
单词 点了点头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Monsignor〕The Monsignor gave him a slow, expressionless nod.大人向他缓缓地点了点头, 脸上毫无表情。外研社新世纪〔OBVIOUS〕When he asked if she wanted something to eat, she gave a barely perceptible nod. 他问她是不是要吃点什么东西,她微微点了点头朗文写作活用〔absently〕He nodded absently, his attention absorbed by the screen.他全神注视着屏幕,只是心不在焉地点了点头牛津高阶〔absently〕He nodded absently.他心不在焉地点了点头外研社新世纪〔absently〕He nodded absently.他漫不经心地点了点头柯林斯高阶〔abstractedly〕She nodded abstractedly.她若有所思地点了点头外研社新世纪〔acknowledge〕James acknowledged his lawyer's presence with a small nod.见到他的律师到场詹姆斯微微地点了点头麦克米伦高阶〔affirmation〕He nodded in affirmation.他肯定地点了点头英汉大词典〔affirm〕She nodded in affirmation.她肯定地点了点头牛津高阶〔answer〕A nod was her only answer.她惟一的反应就是点了点头英汉大词典〔betray〕He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him.他点了点头, 没有吭声, 这样他的真实感情就不会被他的声音所暴露。外研社新世纪〔bob〕The young man smiled with a bob of his head.那个小伙子微笑着点了点头柯林斯高阶〔brisk〕He nodded to me with a brisk ‘Morning, Sir'.他对我点了点头,快速地说了声“早上好,先生。”麦克米伦高阶〔complacent〕The drab little man gave a complacent nod.这个死气沉沉的小个子男人自得地点了点头外研社新世纪〔compress〕Isabel nodded, her lips compressed.伊莎贝尔点了点头,双唇紧闭。朗文当代〔convinced〕Sam nodded but he didn't look convinced.萨姆点了点头,可他看起来并没有信服。牛津高阶〔courteously〕Then he nodded courteously to me and walked off to perform his unpleasant duty.然后他礼貌地向我点了点头,便走开去干他那乏味的工作了。柯林斯高阶〔courteously〕Then he nodded courteously to me before walking off.然后, 他礼貌地向我点了点头便走开了。外研社新世纪〔dip〕He gave a dip of his head.他点了点头牛津高阶〔direction〕Marianne briefly inclined her head in my direction.玛丽安娜迅速地朝我这边点了点头外研社新世纪〔distant〕He nodded slowly, a distant look in his eyes.他慢慢点了点头,眼里流露出一副心不在焉的神情。麦克米伦高阶〔drily〕He swallowed drily and nodded.他干咽了一下,然后点了点头牛津高阶〔ease back〕She eased back into the chair and nodded.她轻手轻脚地坐回到椅子上, 点了点头外研社新世纪〔ease〕She eased back into the chair and nodded.她轻手轻脚地坐回到椅子上,点了点头柯林斯高阶〔exactly〕Eve nodded, almost approvingly. 'Exactly.'.伊芙几乎赞同地点了点头。“确实如此。”柯林斯高阶〔grateful〕He nodded gratefully.他感激地点了点头牛津高阶〔grave〕He nodded gravely as I poured out my troubles.我倾诉我的苦恼时他心情沉重地点了点头牛津高阶〔grave〕She nodded gravely.她严肃地点了点头麦克米伦高阶〔grunt〕He merely grunted at her and nodded his head.他只对她咕哝了几句,点了点头牛津搭配〔gulp〕The man gulped nervously and nodded.那个男人紧张地倒吸了一口气,点了点头牛津搭配〔hearty〕He nodded his head in hearty agreement.他十分赞同地点了点头牛津高阶〔incline〕He inclined his head and said nothing.他点了点头,但什么也没说。剑桥高阶〔incline〕Jack inclined his head slightly.杰克微微点了点头外研社新世纪〔incline〕Jack inclined his head very slightly.杰克轻轻点了点头柯林斯高阶〔invisible〕He looked at me and nodded, almost invisibly.他看着我点了点头,几乎让人看不出来。牛津高阶〔little〕Nicolo gave a little nod of his head.尼科洛微微点了点头朗文当代〔look over〕They presented their draft to the president, who looked it over, nodded and signed it.他们把草案提交给了总统,总统翻了一遍,点了点头,然后就签了字。柯林斯高阶〔mechanically〕He nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on the girl.他机械地点了点头, 目不转睛地盯着那个女孩。外研社新世纪〔nodded her head〕I asked her if she could hear me, and she nodded her head.我问她能不能听见我讲话,她点了点头韦氏高阶〔nod〕He nodded absently, his mind obviously on other things.