
单词 可知
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕Despite their arguments, I still saw no reason to abandon my agnosticism. 虽然他们论据充足,但我仍觉得没有理由放弃不可知论。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕She likes to keep an open mind in religious matters and so refers to herself as an agnostic. 她在宗教方面比较开明,所以称自己是不可知论者。朗文写作活用〔Stone Age〕The earliest known period of human culture, characterized by the use of stone tools.石器时代:人类文化可知的最早的时期,以使用石器为特征美国传统〔agnosticism〕The belief that there can be no proof either that God exists or that God does not exist.不可知论:认为无法证明上帝存在与否的信仰美国传统〔agnosticism〕The doctrine that certainty about first principles or absolute truth is unattainable and that only perceptual phenomena are objects of exact knowledge.不可知论:该学说认为第一原则的确定性或绝对真理无法达到,只有可感觉的现象才是真正意识的对象美国传统〔agnostic〕Although he was raised a Catholic, he was an agnostic for most of his adult life.他虽然从小接受的是天主教教育,但成年后基本上是个不可知论者。剑桥高阶〔agnostic〕One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists.不可知论者:相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人美国传统〔agnostic〕Relating to or being an agnostic.不可知论的:不可知论者的或与之有关的美国传统〔agnostic〕Vasari claimed with horror that he was, if not an atheist, then an agnostic.瓦萨里惊恐地说他若非无神论者,就是不可知论者。柯林斯高阶〔agnostic〕You grew up in an agnostic household and have never been able to bring yourself to believe in God.你在一个信奉不可知论的家庭里长大,一直都无法信仰上帝。柯林斯高阶〔agnostic〕You grew up in an agnostic household and have never been able to bring yourself to believe in God.你在一个信奉不可知论的家庭长大, 一直都无法信仰上帝。外研社新世纪〔balance〕Our plans were left hanging in the balance. Resolution of these matters is still in the balance.我们的计划被搁置下来处于悬而未决的状态。这些事情的结果尚未可知美国传统〔balance〕The fate of the project hangs in the balance.此项目的命运仍未可知外研社新世纪〔betray〕His accent betrayed his nationality.从他的口音可知道他是哪国人。英汉大词典〔cause〕Do you know the cause of his absence?你可知道他不来的原因吗?牛津同义词〔cognizable〕Knowable or perceivable.可认知的:可知的或可觉察的美国传统〔dictate〕Common sense dictates that it would be wise to sell a few shares.由常识可知卖掉一些股票是明智的。外研社新世纪〔dumbing down〕An expression of dumb recognition wiggled across her features.她不语,从她脸上掠过的一丝表情可知她是认得的。柯林斯高阶〔existent〕The self is the only knowable existent.自我是唯一可知的存在物。牛津高阶〔know-nothing〕An agnostic.不可知论者美国传统〔literal〕A letter or symbol that represents a particular constant or number, known or unknown, and is not programmer-defined.文字:代表一特定常量或数字的可知或未知的字母或符号,由非编程者所规定美国传统〔look to〕The difficulties women encounter with their doctors partly explain why so many of us are looking to alternative therapies.我们很多人都寄望于替代疗法,个中原因从女性看医生所遇到的困难可知一二。柯林斯高阶〔melting pot〕Their fate is still in the melting pot.他们的命运尚未可知外研社新世纪〔morally〕The moral is that, once cooked, they look the same and taste every bit as good.由此可知,烹饪后,它们的味道和品相都别无二致。柯林斯高阶〔nescience〕Agnosticism.不可知美国传统〔nihilism〕A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.虚无主义学说:认为一切价值观念都毫无根据且一切都是不可知或不可交流的一种学说美国传统〔only〕We have only to read the labels to know what ingredients are in foods.我们只要看一下标签即可知道食品的成分。柯林斯高阶〔phenomenal〕Philosophy Known or derived through the senses rather than through the mind.【哲学】 感觉得到的,可知觉的:通过知觉而不是通过思想感受到的或获得的美国传统〔phenomenal〕The world is always phenomenal.世界总是可知觉的。英汉大词典〔pioneer〕One who ventures into unknown or unclaimed territory to settle.拓荒者,开辟者:冒险进入不可知或无人占有的地方定居的人美国传统〔purposeful〕Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.从她坚定的眼神可知她是认真的。牛津同义词〔questionable〕It is questionable whether the expenditure on this project is really justified.该项目的开支是否真的合理还未可知柯林斯高阶〔ring〕A good [bad] coin rings true [false].由硬币的响声可知其真[假]。文馨英汉〔slow match〕A match or fuse that burns slowly at a known rate and is used to set off explosives.导火线,引火线:一种以可知的速度缓慢燃烧的火柴或导火索,用于引爆炸药美国传统〔speak〕He's a talented violinist. His performance speaks for itself.他是个天才的小提琴手,一听他演奏就可知道。英汉大词典〔suggest〕Her face suggests that she’s bored.从她的面部表情可知她生厌了。牛津同义词〔uncertainly〕How far the republics can give practical help, however, is uncertain.然而,这些共和国究竟能够提供多少切实可行的帮助还未可知柯林斯高阶〔uncertain〕How far the republics can give practical help, however, is uncertain.然而, 共和政体究竟能够提供多少切实可行的帮助还未可知外研社新世纪〔unknowable〕Any investment in shares is a bet on an unknowable future flow of profits.任何股票投资都是对不可知的未来利润走向的赌博。柯林斯高阶〔wild card〕A surprise witness proved to be the wild card at the trial.审判中有意外的证人也未可知美国传统A lot of agnosticism exists among the media with regards to the summit meeting between China and Taiwan. 对于中台之间的高峰会,舆论存有许多的不可知论。译典通A person's postal address is identified by their (Br and Aus) post/(Am) zip code.按人们的邮政编码可知他们的邮政地址。剑桥国际Although he was born a Catholic, he was an agnostic for most of his adult life.虽然他生来是一个天主教徒,但他在大部分成年生活中都是一个不可知论者。剑桥国际Her agnostic parents completely failed to understand the depth of her religious beliefs.她的相信不可知论的父母完全无法理解她对宗教信仰的深度。剑桥国际I have ended up as a sort of open-minded agnostic but without any anti-clericalism.我最后成了一个开明的不可知论者,但毫不抱有反教权主义。剑桥国际Judging from the green marks (also markings) on their backs, these sheep belong to the farmer up the road.从背部的绿色标记可知,这些羊属于路那头的农民。剑桥国际Philosophers try to determine what is knowable (= can be known) and what is not.哲学家们试图确定什么是可知的,什么是不可知的。剑桥国际

