
单词 安全规定
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISOBEY〕Excessive workloads can lead to the violation of health and safety rules. 超负荷的工作量可能导致违反健康与安全规定朗文写作活用〔breach〕His former employer admitted breaching health and safety regulations.他以前的雇主承认违反了卫生与安全规定麦克米伦高阶〔circumvent〕Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.船只在外国注册以规避雇用及安全规定剑桥高阶〔conform〕This equipment conforms fully with the latest safety regulations.这一设备完全符合最新安全规定牛津搭配〔contravene〕The overcrowded dance club contravened safety regulations.舞厅拥挤不堪,这违反了安全规定韦氏高阶〔disregard〕Safety rules were disregarded.安全规定被忽视了。牛津高阶〔do〕Was the dispute anything to do with safety regulations? 这场争论与安全规定有关吗?麦克米伦高阶〔fire〕She was fired for refusing to comply with safety regulations.她因为拒绝遵守安全规定而被解雇了。麦克米伦高阶〔necessitate〕New safety regulations necessitated adding a railing to the stairs.新安全规定要求楼梯必须配有扶手。韦氏高阶〔regulation〕Under pressure from the American government, Fiat and other manufacturers obeyed the new safety regulations.在美国政府的压力之下,菲亚特和其他汽车制造商同意遵守新的安全规定柯林斯高阶〔requirement〕The government has imposed strict safety requirements on fairground rides.政府已就露天游乐场乘坐设施实行严格的安全规定牛津搭配Free marketeers are vehemently opposed to the new safety regulations which they say will increase employers'costs.自由市场主义者强烈反对新的安全规定,声称这会增加雇主开支。剑桥国际The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.在任何工厂工作的指导原则是遵守安全规定剑桥国际The preparation of food in restaurants and caféis subject to stringent safety rules.餐馆和小吃铺食物制做受到严格安全规定的制约。剑桥国际

