
单词 如电
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔access code〕An alphanumeric sequence that permits access to an electronic network, such as a telephone network or an automated teller machine.存取编码:一组字母数字序列,可使进入如电话网络或自动取款机的电子网络美国传统〔advertisement〕A notice, such as a poster, newspaper display, or paid announcement in the electronic media, designed to attract public attention or patronage.公告,启事:一种通知,例如电子传媒中的海报,报纸展览或有偿启事等,旨在吸引公众注意或赞助美国传统〔analog computer〕A computer in which numerical data are represented by measurable physical variables, such as electrical signals.类比计算机,模拟计算机:一种用可测物理变量(如电子信号)来代表数据的计算机美国传统〔annihilate〕To participate in annihilation, as do an electron and a positron.湮灭,湮没:湮灭,如电子与正电子美国传统〔blockbuster〕Informal Something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.【非正式用语】 流行佳作:一些受到广泛普及和销售量巨大的事物,例如电影或书美国传统〔breadboard〕To construct an experimental model of (an electric circuit, for example).制作(如电路)试验模型美国传统〔bridge〕Any of various instruments for measuring or comparing the characteristics, such as impedance or inductance, of a conductor.电桥:用来测量、比较导体的特征的仪器,如电阻、感应器美国传统〔busy〕Being in use, as a telephone line.占线的:正在使用的,比如电话线美国传统〔cathode〕A negatively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.阴极:负电极,如电池、蓄电池或电子管的负极美国传统〔channel〕Electronics A specified frequency band for the transmission and reception of electromagnetic signals, as for television signals.【电子学】 频道,波道:传送和接收电磁信号的一特定的频率波段,如电视信号美国传统〔clicker〕A remote control, as for a television or VCR.遥控器:如电视和录像机的遥控器美国传统〔coverage〕The percentage of persons reached by a medium of communication, such as television or a newspaper.新闻覆盖率:受某一通讯媒介,比如电视或报纸影响的人数百分比美国传统〔cut〕An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.切换:图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换美国传统〔darkly〕The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.星期三首映之后的气氛就如电影本身一样,充满了黑色喜剧色彩。柯林斯高阶〔duplex〕Electronics Of or relating to a communications mode, as in a telephone system, that provides simultaneous transmission and reception in both directions.【电子学】 双工的,双向的:在两个方向同时提供传递和接收的通信模式的,如电话系统中双工通信模式的美国传统〔encipher〕To put (a message, for example) into cipher.将(如电文)译成密码美国传统〔fade-in〕A gradual increase in the visibility of an image or the audibility of a sound, as in cinema, television, or radio.淡入:一个画面渐现直到完全可见或一种声音渐增到完全所见,如电影、电视或收音机美国传统〔fade-out〕A gradual disappearance of an image or a sound, as in cinema, television, or radio.淡出:影象或声音的逐渐消失,如电影、电视或收音机中美国传统〔freeze〕To capture or preserve a likeness of, as on film.抓取并保存(如电影中的)的图象美国传统〔frequency〕The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current.频率:单位时间内某种完整波动的重复次数,例如电美国传统〔ground〕A conducting object, such as a wire, that is connected to such a position of zero potential.地线:一种与零电位位置相连接的传导性物体,如电线美国传统〔hard-wire〕To connect (electronic components, for example) by electrical wires or cables.以实体线路连结:以电线或电缆连结(举例而言,如电子零件)美国传统〔hearing dog〕A dog trained to assist a deaf or hearing-impaired person by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds, such as a ringing telephone or doorbell.导聋犬:被训练来帮助聋子或听力受损者的可以指示如电话铃或门铃声等声音的狗美国传统〔home banking〕The conducting of bank business at home by means of electronic communications, such as a telephone or computer.家庭银行:在家中藉由电子通道传达,例如电话或是计算机,以经营银行业务美国传统〔katakana〕A relatively angular kana used for writing foreign words or official documents, such as telegrams.片假名:一种相对来说生硬的假名,用来写外来文或官方文件,如电美国传统〔lead-in〕A program, as on television, scheduled to precede another.导入部分:被优先安排在另一节目之前的节目,如电视上美国传统〔loveliness〕Coffee was being handed out by a girl of film-star loveliness.一位有如电影明星可爱的女孩正将咖啡分送给大家。文馨英汉〔male〕Designating an object, such as an electric plug, configured for insertion into a fitted bore or socket.阳的:表明具有一定的形状使能插入适当的孔或袋中的物体的,例如电插座美国传统〔megahit〕A product or event, such as a movie or concert, that is exceedingly successful.广受欢迎的,轰动的:某种非常成功的产品或者事件,例如电影或是演唱会美国传统〔meteorologist〕One who reports and forecasts weather conditions, as on television.天气预报员:报告和预告天气情况的人,如电视气象预报员美国传统〔mosaic〕A photosensitive surface, as in the iconoscope of a television camera.感光面: 一种感光面,如电子照像机中的光电摄影管上的感光面美国传统〔multimedia〕The combined use of several media, such as movies, slides, music, and lighting, especially for the purpose of education or entertainment.