
单词 不知去向
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕He's a strange man -- sometimes he goes missing for days and doesn't tell a soul. 他是个怪人——有时候他跟谁也不说一声,就一连几天都不知去向朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕I had the file on my desk a minute ago, but I seem to have lost track of it. 文件刚刚还在桌上,可现在好像不知去向了。朗文写作活用〔lay〕One of the guards had been laid out and the other was missing.一个卫兵被打昏,另一个则不知去向朗文当代〔lost〕Things tend to get lost when you move.搬家时东西常常会不知去向剑桥高阶〔since〕He disappeared many years since.他许多年以前就不知去向英汉大词典〔unaccounted for〕About £50 million from the robbery five years ago is unaccounted for.5年前发生的那起抢劫案中仍有大约5,000万英镑不知去向柯林斯高阶〔unaccounted〕About £50 million from the robbery is unaccounted for.抢劫案中有大约5,000万英镑不知去向外研社新世纪My pen was here this morning but it seems to have gone walkabout.今天早上我的笔还在这儿,但现在好像已经不知去向了。剑桥国际No-one saw him commit the murder, but the circumstantial evidence is strong, as he was the only person missing when it happened.没有人看见他谋杀,可是间接证据很有力,因为他是谋杀发生时唯一不知去向的人。剑桥国际Things tend to get lost (= you do not know where they are) mysteriously when you move house.搬家时东西常会不知去向剑桥国际

