
单词 三股
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bouclé〕A type of yarn, usually three-ply and having one thread looser than the others, that produces a rough-textured cloth.纱线:一种纱线,通常有三股,其中一股较其它股松散,用于制造粗纹布美国传统〔cable-laid〕Made of three ropes of three strands each, twisted together counterclockwise.电缆敷设用的,三根三股的:由三根分别为三股的绳索反时针方向绞绕在一起而成的美国传统〔packthread〕A strong two-ply or three-ply twine for sewing or tying packages or bundles.捆包绳,捆扎线:一种结实的两股或三股的绳,用来缝或捆绑包裹或包装物美国传统〔plain-laid〕Made of three strands laid together with a right-hand twist. Used of a rope.平捻的,顺搓的,正搓的:将置于右手手腕的三股线搓到一块而制成的。用于绳索美国传统〔three-ply〕The sweater was knitted in three-ply.这件毛衣是用三股头毛线编结的。英汉大词典Shareholders are being asked to buy three new shares at 10¢ for each unit already owned.公司以每股 10 分的价格,每单位股票向老股东配售三股牛津商务