多媒体:多种媒体的联合使用,例如电影、幻灯片、音乐和照明的组合,尤其是出于教育或娱乐的目的美国传统〔orbit〕The path of a body in a field of force surrounding another body; for example, the movement of an atomic electron in relation to a nucleus.力场轨道:一物体在力场中环绕另一物体运行路径,例如电子在原子核周围的运动美国传统〔organ〕Any one of various other instruments, such as the electronic organ, that resemble a pipe organ either in mechanism or sound.电子风琴:任何一种在机械装置或声音上类似管风琴的其它各类乐器,例如电子风琴美国传统〔outtake〕A section or scene, as of a movie, that is filmed but not used in the final version.(影片的)剪余片:(如电影的)被拍摄但在最后的改写本里末被采用的片断或镜头美国传统〔overhead〕Something, such as a light fixture, that is located above head height.顶部装置:安装在头顶的固定装置,如电灯装置美国传统〔pantograph〕A similarly jointed framework, such as a power-collecting trolley on an electric locomotive or an extensible telephone arm.动臂装置:同样构造的有活节的结构,如电力火车上的电力机车或可伸性电话臂美国传统〔plate〕A sheet of metal, plastic, rubber, paperboard, or other material prepared for use as a printing surface, such as an electrotype or a stereotype.印刷版面:准备用作印刷表面的一片金属,塑料,橡胶,纸板或其它材料,例如电版或铅版美国传统〔prerecord〕To record (a television program, for example) at an earlier time for later presentation or use.将…预先录入,预先录制:为后期的表演或使用而预先录制(如电视节目)美国传统〔preview〕An advance showing, as of a movie or an art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before public presentation begins.预审,预看:在公映或公开展览之前的预先放映或开放,如电影或艺术展览,只有少数经过挑选的观众被邀请美国传统〔prime mover〕The initial force, such as electricity, wind, or gravity, that engages or moves a machine.推动力:推动机器运动的初始力量,如电、风或重力美国传统〔promo〕A promotional presentation, such as a television spot, radio announcement, or personal appearance.宣传,广告:推销性的表达,比如电视广告、广播启事或个人的外貌特征美国传统〔recordist〕One that records sound electronically, as for films or at concerts.录音师:利用电子来录制声音的人,如电影或音乐会的录音师美国传统〔reverse〕A mechanism, such as a gear in a motor vehicle, that is used to reverse movement.倒退装置:用来逆转运动的机械或结构,如电动运输工具中的齿轮美国传统〔rip-off〕Something, such as a film or story, that is clearly imitative of or based on something else.冒牌货,抄袭之作:明显是模仿别人的或建立在别的东西基础上的事物,如电影或小说美国传统〔scale〕To ride on (a tram or train, for example) without paying the fare.搭便车:不付钱便搭乘(如电车或火车)美国传统〔screen〕Electronics The phosphorescent surface on which an image is displayed, as on a television, computer monitor, or radar receiver.【电子学】 荧光屏:可以显示图象的磷光表面,如电视、计算机显示器或者雷达接收机美国传统〔screen〕To show or project (a movie, for example) on a screen.放映:在银幕上显示或放映(例如电影)美国传统〔secure〕To protect or ensure the privacy or secrecy of (a telephone line, for example).保障:保护或保障(如电话线)的私人化和隐私美国传统〔shoot-'em-up〕An entertainment, such as a movie or television show, featuring gunfire and violence.枪战片:描写 枪战和暴力的娱乐片,如电影或电视剧美国传统〔showtime〕The time at which an entertainment, such as the showing of a movie, is scheduled to start.开演时间:一项娱乐活动计划开始的时间,如电影开映美国传统〔signal〕Electronics An impulse or a fluctuating electric quantity, such as voltage, current, or electric field strength, whose variations represent coded information.【电子学】 电波:电脉冲或变化的电量,比如电压、电流或电场强度,它们的变化表示着编码后的信息美国传统〔superstar〕A widely acclaimed star, as in movies or sports, who has great popular appeal.超级明星:广受欢迎具有大众吸引力的明星,如电影明星或体育明星美国传统〔tie line〕A connection between systems, such as electrical power or communications systems.连接线:如电力系统或通信系统间的连接美国传统〔torsion balance〕An instrument with which small forces, as of electricity or magnetism, are measured by means of the torsion they produce in a wire or slender rod.扭秤:测量如电子或电磁之间等极微小的力的仪器,使用的方法是测量它们在导线或细杆上产生的扭曲美国传统〔utility〕A commodity or service, such as electricity, water, or public transportation, that is provided by a public utility.公用事业:由公用事业公司提供的商品或服务,如电力,水和公共交通美国传统〔voltmeter〕An instrument, such as a galvanometer, for measuring potential differences in volts.伏特计:一种以伏特为单位测量电位差的仪表,如电压表美国传统Most power points are wall sockets but large items such as cookers sometimes have permanent connections.大部分电源插座是墙装插座,但有时大的用电器比如电炊具有固定的连接。剑桥国际Sales of durable household goods, such as televisions and washing machines, were strong.如电视机和洗衣机等耐用家用电器的销售量很强劲。牛津商务Strict rules govern the export of high-tech equipment such as computers.有严格的规定管理着诸如电脑之类的高技术设备的出口。剑桥国际The government is likely to raise tariff levels to protect strategic industries such as electronics.政府可能会提高关税水平以保护诸如电子产业在内的策略性产业。牛津商务

