
单词 室友
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHOOSE〕You've got to be very selective when choosing a roommate. 选择室友的时候一定要非常仔细。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕He has a couple of roommates but they kind of all do their own thing. 他有几个室友,但他们都有点自行其是。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕My roommate and I aren't getting along very well - I think I'm going to have to move. 我和室友相处得不是很好—我打算搬家了。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕This is Rosalind, my flatmate. 这是罗莎琳德,我的室友朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕You can't have a party without asking your flatmate first. 你不先问问你的室友就不能搞聚会。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕The last thing I felt like doing was making polite conversation with my roommate's parents. 我最不想的就是与室友的父母亲说客套话。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕He kept his savings under his bed, secure from the prying eyes of his roommate. 他把积蓄藏在床下,避开室友虎视眈眈的目光。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕I don't want a room-mate who acts like a horny teenager with every woman he meets. 我可不想要一个每次见到女人就像性饥渴的青少年似的室友朗文写作活用〔between〕My roommates disagreed and I was caught in between.我的室友不同意,我被夹在中间进退两难美国传统〔binge and purge〕Her college roommate used to binge and purge.她的大学室友过去常常暴食后再强迫自己呕吐。韦氏高阶〔bond〕My roommate and I share a common bond because we both grew up in the Midwest.室友和我有着共同之处,因为我俩都是在中西部长大的。韦氏高阶〔booby trap〕His roommate booby-trapped the door.他的室友在门上设了机关。韦氏高阶〔cajole〕My roommate cajoled me into lending him money for pizza.我的室友花言巧语地游说我借钱给他买比萨饼。韦氏高阶〔cellmate〕A person with whom one shares a cell, especially in a prison.室友:同住一小房间的人,尤指在监狱里美国传统〔chase sb up〕I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them.我得找我的室友问问那些账单的事,看看她是否付过账了。剑桥高阶〔chum〕To share the same room, as in a dormitory.室友:如在同一宿舍美国传统〔compared to〕I'm a slob compared to my roommate.与室友比起来,我可是个懒汉。韦氏高阶〔drive sb up the wall〕My flat-mate is driving me up the wall.我的室友此时正让我大为光火。剑桥高阶〔drive〕Her flatmate's new boyfriend is drivingher to distraction.室友的新男友让她心烦意乱。外研社新世纪〔enough〕Not even her roommate had cared enough to warn her.就连她的室友也懒得告诫她。麦克米伦高阶〔exasperate〕He was so exasperated by his roommate's snoring that he went out of the room.他被室友的鼾声弄得如此恼火,以致走出了房间。英汉大词典〔free〕He always makes free with his roommate's clothes.他老是擅自穿寝室室友的衣服。英汉大词典〔from hell〕Now Miranda - she was the housemate from hell.哎,米兰达——她是个特别糟的室友剑桥高阶〔haze〕Don't haze the new roommate, he's my cousin.别戏弄新来的室友,他是我表弟。21世纪英汉〔hell〕She was the flatmate from hell.她是最差劲的室友朗文当代〔housemate〕His housemate, David, is also a journalism student.他的室友戴维也是一名新闻系的学生。外研社新世纪〔housemate〕The TV belongs to my housemate.这台电视机是我室友的。韦氏高阶〔in her sleep〕Her roommate talks/walks in her sleep.她的室友说梦话/梦游。韦氏高阶〔keen〕My flatmates want to have a party, but I'm not keen on the idea .我同公寓的室友想办个派对,但我却不喜欢这个主意。朗文当代〔level〕Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友一直是表面上友善。外研社新世纪〔level〕Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。柯林斯高阶〔lose touch〕She lost touch with her college roommate after graduation.毕业后她就和大学的室友失去联系了。韦氏高阶〔luck〕You never know who you'll get as a roommate; it's just a matter of luck .你不知道谁会是你的室友,完全是碰运气的。朗文当代〔maintain〕She still maintains a close relationship with her college roommate.她和大学室友仍然保持着密切的关系。韦氏高阶〔neat freak〕My first college roommate was a real neat freak.我的第一个大学室友是个有严重洁癖的人。韦氏高阶〔pair up〕Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates.吸烟者和不吸烟者被配对儿成为室友柯林斯高阶〔penny-pincher〕Her roommate was a real penny-pincher.她的室友是个吝啬鬼。韦氏高阶〔plod〕I could hear my roommate plodding up the steps to our apartment.我可以听到室友回公寓上楼时沉重的脚步声。韦氏高阶〔quick〕I got used to living with a roommate pretty quick.我很快就习惯了与室友一起生活。韦氏高阶〔roomie〕A roommate.室友美国传统〔roomie〕She was my roomie in college.她是我大学时期的室友韦氏高阶〔roommate〕A person with whom one shares a room or rooms.室友:与他人同住一个或多个房间的人美国传统〔roommate〕Jean was my roommate during our first year at college.琼和我大学一年级时是室友剑桥高阶〔roommate〕She was my college roommate. = We were roommates in college.她是我大学时期的室友韦氏高阶〔room〕At college he rooms with this guy from Nebraska.在大学里他和这个来自内布拉斯加州的小伙子是室友剑桥高阶〔stiff〕My roommate stiffed me out of last month's rent.我的室友骗走了我上个月的房租美国传统〔superficial〕His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.他的室友从外表看还不错。外研社新世纪〔tidy〕My flatmate isn't very tidy.我的室友不怎么爱整洁。剑桥高阶〔whose〕My roommate, whose sister is an actress, gets lots of requests for autographs.我的室友,她姐姐是名演员,经常被索要签名。韦氏高阶He drugged his roommate and stole his money. 他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱。译典通I can distinguish my roommates by their footsteps. 我能根据室友的脚步声辨认出他们。译典通I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them.我得找我的室友看看她有没有付那些帐单。剑桥国际My flat-mate and I rub along okay (together).我的室友与我相处得还不错。剑桥国际My flat-mate is driving me up the wall at the moment.当时我的室友惹得我愤怒不已。剑桥国际My roommate sniffed at my idea of becoming an artist. 我的室友对我要当艺术家的想法嗤之以鼻。译典通

