachable〕I doubt if such a skill is teachable.我怀疑这种技能能否传授英汉大词典〔teach〕These verbs mean to impart knowledge or skill.这些动词意为传授知识或技术。美国传统〔trade〕The experienced artisan would pass on the tricks of the trade to the apprentice.这位经验丰富的工匠会将这一行的诀窍传授给徒弟。牛津搭配〔tradition〕The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.口传:将人类文化要素从一代人传至另一代人,尤指通过口头传授的方式美国传统〔transmit〕Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student.数学知识由教师传授给学生。朗文当代〔truth〕We learn much from the truths taught by ancient philosophers.我们从古代哲学家们传授的道理中学到很多东西。英汉大词典〔understandable〕She conveyed her knowledge in a way that was easily understandable.她用一种易于理解的方式传授知识。牛津搭配〔vouchsafe〕He vouchsafed the secret to only a few chosen disciples.他只把秘诀传授给了他选出的几个得意门生。韦氏高阶〔zoophilous〕Pollinated by animals.由动物传授花粉的美国传统His father taught him all about butchery (= preparing meat for sale).他的父亲传授他关于屠宰业的一切。剑桥国际We will hand on the torch which he has handed to us. 我们要把他传授给我们的知识传给后代。译典通When the new teacher arrived I spent a day showing/teaching her the ropes (= explaining the job, etc. to her).新教师到来的时候,我用了一天时间向她传授诀窍。剑桥国际

