
单词 个人生活
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-controlled〕In the West, people feel more in control of their own lives.在西方,人们感觉个人生活更自如一些。柯林斯高阶〔-mouthed〕They mouthed the values of family, religion and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈家庭、宗教和慈善的价值,但他们在个人生活中的表现却恰恰相反。柯林斯高阶〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕It seems that she was fated to be alone in life. 她似乎命中注定要一个人生活朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕He started asking me a lot of questions about my personal life. I think the guy's some kind of nut. 他开始问我许多有关个人生活的问题,我想那个家伙有点疯了。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Going to university isn't the be all and end all, you know. 要知道,上大学可不是一个人生活中最重要的事情。朗文写作活用〔INTERFERE〕Companies should not have the right to intrude into employees’ personal lives by giving them psychological tests. 公司无权对员工进行心理测试来干预他们的个人生活朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕TV commentators have shown great discretion, glossing over the problems in her personal life. 电视评论员表现得非常谨慎,对她个人生活中的问题避而不谈。朗文写作活用〔USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO〕Mary never really got used to living on her own after her husband died. 丈夫去世后,玛丽一直习惯不了一个人生活朗文写作活用〔alone〕She lives alone .她一个人生活朗文当代〔aside〕The book includes several lengthy asides about the personal lives of scientists involved in the project.这本书里有几处冗长的离题话,都跟参与这个项目的科学家的个人生活有关。韦氏高阶〔bearing〕His private life has no bearing on his competence as a manager.他的个人生活不影响他作为经理的业务能力。麦克米伦高阶〔bitterness〕His long life was marked by bitter personal and political memories.他漫长的一生充满了关于个人生活和政治生涯的苦涩记忆。柯林斯高阶〔bitter〕His life was marked by bitter personal memories.他的一生充满了关于个人生活的苦涩记忆。外研社新世纪〔blunt〕She is blunt about her personal life.她谈起自己的个人生活毫不隐晦。外研社新世纪〔carry sth over〕I try not to let my problems at work carry over into my private life.我尽量不让工作上的麻烦影响我的个人生活剑桥高阶〔caste〕Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal lifestyle.社会等级制度主要是通过个人生活方式赢得的社会荣誉来确定。柯林斯高阶〔choice〕She lives alone by choice.她是自愿一个人生活的。朗文当代〔clue〕These writings provide clues to the crisis in Dickens' private life.这些作品提供了狄更斯个人生活危机的线索。麦克米伦高阶〔companionship〕I lived on my own for a while but I missed the companionship of others.我一个人生活了一段时间,但很怀念同伴的情谊。剑桥高阶〔compartmentalize〕He compartmentalizes his life by keeping his job and his personal life separate.他把生活划分为工作和个人生活两部分。韦氏高阶〔damaging〕Hurst resigned after a series of damaging allegations concerning his personal life.赫斯特在受到一系列对其个人生活的不利指控后辞职。麦克米伦高阶〔disarray〕His personal life fell into disarray when his wife left him.妻子弃他而去后,他的个人生活陷入一片混乱。牛津搭配〔drag〕He seemed determined to drag in irrelevant details about my personal life.看来他执意要把有关我个人生活的不相关的细节扯进来。麦克米伦高阶〔entertain〕Now that I live on my own, I don't entertain much.既然就我一个人生活,我也就不常请人到家里做客。剑桥高阶〔failure〕I just felt I had been a failure in my personal life.我就是觉得我的个人生活很失败。柯林斯高阶〔fair〕It is not fair to attack his personal life in this way.用这种方式攻击他的个人生活是不公正的。麦克米伦高阶〔fishbowl〕Being a politician these days means living in a fishbowl—every part of your life is open to public view.如今,从政就意味着在鱼缸里生活——一个人生活的方方面面都暴露在公众视野之下。韦氏高阶〔go into sth〕This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work.这是第一本不仅深入研究她的作品而且还详细叙述她的个人生活的书。剑桥高阶〔himself〕Since his wife died, he's been living all by himself.自他妻子死后他就一直一个人生活麦克米伦高阶〔immersed〕Since then I've lived alone and immersed myself in my career.自那以后,我一直一个人生活,全身心投入我的事业当中。柯林斯高阶〔interest〕The stories about his personal life add interest to the book.有关他个人生活的故事使这本书更加吸引人。韦氏高阶〔interviewer〕Interviewers rarely ask about his personal life.采访记者极少问他个人生活方面的问题。牛津搭配〔last〕His job was all he really cared about. His personal life always came last.他真正关心的唯有自己的工作,个人生活则总是最后考虑。韦氏高阶〔live〕After a while you get used to living alone.过一段时间你会适应一个人生活的。剑桥高阶〔manage〕It's hard living alone, but somehow I manage.一个人生活很难,但我还是做到了。韦氏高阶〔mouth〕They mouthed the values of religion, and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈宗教和慈善的价值, 但在个人生活中却表现得恰恰相反。外研社新世纪〔myself〕I live by myself 我自己一个人生活牛津高阶〔openness〕He talked with a new openness about his own life.他以前所未有的坦诚谈了他的个人生活牛津搭配〔own〕I like living on my own.我喜欢独自一个人生活剑桥高阶〔own〕She lives on her own.