
单词 她站在那里
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK〕She stood there gaping at me, too shocked to speak. 她站在那里目瞪口呆地看着我,吃惊得没法说话。朗文写作活用〔admiration〕She stood in admiration of the scenery.她站在那里欣赏风景。文馨英汉〔askew〕She stood there, hat askew.她站在那里,歪戴着帽子。柯林斯高阶〔clutch〕She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.她站在那里,手里仍然紧握着花束。牛津高阶〔docilely〕She stood there, docilely awaiting my decision.她站在那里, 顺从地等待我的决定。外研社新世纪〔expanse〕She stood looking out over the flat expanse of fields.她站在那里遥望开阔而平坦的田野。牛津搭配〔feast〕She stood feasting her eyes on the view.她站在那里, 尽情欣赏着美景。外研社新世纪〔frame〕She stood there, framed against the doorway.她站在那里,背景是门道。朗文当代〔hip〕She stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at him.她站在那里,双手叉腰瞪着他。朗文当代〔hold〕She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.她站在那里,手里仍然紧握着花束。牛津高阶〔in a state of shock〕She stood there in shock as he told her what had happened.他告诉她所发生的事时,她站在那里惊愕不已。韦氏高阶〔paralyse〕She stood there, paralysed with fear.她站在那里,吓得呆若木鸡。牛津高阶〔rhythmically〕She stood, swaying her hips, moving rhythmically.她站在那里,摇摆着臀部,有节奏地晃动着。柯林斯高阶〔smudge〕She stood there in the old coat and woollen cap, her face smudged with dirt.她站在那里,身穿旧外套,头戴羊皮帽,脸上脏兮兮的。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕She stood and stared at me for a moment.她站在那里, 盯着我看了一会儿。外研社新世纪〔watch〕She stood and watched them walk off down the road.她站在那里看着他们沿着马路走远了。牛津搭配

