
单词 指针
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ableism〕Discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities, especially physical disabilities.健全至上:对能力缺失者的歧视或偏见,尤指针对身体残障人士美国传统〔barometer〕He tapped the barometer and noted where the needle was pointing.他把气压计轻轻弹了弹,看了看指针的位置。牛津搭配〔belonephobia〕An abnormal fear of sharply pointed objects, especially needles.恐针症:对尖利物品的异常恐惧,尤指针美国传统〔bright〕The watch has a luminous dial.那只表的指针盘可以发光。美国传统〔clockwise〕In the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock.顺时针的:与钟的指针旋转方向一致的美国传统〔clock〕At 240 mph the needle went off the clock.在速度达到每小时240英里时, 指针爆表了。外研社新世纪〔clock〕At 240 mph the needle went off the clock.车速达到每小时240英里时,里程表上的指针显示超出了最高时速。柯林斯高阶〔clock〕The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click.墙上挂钟的指针走动着,发出轻微的咔嗒声。柯林斯高阶〔clock〕The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click.墙上时钟的指针移动时发出轻轻的咔嗒声。外研社新世纪〔compass〕The character in the movie had no moral compass to tell him that stealing was wrong.影片中的那个人物没有道德指针,意识不到偷窃是错误的行为。韦氏高阶〔counterclockwise〕In a direction opposite to the rotating hands of a clock.逆时针地:按与钟表指针运转方向相反的方向地美国传统〔counter〕The needle on the rev counter soared.转速计的指针猛升。牛津高阶〔cynosure〕Something that serves to guide.指引物,指针:用来作向导的事物美国传统〔deadbeat〕Having an indicator that stops without oscillation.指针不摆的:停止时没有震动的指示器的美国传统〔deflection〕The deviation of an indicator of a measuring instrument from zero or from its normal position.偏转角:测量工具的指针从零位置或它的正常位置的偏转美国传统〔dial〕A graduated surface or face on which a measurement, such as speed, is indicated by a moving needle or pointer.标度盘:有刻度的表面或面,在上面由活动的指针或指示器表示度量衡,比如温度美国传统〔gauge〕The fuel gauges dropped swiftly.燃料表(指针)迅速下降。英汉大词典〔hand〕A pointer, as on a gauge or dial.手形的指示标记:一种指针,如在计量表或日晷上的美国传统〔hand〕Any of the rotating pointers used as indexes on the face of a mechanical clock.指针:任何一种旋转指针,用来在机械表的表面指示刻度美国传统〔indicate〕The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner.显示你身高的指针在右上角。柯林斯高阶〔indicate〕The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner.显示身高的指针在右上角。外研社新世纪〔indication〕The degree indicated by a measuring instrument.指示器读数:用于测量的器械的读数或指针所标示的读数美国传统〔indicator〕The needle, dial, or other registering device on such an instrument.指针:这些仪表上的针、盘或其它指示用工具美国传统〔jump〕The needle jumped across the dial.指针突然从刻度盘的一端跳到另一端。牛津高阶〔minute hand〕The long hand on a clock or watch that indicates minutes.分针:钟或表上用来指示分钟的长指针美国传统〔needle〕A slender pointer or indicator on a dial, scale, or similar part of a mechanical device.指针:标度盘、刻度或机械装置的类似部分上的细长指针或指示器美国传统〔needle〕He drove faster, watching the needle flick (或shoot) up to a hundred.他把车越开越快,看着车速表上的指针跳到了100码。英汉大词典〔needle〕She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees.她一直盯着锅炉的刻度盘。指针已经指到250度了。外研社新世纪〔needle〕She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees.她一直看着锅炉上的刻度盘,指针已指向了250度。柯林斯高阶〔needle〕The compass needle was pointing north.罗盘指针指向北方。牛津高阶〔needle〕The needle moved away from the wind.指针背离风向偏转。牛津搭配〔needle〕The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.指南针的指针总是指向磁北极。剑桥高阶〔needle〕The needle on the scale points to 9 grams.秤上的指针指到9克。韦氏高阶〔nervous〕The compass is nervous.罗盘指针摇摆不停。英汉大词典〔oscillate〕I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.