
单词 失分
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WRONG〕You will lose marks for bad grammar in the exam. 你在考试中会因语法错误而失分朗文写作活用〔because〕Many exam candidates lose marks simply because they do not read the questions properly.许多应试者失分只是因为没有好好地读题。朗文当代〔demerit〕You'll get three demerits if you're caught smoking on school grounds.在校内抽烟一经发现将被记过失分三分。牛津高阶〔double fault〕Two successive service faults in tennis, resulting in the loss of a point.双发失误:网球连续两个发球失误,造成失分美国传统If your coat is stolen from your car, your household insurer may seek a contribution from your car insurer.如果你的外衣从你的汽车里被偷去,你的家居物品保险人可以从汽车保险人那儿寻求损失分摊。牛津商务You'll lose marks if you translate too literally.如果你照字面翻的话你将失分剑桥国际

