
单词 上缴
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amnesty〕The men surrendered their guns to the authorities as part of a community weapons amnesty.在社区武器大赦期间, 这些人向当局上缴了枪支。外研社新世纪〔good〕The loss to the company was made good by contributions from its subsidiaries.公司的这一损失由子公司上缴的利润弥补了。朗文当代〔misplace〕Misplaced valuables are routinely handed over to the authorities.按常规,四处乱放的贵重物品总是上缴管理部门的。英汉大词典〔take ... out〕He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money.他扣除自己的佣金后上缴余款。21世纪英汉〔take〕He took his train fare out before turning in the rest of the money.他把火车票款扣除之后将余额上缴英汉大词典〔tax-exempt〕The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.最贫困的家庭不用在食品上缴税,因为他们用食品卷购买是免税的。剑桥高阶〔turn ... in〕They have turned in all the weapons.他们已经把所有武器都上缴了。21世纪英汉〔warring〕The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons.敌对双方尚未将其重型武器悉数上缴柯林斯高阶The army has set a deadline for the surrender (= the giving up) of illegally held weapons.军队规定了上缴非法持有武器的最后期限。剑桥国际

