
单词 互相
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Drug dealing and prostitution are often linked. 贩毒和卖淫常常是互相有关系的。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕They ended up stooping to hair-pulling and name-calling. 结果他们不顾羞耻到互相扯拉头发、互相辱骂起来。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕The room began to shake and we stared at each other in terror. ‘What's happening?’ asked Robert. 房间开始摇晃起来,我们惊恐地互相对望。“怎么回事?”罗伯特问道。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕By sharing their problems, sufferers of the disease learn to cope with the symptoms. 这种疾病的患者通过互相交流各自的问题,学会了如何对付那些症状。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕Group work helps children learn to share things and relate to each other. 小组活动有助于使儿童学会分享、互相理解。朗文写作活用〔Mullerian〕Mullerian mimicry 缪氏拟态(指不同种动物间为保护自己免被对方捕食而互相模拟形态)英汉大词典〔PUSH〕Passengers were jostling each other at the news kiosk for the last remaining copies of the evening paper. 乘客们为了购得最后几份晚报,在售报亭前互相推搡。朗文写作活用〔SCREAM〕The children squealed and fought among themselves. 孩子们尖叫着互相打起来。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Separating prisoners from each other is sometimes the only way of preventing riots. 把囚犯互相隔离起来有时是防止暴动的唯一办法。朗文写作活用〔WET〕The kids were playing around in the pool, splashing each other. 小孩子在泳池里到处玩,互相泼水。朗文写作活用〔acquainted〕The meetings were a way for the staff to get acquainted with each other.开会是让员工互相认识的一个途径。外研社新世纪〔additive〕Color Of or being any of certain primary colors of wavelengths that may be mixed with one another to produce other colors.【色彩】 加色的:原色波长互相混合以产生其他颜色的或与之有关的美国传统〔admittedly〕It's only a theory, admittedly, but the pieces fit together.不可否认这只是一种理论, 但是各部分都互相吻合。外研社新世纪〔admittedly〕It's only a theory, admittedly, but the pieces fit together.诚然,这只是一种理论,但各部分互相吻合。柯林斯高阶〔among〕They quarreled among themselves.他们互相争吵。21世纪英汉〔anomaly〕Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.统计上的不规范会使年与年之间的经济数据难以互相比较。剑桥高阶〔bear up to〕Tell them to bear up to one another.叫他们互相靠近一些。21世纪英汉〔bid〕Two dealers bid against each other for the table.两个商人为这张桌子互相竞价。牛津搭配〔bond〕They all bonded while writing graffiti together.他们都是在一起涂鸦时互相熟识的。外研社新世纪〔chin-chin〕At the banquet we chin-chinned and tried to look cheerful.在宴会上我们互相举杯祝酒,尽量表现出高兴的神情。21世纪英汉〔clinical trial〕Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US.两个互相竞争的激光手术系统正在美国进行临床试验。外研社新世纪〔come〕The warring factions have at last come to terms.互相斗争的派别最后达成了协议美国传统〔complect〕To join by weaving or twining together; interweave.交织:通过编织或缠绕接合在一起;互相交织美国传统〔complement〕Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.补数:组成一个整体的两部分中的一个或二者互相补充美国传统〔confer〕You may not confer with each other during the exam!考试的时候你们不许互相交换意见!牛津同义词〔congratulate〕The men were all congratulating one another warmly.那些人互相热烈地祝贺。麦克米伦高阶〔converge〕Their views converged 他们的观点互相吻合。英汉大词典〔criss-cross〕The roads here are quite a maze, criss-crossing one another in a fashion that at times defies logic.这里的路简直就是个迷宫, 互相纵横交错, 有时会把人搞得晕头转向。外研社新世纪〔criticize〕We look at each other's work and criticize it.我们交换作品看并互相提出批评意见。朗文当代〔cross〕To lie or pass across each other; intersect.