
单词 不准吸烟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SMOKING〕Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building. 这大楼里任何地方都不准吸烟朗文写作活用〔allow〕Smoking is not allowed in the hall.大厅内不准吸烟牛津高阶〔allow〕Smoking not allowed.不准吸烟英汉大词典〔offender〕No smoking here; offenders will be fined five dollars.此处不准吸烟,违者罚款5美元。英汉大词典〔out〕Smoking on duty is out.值班期间不准吸烟英汉大词典〔permit〕The law does not permit smoking in this store.法律规定本店不准吸烟英汉大词典〔smoking〕Smoking is not permitted anywhere in this theatre.本剧院内任何地方都不准吸烟剑桥高阶I was new to the office and I hadn't been clued in on the no-smoking policy.我新来这个办公室,还不知道这里不准吸烟的规定。剑桥国际

