
单词 献身于
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Xaverian Brother〕A member of a congregation of lay brothers dedicated to education.天主教沙勿略会修士:献身于教育的俗人修士会成员美国传统〔consecrate yourself〕They consecrated themselves to the church.他们献身于教会。韦氏高阶〔consecrate〕Dedicated to a sacred purpose; sanctified.献祭:献身于神圣目的的;牺牲的美国传统〔convert〕She was soon converted to the socialist cause.她不久便转而献身于社会主义事业了。牛津高阶〔dedicate oneself to〕She has dedicated herself to the cause of education.她决心献身于教育事业。21世纪英汉〔dedicate to〕The soldier dedicated himself to the service of the people.这名战士献身于为人民服务。21世纪英汉〔dedicate〕He dedicated himself to academic work.他献身于学术工作。麦克米伦高阶〔dedicate〕He dedicates himself to his work.他献身于工作。牛津同义词〔dedicate〕She dedicates herself to her work.她献身于自己的工作。牛津高阶〔dedicate〕The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.那位医生献身于探索一种疗法。英汉大词典〔devote〕Few people are able to devote themselves fully to their career.很少有人能够完全献身于自己的事业。麦克米伦高阶〔devote〕Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick.玛丽献身于为病人服务。英汉大词典〔devote〕She devoted her life to God.她献身于上帝。21世纪英汉〔ferocious〕He set himself ferociously tough standards; and he was ardently devoted to ballet.他给自己制定了极为苛刻的标准,满腔热忱地献身于芭蕾事业。柯林斯高阶〔give〕He gave his life to education.他献身于教育。文馨英汉〔graduate〕After I had graduated I continued to devote myself to research.大学毕业后,我继续献身于科学研究。21世纪英汉〔humanitarian〕One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist.人道主义者:献身于人类福利的提高和社会改革的进步的人;慈善家美国传统〔included〕All of us, myself included, had been totally committed to the cause.我们大家,包括我本人在内,一直献身于这一事业。英汉大词典〔nun〕A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.修女,尼姑:归属或献身于具有积极的仪式或冥想的宗教制度或团体的女性,生活在贫穷,贞洁和服从中美国传统〔ordination〕Ecclesiastical The ceremony of consecration to the ministry.【基督教会】 授神职的仪式:献身于神职的仪式美国传统〔servant〕He was willing to make himself a servant of his art.他甘愿献身于自己的艺术。牛津高阶〔spend〕Man after man spends himself in this cause.人们前赴后继地献身于这一事业。英汉大词典〔submerge〕All his life was submerged in the liberation of the people.他的一生全部献身于人民的解放事业。21世纪英汉〔throw〕He threw up a good job to devote his whole time to art.他辞去了很好的职位,以便献身于艺术。 英汉大词典〔vocation〕Their dedication to the community is a living vocation.他们献身于社区的公益精神乃是活生生地履行天职。英汉大词典〔wedded〕He was wedded to his work.他献身于工作。韦氏高阶At the age of 25 he decided to devote himself to God. 25 岁时,他决定献身于上帝。剑桥国际He devoted himself to the nourishment of education. 他献身于发展教育事业。译典通He devoted his life to applied science. 他献身于应用科学。译典通She consecrated her life to art. 她献身于艺术。译典通She gave her life to cancer research.她献身于癌症研究。剑桥国际The new President said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless.新任总统说她会献身于保护老年人、病弱者和无家可归者的权利。剑桥国际