她一个人生活牛津高阶〔pack〕I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.我决定要一个人生活,于是叫他走人。柯林斯高阶〔perfectly〕I was perfectly happy on my own.我一个人生活非常幸福。剑桥高阶〔personally〕This has taken a great toll on me personally and professionally.这给我的个人生活和我的工作都造成了严重的不良影响。柯林斯高阶〔personal〕For such a famous, wealthy man, his personal life was surprisingly simple and ordinary.这样一个如此出名和富有的人,其个人生活却简单和平凡得令人惊讶。剑桥高阶〔personal〕He doesn't speak much about his personal life.他不多谈他的个人生活韦氏高阶〔politicization〕Some feminists had attempted to politicize personal life.一些女权主义者尝试过将个人生活政治化。柯林斯高阶〔private〕He enjoys everything he does in both his professional and his private life .他对工作和个人生活中的一切都感到满意。朗文当代〔probe〕You have no right to start probing into my personal life.你无权过问我的个人生活麦克米伦高阶〔professionally〕Professionally, she is very successful, but her personal life is unhappy.在事业上,她取得了很大成功,但她的个人生活却并不幸福。韦氏高阶〔professionally〕The opening months of 1987 were difficult, personally and professionally.无论从个人生活还是从工作上来说,1987年初的几个月都非常艰难。柯林斯高阶〔professionally〕The opening months of 2007 were difficult, personally and professionally.无论从个人生活还是从工作上来说, 2007年的最初几个月都非常艰难。外研社新世纪〔prurient〕He took a prurient interest in her personal life.他对她的个人生活充满淫思色欲。韦氏高阶〔question〕She hoped to avoid awkward/embarrassing questions about her personal life during the interview.她希望在采访中避开涉及她个人生活的尴尬问题。韦氏高阶〔rock bottom〕My personal life had hit rock bottom.我的个人生活糟糕透了。朗文当代〔sacrifice〕He sacrificed his personal life in order to get ahead in his career.为了事业有成,他牺牲了个人生活韦氏高阶〔scrutiny〕Mrs Mandela's personal life has come under scrutiny.曼德拉夫人的个人生活受到了彻查。外研社新世纪〔shun〕She lives alone, shunned by society.她一个人生活,与世隔绝。麦克米伦高阶〔stark〕Her private life was stark.她的个人生活很是不幸。英汉大词典〔subordinate〕Her personal life has been subordinated to her career.她将个人生活置于事业之下。剑桥高阶〔subordinate〕His personal life has been subordinated to his career.他把个人生活置于事业之下。韦氏高阶〔subtext〕The political subtext of her novel is a criticism of government interference in individual lives.她那部小说的政治潜台词是批评政府对个人生活的干预。剑桥高阶〔tangled up〕His personal life has become more tangled than ever.他的个人生活比以前更混乱了。柯林斯高阶〔tatters〕His career and personal life in tatters, John had retreated to the sanctuary of his mother's house.约翰的事业和个人生活全毁了, 他躲进了他妈妈的房子里寻求庇护。外研社新世纪〔truthfully〕We've all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives.我们都学会了要非常坦诚地对待自己的个人生活柯林斯高阶〔truthful〕We've all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives.我们都学会了坦诚对待自己的个人生活外研社新世纪〔turmoil〕His personal life was full of crisis and turmoil.他的个人生活充满了危机和曲折。外研社新世纪〔way〕She doesn't like to mix her professional and personal lives, and, in the same way, I intend to keep my home life private.她不喜欢把职业和个人生活混为一谈, 同样地, 我倾向于对我的家庭生活保密。外研社新世纪For such a famous, wealthy man, his personal life was surprisingly simple and ordinary.作为如此有名、富裕的一个人,他的个人生活令人惊奇的简单和平凡。剑桥国际He's demanding a full apology from the newspaper for making untrue allegations about his personal life.他要求这家报纸对关于他个人生活的不实报道作出正式道歉。剑桥国际Her personal life has been subordinated to (= treated by her as less important than) her career.她将个人生活置于事业之下。剑桥国际I like living (all) on my own (= alone).我喜欢单独一个人生活剑桥国际I lived on my own for a while but I missed the companionship of (=enjoyment of being with) others.虽然我一个人生活了一段时间,但还是怀念同伴的情谊。剑桥国际I try not to let my problems at work carry over into (=influence) my private life.我尽量不使工作上的问题影响我的个人生活剑桥国际She was looking for a better balance between her personal life and her business life.她正在寻求对个人生活和商业生涯更好地作出平衡。牛津商务She's developed some very strange habits since she started living on her own.自从她开始一个人生活起,她已经养成了一些很奇怪的习惯。剑桥国际The details of Sue's entire business and personal lives are held between the black leather covers of her Filofax.休的全部事务和个人生活的细节都记在她的那个黑皮面的记事本里。剑桥国际The political subtext of her novel is a criticism of government interference in individual lives.她那部小说的潜在政治含义是抨击政府对个人生活的干预。剑桥国际The way you choose to conduct (=organize) your private life is your own business! 你如何选择安排个人生活是你自己的事!剑桥国际This is the first book to go into her personal life as well as her work.这是第一本既详细描写她的工作又展现了她个人生活的书。剑桥国际You need to strike a balance between your work and your personal life.你必须在工作和个人生活之间取得平衡。牛津商务

