
单词 squabbles
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕Uncle Matt bought them a computer game to share, which led to endless squabbles. 马特叔叔买了一个电脑游戏让他们一起玩,从而引起了没完没了的争吵。朗文写作活用〔abrasive〕His abrasive personality led to constant squabbles.他那暴躁的性格常导致争吵。英汉大词典〔erupt〕Their conversations often erupted into squabbles.他们在谈话中经常会突然争吵起来。朗文当代〔petty〕I'm not interested in their petty squabbles.我对他们的小争执不感兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔squabble〕I always have to settle squabbles between the children.我总是得平息孩子们间的争吵。牛津搭配〔squabble〕My four-year-old squabbles with his friends.我那个 4 岁大的孩子常和他的小伙伴们斗嘴。柯林斯高阶〔squabble〕My four-year-old squabbles with his friends.我那四岁大的儿子和他的朋友们争吵不休。外研社新世纪〔squabble〕There have been minor squabbles about phone bills.因电话账单发生过几次小小的争吵。柯林斯高阶〔squabble〕There were endless squabbles over who should sit where.为谁该坐哪儿吵个没完没了。牛津高阶Petty internal squabbles are doing nothing to help the party's image.内部的小口角对这党的形象没有好处。剑桥国际The union's campaign against the factory closure has been hampered by its internal squabbles about the action it should take.由于在应该采取什么行动的问题上发生了内讧,工会反对工厂关闭的运动受到了阻碍。剑桥国际

