
单词 小镇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The rebels raided the tiny mountain town early on Tuesday. 星期二清早,叛军突然袭击了这个山区小镇朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The town I grew up in has changed out of all recognition. 我成长生活的小镇已经彻底变了样。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕The town which Joyce wrote about has long since ceased to exist. 乔伊斯笔下的那个小镇早已不复存在。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Killer floods and hurricanes in Asia have destroyed whole towns. 亚洲致命的洪水和飓风把一个一个小镇彻底摧毁。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕The town was buried under a river of molten lava. 小镇被掩埋在熔岩的巨流之下。朗文写作活用〔NEXT TO〕Weymouth is a pretty little town by the sea. 韦茅斯是一个美丽的海滨小镇朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕The town has a lovely old-fashioned charm about it. 这小镇有一种古朴的韵味。朗文写作活用〔Tokay〕A variety of grape originally grown near Tokaj (formerly Tokay), a town of eastern Hungary.福尔明葡萄:原产于匈牙利东部一小镇托老依(原先的托凯)的一个葡萄品种美国传统〔arc〕A rainbow arced gracefully over the town.彩虹在小镇上空画出了一道优美的弧线。外研社新世纪〔astonished〕I was astonished by/at all the changes in the town's appearance.这个小镇的面貌焕然一新,令我大吃一惊。韦氏高阶〔attendant〕The town is trying to deal with the population boom and the attendant increase in traffic.小镇正努力解决人口激增和随之而来的交通拥挤问题。韦氏高阶〔bulldoze〕The township was bulldozed in the 1950s.这个小镇在20世纪50年代被夷为平地。剑桥高阶〔buy〕The town has been careful not to buy prosperity at the expense of its character.这小镇小心地避免为了繁荣而失去它的特色。朗文当代〔carry out〕The town has plans to build a new school, but it currently lacks the money to carry them out.小镇计划修建一所新学校,但因最近缺乏资金而无法实施。韦氏高阶〔cart〕We were carted (off) to the little town.我们被用车送到那小镇上。英汉大词典〔census〕According to the latest census, the racial makeup of the town has changed dramatically in the last 50 years.根据最近一次人口普查,小镇的种族构成在过去50年发生了巨大变化。韦氏高阶〔change〕Caracas changed from a small town into a busy city.加拉加斯由一个小镇变成了一个繁忙的城市。牛津搭配〔change〕The town has changed little in recent years.小镇最近几年几乎没有变化。韦氏高阶〔chart〕This magnificent show charts his meteoric rise from 'small town' country singer to top international Rock idol.这场盛大的演出展示了他是如何从一个“小镇”乡村歌手一跃成为国际顶级摇滚偶像的。柯林斯高阶〔chart〕This magnificent show charts his rise from 'small town' country singer to top international Rock idol.这场盛大的演出展示了他从一个“小镇”乡村歌手成长为国际顶级摇滚偶像的历程。外研社新世纪〔cinema〕The town no longer has a cinema.小镇已不再有电影院了。剑桥高阶〔circumstance〕Circumstances dictate that I should leave this town forever.客观形势决定我应该永远离开这座小镇牛津搭配〔colourless〕We hurried through the colourless little town.我们匆匆穿过这座平淡无奇的小镇外研社新世纪〔crowded〕The old town square was crowded with people.古老的小镇广场上挤满了人。柯林斯高阶〔curio〕She loves to browse the shops in small towns, looking for curios.她喜欢在小镇的商铺闲逛,淘淘宝。韦氏高阶〔death blow〕The people of Hatfield went into shock as they learned their town had been dealt a death blow.当听说他们的小镇遭受了致命打击后, 哈特菲尔德的居民震惊了。外研社新世纪〔dinky〕I grew up in a dinky little town that didn't even have a movie theater.我生长在一个无名小镇,那里连个电影院都没有。牛津高阶〔distance〕In the distance was a small town.远处有个小镇牛津搭配〔dot〕Small coastal towns dot the landscape.这一地区滨海小镇星罗棋布。