他心不在焉地点了点头,心思显然在其他事情上。牛津搭配〔nod〕He nodded vaguely at my words.他听了我的话含糊地点了点头英汉大词典〔nod〕He nodded with satisfaction.他满意地点了点头牛津搭配〔nod〕I asked her if she was ready to go, and she nodded.我问她是否已准备好出发,她点了点头朗文当代〔nod〕I asked him if he would help me and he nodded.我问他能不能帮我一下,他点了点头牛津高阶〔nod〕I asked where Steve was and she nodded in the direction of the kitchen.我问史蒂夫在哪儿,她朝厨房点了点头牛津高阶〔nod〕I nodded to my friend and she rang the doorbell.我向朋友点了点头,她按响了门铃。麦克米伦高阶〔nod〕I showed the doorman my card and he gave a friendly nod .我向门卫出示了卡片,他友善地点了点头朗文当代〔nod〕Mom nodded her head sympathetically.妈妈同情地点了点头朗文当代〔nod〕She gave a nod and said, 'I see'.她点了点头说:“我明白了。”柯林斯高阶〔nod〕She inspected my work and gave a satisfied nod.她检查了我的工作后满意地点了点头牛津搭配〔nod〕She nodded gently to herself.她对自己轻轻点了点头牛津搭配〔nod〕She nodded in agreement.她赞同地点了点头牛津搭配〔nod〕She nodded to Duncan as she left.她离开时向邓肯点了点头牛津搭配〔nod〕She nodded to us as she walked by.她走过时向我们点了点头朗文当代〔nod〕She nodded when I asked her if she was ready.我问她准备好没有,她点了点头韦氏高阶〔proceed〕I nodded and proceeded up the stairs.我点了点头,然后就上楼了。牛津搭配〔reassure〕Kate nodded, but she didn't feel reassured.凯特点了点头,却并未释然。牛津搭配〔regally〕He inclined his head regally.他很有帝王风范地点了点头柯林斯高阶〔reload〕He reloaded and nodded to the gamekeeper.他给枪重新装上子弹,然后朝猎场看守人点了点头柯林斯高阶〔satisfaction〕He nodded with evident satisfaction.他点了点头,显然很满意。牛津搭配〔sniff〕Margaret sniffed miserably and nodded.玛格丽特可怜地抽泣着点了点头朗文当代〔solemnity〕Her listeners nodded solemnly.听她说话的人神情严肃地点了点头柯林斯高阶〔solemn〕He nodded solemnly.他郑重地点了点头牛津高阶〔speak〕He nodded, not trusting himself to speak.他点了点头,不敢说什么。牛津搭配〔spill〕He nodded, his tears spilling over.他点了点头,眼泪流了出来。牛津搭配〔sympathetically〕She nodded sympathetically.她同情地点了点头外研社新世纪〔sympathetically〕She nodded sympathetically.她同情地点了点头柯林斯高阶〔tearfully〕I nodded tearfully.我含着泪点了点头外研社新世纪〔thirstily〕The child nodded, drinking her milk thirstily.那个孩子边大口地喝着牛奶边点了点头柯林斯高阶〔thoughtfully〕Daniel nodded thoughtfully.丹尼尔若有所思地点了点头柯林斯高阶〔trust〕She nodded, not trusting her own voice.她点了点头, 对自己说的不放心。外研社新世纪〔unable〕Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.克莱尔点了点头,一时说不出话来。牛津搭配〔understandingly〕He nodded his head understandingly.他理解地点了点头外研社新世纪〔upwards〕Hunter nodded again and gazed upwards in fear.亨特又点了点头, 满眼恐惧地朝上望去。外研社新世纪〔upwards〕Hunter nodded again and gazed upwards in fear.亨特又点了点头,满眼恐惧地朝上望去。柯林斯高阶〔wise〕She nodded wisely.她聪明地点了点头牛津高阶Frank took off his broad straw hat and nodded to Alexandra.弗兰克脱下宽边草帽,向亚力山大点了点头剑桥国际He gave an inclination of the head. 他点了点头译典通He gave me an expressive nod. 他向我意味深长地点了点头译典通He nodded civilly (=politely) to them and then carried on with his work.他客气地对他们点了点头,然后继续做自己的工作。剑桥国际He nodded slowly. 他慢慢地点了点头译典通He smiled, then turned to me and nodded.他笑了笑,然后转向我,点了点头剑桥国际Roger nodded gravely. 罗杰严肃地点了点头译典通She nodded her head with some positiveness. 她带著几分自信地点了点头译典通She nodded to me in a friendly fashion. 她友好地向我点了点头译典通When he is introduced to someone he just inclines his head and says nothing.当他被介绍给某人时,他只是点了点头不说话。剑桥国际