交错而行:互相交错放置或经过;交叉美国传统〔duet〕I walked away to a duet of more abuse.我转而去处理那两个互相骂得更凶的人。外研社新世纪〔egg on〕They egged each other on to argue and to fight.他们互相拱火争吵, 大打出手。外研社新世纪〔equatorial〕Having or constituting a support with two perpendicular axes, one of which is parallel to the earth's rotational axis.赤道平面上的:由两条互相垂直的轴支撑的,其中一条与地轴平行美国传统〔evidently〕The two men evidently knew each other.这两个男人显然互相认识。外研社新世纪〔exchange〕They exchanged glances.他们互相扫了一眼。外研社新世纪〔exchange〕They exchanged handshakes.他们互相握了握手。英汉大词典〔family〕We are a very close-knit family and support each other through any crises.我们家非常团结,互相扶持渡过种种危机。牛津搭配〔faultfinder〕Faultfinders were quick to point out inconsistencies in the study.吹毛求疵者很快指出了这项研究中的互相矛盾之处。韦氏高阶〔flail〕They flailed away at each other.他们互相殴击。英汉大词典〔glare〕They glared at each other across the table.他们隔着桌子互相怒视。麦克米伦高阶〔groom〕They watched two monkeys grooming each other.他们看着两只猴子在互相为对方梳毛。21世纪英汉〔groom〕We watched two apes grooming each other.我们看着两只猿猴互相为对方梳毛。英汉大词典〔help〕We must all try and help each other.我们都必须努力互相帮助。牛津高阶〔hug〕We always exchange hugs and kisses when we meet.我们见面时总是互相拥抱和亲吻。剑桥高阶〔imitative〕All these magazines are imitative of each other.所有这些杂志都是互相抄袭。剑桥高阶〔interconnect〕The problems of poverty and unemployment are all interconnected.贫穷与失业问题是互相联系的。剑桥高阶〔joust〕The minister and I have often jousted with each other.部长和我常常互相争论。朗文当代〔kiss〕Brad and Sue exchanged a kiss.布拉德和休互相吻了一下。牛津搭配〔knowingly〕They looked knowingly at each other.他们心照不宣地互相看。文馨英汉〔lock〕Two cars locked together in passing.两车交会时互相卡住了。英汉大词典〔logrolling〕The exchanging of favors or praise, as among artists, critics, or academics.相互吹捧:艺术家、批评家或学术人士之间互相交换赞同和赞扬意见美国传统〔loyalty〕The team members felt tremendous loyalty towards / toward one another.队员互相之间都非常忠诚。牛津搭配〔lunge〕The goats lunged at each other with their horns.两只山羊互相用角顶对方。朗文当代〔neither〕Neither side trusts the other.双方互相不信任。麦克米伦高阶〔network〕An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support.人际网:有共同爱好或兴趣,并互相作用保持非正式交往以获得多方面帮助或支持的群体美国传统〔now〕We are by now fairly familiar with each other.到目前为止我们互相之间很熟悉了。英汉大词典〔out〕Everyone was fighting everyone else – I'm glad to be out of it.人人都在互相斗来斗去,很高兴我置身事外了。麦克米伦高阶〔palpable〕The attraction between them was palpable.很明显,他们俩互相吸引。韦氏高阶〔particularism〕A principle of allowing each state in a nation or federation to act independently of the central authority, especially in promoting its own economic interests.独立发展自身利益的原则:一种允许一个国家或联邦内的每一个州独立于中央集权而发展的原则,尤指互相提高自身经济利益方面美国传统〔pleasantry〕Stephen and Mr Illing exchanged pleasantries .斯蒂文和伊林先生互相客气了一番。朗文当代〔rack and pinion〕A device for the conversion of rotary and linear motion, consisting of a pinion and a mated rack.齿轮和小齿条:一种用于旋转运动和直线运动互相转换的装置,由一个齿轮和与之咬合的齿条组成美国传统〔rife〕The academic world is rife with jealousy.学术界都是人人互相嫉妒。外研社新世纪〔rub〕His massive thighs rubbed together as he walked.他走路时粗大的双腿互相蹭擦着。英汉大词典〔run into〕These two rivers run into each other.这两条河是互相沟通的。21世纪英汉〔score〕I hate conversations where people try to score off each other.我讨厌那种人们互相抬杠的谈话。英汉大词典〔shot〕I'm not going to sit here listening to you two take shots at each other all night.