外研社新世纪〔embrace〕The town nestles in the embrace of gently sculpted hills.小镇安卧在平缓山丘的怀抱里。外研社新世纪〔expand〕The town has expanded into a city.小镇已发展成为一个城市。牛津搭配〔fall back on〕The battle is going badly for us,we'd better fall back on the town in the hills.战斗对我们越来越不利,我们最好退守到山中的小镇21世纪英汉〔forefather〕The town is named after one of his forefathers.这个小镇是以他的一位祖先命名的。韦氏高阶〔from〕Colesville has changed from a sleepy little town to a bustling city.科尔斯维尔从一座冷清的小镇发展成为繁华的都市。麦克米伦高阶〔from〕He set out from town this morning.他今早从小镇出发。韦氏高阶〔generally〕This town is generally regarded as a good place to raise kids.人们普遍认为这个小镇是养育孩子的好地方。韦氏高阶〔go〕It's a town that's got a lot going for it.这个小镇有许多特别的地方。朗文当代〔hand in hand〕I saw them walking hand in hand through town the other day.那天我看见他们手牵手走过小镇剑桥高阶〔happening〕This is quite a happening town on the weekends.这是周末人们很喜欢去的小镇韦氏高阶〔history〕The town's history goes back to colonial times.这座小镇的历史可以上溯到殖民地时代。牛津搭配〔hollow〕Below him the town lay warm in the hollow of the hill.在他脚下, 小镇坐落在温暖的山谷中。外研社新世纪〔linger〕It is a dreary little town where few would choose to linger.这是个沉闷的小镇,没几个人会愿意在此流连。柯林斯高阶〔locale〕The book's locale is a coastal town in the summer of 1958.书中所讲的故事发生在1958年夏天的一个海滨小镇剑桥高阶〔markedly〕The town had changed markedly.这个小镇变化很大。韦氏高阶〔mecca〕The town has become a mecca for tourists.这个小镇已经成为旅游胜地。韦氏高阶〔mix〕The town offers a fascinating mix of old and new.这个小镇新旧结合,很有魅力。牛津高阶〔new〕I am new to the town.我刚刚来到这座小镇牛津高阶〔novel〕The novel was set in a small town in France.这部小说的故事发生在法国的一个小镇牛津搭配〔opportunity〕There aren't many opportunities in a small town like Levenford.在一个像利文福特那样的小镇,就业机会不多。英汉大词典〔optimism〕Both of them expressed optimism about the future of the town.他们两人对小镇的未来都表示乐观。韦氏高阶〔piece〕The town is growing fast, and these construction companies want a piece of the new housing market.这个小镇发展迅速,这些建筑公司都想在这片新的住房市场占据一席之地。韦氏高阶〔playground〕That town is a gambling playground.那个小镇是个赌场。英汉大词典〔prettily〕Whitstable is still a very pretty little town.惠特斯特布尔仍然是一个非常漂亮的小镇柯林斯高阶〔prohibit〕The town prohibited teenagers from being in the streets after 10 p.m.这个小镇禁止青少年晚上10点后在街上逗留。韦氏高阶〔pulse with〕The town pulsed with energy back then.那时, 小镇充满了活力。外研社新世纪〔reincarnation〕The café is a reincarnation of an eatery of the same name that existed across town years ago.这家小餐馆的前身是多年前在小镇另一端经营的一家同名餐馆。韦氏高阶〔repository〕The repository of all important knowledge in a small town was the chief barman of the local pub.小镇上最无所不知的人就是当地酒吧里的服务员领班。柯林斯高阶〔rise〕They topped the rise (=reached the top of the hill) and began a slow descent towards the town.他们到达山顶,开始慢慢下山朝小镇的方向走去。朗文当代〔rock〕An earthquake rocked the town.地震使这个小镇猛烈晃动。韦氏高阶〔ruin〕The abandoned town had gone to ruin.这座废弃的小镇满目凄凉。韦氏高阶〔saunter〕We took a saunter around the town.我们在小镇上四处闲逛。韦氏高阶〔scenery〕The town is charming and the surrounding scenery superb.这个小镇很迷人,周围的景色美不胜收。牛津搭配〔see sth out〕The besieged town doesn't have enough food to see the month out.被围困的小镇没有足够的食物度过这个月了。剑桥高阶〔sewerage〕The town has already put in a proper sewerage system.小镇已经安装了合理的污水处理系统。柯林斯高阶〔shifting〕The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.