
单词 likingly
释义 I. ˈlikingly, adv.1 Obs.
[f. liking ppl. a.1 + -ly2.]
In a pleasing manner; pleasantly, daintily, attractively; also, to one's liking, with pleasure.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 405 Þe man þouȝte þat he hadde be likyngly i-norsched.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xx. 241 Lordliche for to lyuen and likyngliche be cloþed.c1410Love Bonavent. Mirr. iii, Takynge hede and byholdynge likyngely hir shamefast sembland.c1460Towneley Myst. xxiii. 234 You..That lede youre lyfe so lykandly.1513Douglas æneis viii. vi. 31 Sa likandly, in pece and libertie, At eis his commoun peple gouernit he.
II. ˈlikingly, adv.2 Obs.
[f. liking ppl. a.2 + -ly2.]
In a probable manner; probably.
1388Wyclif Isa. 2nd Prol., Ellis it wole as likyngli be applied to falsnesse as to treuthe.c1449Pecock Repr. iii. v. 305 Prechours ȝauen hem to flaterie..for to the more likingli fille her wombis and her pursis.