我可不想坐在这里一整夜就听你们两个互相攻击。朗文当代〔silence〕We stared at each other in stunned silence.我们惊呆了,一言不发地互相凝视着对方。麦克米伦高阶〔size sth/sb up〕The two cats walked in circles around each other, sizing each other up.两只猫围着彼此绕圈,并且互相打量着。剑桥高阶〔snipe〕There has been a lot of sniping between the candidates.候选人之间经常互相攻击。韦氏高阶〔spark〕The scrape of metal on metal sent up a shower of sparks .金属之间互相摩擦,迸出一阵火星。朗文当代〔stare down〕The two boxers gazed at each other, wanting to stare down the opposite party.两名拳手互相瞪着眼睛,想以此震慑住对方。21世纪英汉〔supportive〕They were always supportive of each other.他们一直互相扶持。外研社新世纪〔terms〕They are on affectionate terms.他们之间互相爱慕。外研社新世纪〔war story〕We exchanged war stories about our time as interns at the same company.我们互相讲了在同一家公司做实习生时的艰难经历。韦氏高阶〔war〕We do not want to war upon one another.我们不想互相打仗。英汉大词典〔wrestle〕The two men wrestled with each other.两名男子互相扭打起来。朗文当代Although each line rhymes with another, the poem has no fixed rhyme scheme.虽然行与行都互相押韵,但诗仍没有固定的用韵结构。剑桥国际Hexagons tessellate, circles do not.六边形能互相嵌合,圆形不能。剑桥国际I hate hearing people carrying on at (=arguing with) each other.我讨厌人们互相争吵。剑桥国际It was one of those parties where couples were necking in corners.这是一场情侣在角落里互相亲吻、拥抱的社交聚会。剑桥国际It's the story of a lovelorn girl whose suicide provokes bitter recriminations.那是个关于一名失恋的姑娘的故事,她的自杀引发了严厉的互相指责。剑桥国际One of the aims of language games is to get students to mingle together and talk.语言游戏的一个目的是让学生们互相交往谈话。剑桥国际The children snowballed each other. 孩子们互相掷雪球。译典通The girls spent the morning joshing each other about their boyfriends and talking about what they were doing that evening.女孩子们一早晨都在互相拿男朋友开玩笑,谈论那天晚上她们所干的事。剑桥国际The layout of the house is more a series of spaces opening on to each other than distinct rooms.该房屋的布局使各房间不是互相隔绝,而是互通相串,联成一气。剑桥国际The members of the team just didn't mesh (with each other).这个队的队员没有互相配合。剑桥国际The peace talks broke down and ended in mutual recrimination.和谈破裂,以互相指责告终。剑桥国际The simplest and strongest framework is a system of interlocking triangles, similar to that we see supporting bridges and the roofs of houses.最简单的、承受力最强的结构是一个互相扣住的三角形的系统,与我们看到支撑桥梁和房顶的结构相似。剑桥国际The statements they gave to the police conflicted with each other.他们对警察的陈述互相矛盾。剑桥国际The teacher spoke in praise of those students who helped each other. 老师表扬了那些互相帮忙的学生。译典通The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。译典通They have a reciprocal loathing for each other. 他们互相憎恨。译典通They made a compact not to reveal any details.他们互相约定不透露任何细节。剑桥国际They shook hands and the contract was thus agreed.他们互相握手,合同就这样达成了。剑桥国际They took out their resentments on each other. 他们互相发泄怨气。译典通They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousy. 他们因互相猜疑,嫉妒而对立。译典通Two recent entrants offer competing services.两家新近入行的公司提供了互相竞争的服务。牛津商务We were bewildered by the conflicting road signs. 我们被互相矛盾的路标搞糊涂了。译典通We're a group of artists who meet to discuss things and criticize each other's work.我们是群碰了面就互相讨论、互相批评对方作品的艺术家。剑桥国际What he wants is a spiritual communion between East and West--to bring them to a closer understanding of each other.他所希望的是东西方之间精神上的交流,使彼此能更好地互相理解。剑桥国际