克罗地亚小镇伊洛克是一个人口不断变迁的典型例子。外研社新世纪〔shrink〕The town's population shrank during the war.战争期间这个小镇的人口减少了。韦氏高阶〔snow〕Snow fell softly on the town.雪花轻柔地飘落到小镇上。韦氏高阶〔the boondocks〕She lives way out in the boondocks in some tiny town.她住在非常偏远的一个小镇子里。剑桥高阶〔tote〕In some small towns they tote guns.在有些小镇,人们都佩枪。英汉大词典〔tourist〕The town is off the usual tourist route.这个小镇不是游客通常去的地方。牛津搭配〔trundle〕Trucks trundled through town.卡车隆隆地穿过小镇韦氏高阶〔turn (sb/sth) into sb/sth〕The town turned from a small seaside resort into a major commercial centre when oil was discovered.发现石油后,这个小镇由一个小的海滨胜地变成了重要的商业中心。剑桥高阶〔twinkle〕I saw lights twinkling in the little town below us.我看到我们下面的小镇灯火闪烁。朗文当代〔unemployment〕This former mining town is now an unemployment black spot.这个昔日的采矿小镇现在成了失业重灾区。牛津搭配〔vignette〕She wrote several vignettes of small-town life.她写了几篇关于小镇生活的短文。剑桥高阶〔visitor〕The festival brings 5 000 visitors to the town every year.这一节日每年吸引 5,000 名游客到小镇来。牛津搭配〔visit〕The town is well worth a visit .这个小镇绝对值得一看。朗文当代〔visualize〕It is difficult to visualize how the town must have looked years ago.很难想象这座小镇在多年以前是什么样子。牛津搭配〔way〕The procession snaked its way through the town.游行队伍蜿蜒穿过小镇牛津搭配〔whistle-stop〕To conduct a political campaign by making brief appearances or speeches in a series of small towns.游说:通过在一系列小镇子作短暂露面或发表简短演说而发起一场政治竞选运动美国传统After the robbery, Cath and Jez hightailed it out of town.在抢劫之后,凯丝和杰兹迅速离开了小镇剑桥国际During the summer season the town tends to get very crowded.夏季的小镇往往很拥挤。剑桥国际He likes the simple, chaste lines of the town's architecture.他喜欢这个小镇的建筑那简洁朴实的线条。剑桥国际He was born in a small town fifty miles away from Chicago. 他出生在距芝加哥五十英里的一个小镇上。译典通Her remarkable achievements have brought fame to her small home town (= resulted in it becoming famous).她杰出的成就给故乡小镇带来了声誉。剑桥国际It's a bit of a hick town (=a town which is a long way from a city) --there's not much happening really.这是个有些偏僻的小镇 ----比较平静,没什么活动。剑桥国际It's a town with a lot of old-world charm.这是个具有古老魅力的小镇剑桥国际Non-resident holidaymakers increase the town's population in the summer to almost twice its usual size.夏季,非定居度假者使该小镇的人口增加到平时的近两倍。剑桥国际Not many people live in this small backwoods town.这个边远小镇住的人不多。剑桥国际Packed hotels and seething crowds in the town are a thing of past.小镇上拥挤的旅店、沸腾的人群已成为过眼云烟。剑桥国际Several circulars advertising new shops in the town were delivered with the local newspaper.有几份替小镇上的新店做广告的传单和本地报纸一起送来。剑桥国际The army recaptured the town from the rebels.军队从叛乱者那里又夺回了小镇剑桥国际The book's locale is a seaside town in the summer of 1958.该书故事的地点是1958年夏天的一个海边小镇剑桥国际The town is situated on a plateau high up amongst the mountains of the north.这座小镇位于北部大山中的高原上。剑桥国际The town is/lies about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.这个小镇位于拉斯维加斯西北方大约100英里处。剑桥国际The town is/lies roughly northeast of here.这个小镇大约位于这儿的东北方。剑桥国际The town no longer has a cinema.这个小镇不再有电影院了。剑桥国际Their offices are in the seedier end of town.他们的办公室在小镇冷落破旧的一端。剑桥国际This small town only has one rinky-dink restaurant. 这个小镇只有一家陈旧破烂的便宜餐厅。译典通This town is part of his ducal estates (= which a duke owns).这个小镇是他公爵领地的一部分。剑桥国际