我查看了那根音量指针是否在摆动。柯林斯高阶〔oscillate〕I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.我查看音量指针是否在摆动。外研社新世纪〔oscillate〕The needle on the dial began to oscillate.仪表盘上的指针开始来回摆动。朗文当代〔oscillate〕The needle on the dial oscillated between full and empty.刻度盘上的指针在“满”和“空”之间来回摆动。剑桥高阶〔oscillate〕The pointer is still oscillating.指针一直在摆动。21世纪英汉〔oscillate〕Watch how the needle on the dial oscillates.仔细看仪表盘上的指针如何摆动。牛津高阶〔pivot〕The compass needle swung round on its pivot.罗盘指针绕轴转动。外研社新世纪〔pogrom〕An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.集体迫害:对少数群体有组织的、常是受到官方鼓励的大屠杀或迫害,尤指针对犹太人的集体迫害或屠杀美国传统〔pointer〕A scale indicator on a watch, balance, or other measuring instrument.指针:手表,天平,或其它测量仪器上的一个指针美国传统〔pointer〕Computer Science A word that gives the address of a core storage location.【计算机科学】 指示字,指针:给出磁心存储器位置的地址的字美国传统〔pointer〕The pointer was between 35 and 40 pounds.指针指在 35 和 40 磅之间。朗文当代〔point〕A compass needle points north.罗盘指针指向北方。牛津高阶〔point〕The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past one.时钟的指针指向一点一刻。朗文当代〔point〕The hands of the clock pointed to a quarter past one.钟的指针对准一点一刻。21世纪英汉〔point〕The needle of a compass always points to the north.罗盘的指针永远向北。英汉大词典〔producer price index〕A comprehensive index of wholesale price changes, often viewed as an indicator of future retail price changes.生产(者)物价指数:批发价格变动的综合指数,通常被视为未来零售价格变动的一个指针美国传统〔put〕Remember to put your clocks forward tonight(= because the time has officially changed).记住今晚把时钟指针往前拨。牛津高阶〔quarter〕One of the four major divisions of the horizon as determined by the four major points of the compass.象限:由罗盘上四个主要指针确定的四个主要地平方位中的一个美国传统〔rev〕The needle on the rev counter soared.转数指针快速上升。牛津高阶〔round〕She watched the clock hands go round.她看着钟的指针转动。朗文当代〔second hand〕The hand of a timepiece that marks the seconds.秒针:时钟指明秒数的指针美国传统〔style〕The gnomon of a sundial.日晷仪的指针美国传统〔sundial〕An instrument that indicates local apparent solar time by the shadow cast by a central projecting pointer on a surrounding calibrated dial.日晷仪:指示某地太阳时间的一种仪器,通过一个中心突出指针在围绕刻有标准刻度的日晷上的阴影来指示时间美国传统〔traverse〕The needle of the compass is traversing.罗盘的指针在转动。英汉大词典〔turn〕Turn the hands of the clock until they point to 9 o'clock.把时钟的指针拨到9点。英汉大词典〔wiggle〕The compass needle wiggled crazily.罗盘指针剧烈地晃动着。英汉大词典〔zone〕When the needle enters the red zone the engine is too hot.当指针进入红色区域时,发动机就过热了。牛津高阶A watch has three hands -- the second hand, minute hand and hour hand. 手表有三根指针:秒针,分针和时针。译典通My grandmother can't stand those watches with digital read-outs, she always buys analogue models.我祖母不习惯用液晶数字显示手表,她总是买指针式的电子表。剑桥国际The audience loved his performance and the needle on the clapometer shot up.观众很喜欢他的表演,掌声测量计的指针在上升。剑桥国际The finger of the clock points to twelve. 钟的指针指向十二点。译典通The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three. 这时钟的指针指向三点半。译典通The hands on my alarm clock are luminous, so that I can see what time it is in the dark.因为闹钟上的指针是荧光的,所以我在黑暗中也能看清时间。剑桥国际The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.指南针的指针总指向磁北极。剑桥国际The needle on the dial oscillated between“full”and “empty”.转盘上的指针在“满”和“空”之间来回摆动。剑桥国际The points of the compass are North, South, East and West.指南针的指针分别指向北、南、东、西。剑桥国际

