
单词 overweight
释义 I. overweight, n.1|ˈəʊvəˌweɪt|
[over- 19, 29 c: cf. MLG. overwicht, Du. overwicht, Da. overvægt.]
1. Something over or beyond the exact or proper weight; extra weight; excess of weight.
1552Huloet, Ouerweyght, superpondium.1639Horn & Rob. Gate Lang. Unl. lxxv. §768 If any thing be put to, above the over-weight, allowance or remedy; it is a vantage, a surplusage cast in over and besides.a1661Fuller Worthies i. (1662) 64 They are cast in, as Superpondium, or Overweight, our work being ended before.1886J. Barrowman Gloss. Scotch Mining Terms 48 Overweight, excess weight of disposals over outputs.1888W. E. Nicholson Gloss. Terms Coal Trade Northumb. & Durham 62 Overweight, the difference between the standard weight and the average weight for a fortnight when over the standard.
2. Greater weight (than that of something else); preponderance; preponderating weight, power, influence, or importance.
1626Bacon Sylva §773 Sinking into water is but an over-weight of the body put into the water in respect of the water.Ibid. §798 If you take so much the more silver as will countervail the over-weight of the lead.1683Dryden Life Plutarch 107 Cicero and the Elder Cato, were far from having the overweight against Demosthenes and Aristides.1805W. Taylor in Ann. Rev. III. 68 [He] had greatly the overweight of popularity.
3. a. Too great weight; an excessive weight or burden; also fig.
a1577Gascoigne Workes, Hearbes (1587) 183 A peece which shot so wel, so gently and so streight, It neither bruised with recule, nor wroong with ouerweight.1770Chron. in Ann. Reg. 113/2 A scaffold..broke down with the over-weight of the spectators.1891H. Haliburton Ochil Idylls 136 With overweight of care on my mind.
b. Applied to a person: obesity, excess of weight.
1917Med. Times (N.Y.) Aug. 217/2 (heading) Reduction cures for overweight.1918J. Broadhurst Home & Community Hygiene xviii. 298 (heading) The relation of overweight to death rates.1923J. W. Barton That Body of Yours 102 There are two kinds of overweight. First..the kind you inherit. You have always been a little overweight. Then there is the kind that is acquired at the age of 27 to 37.1925Mrs. Belloc Lowndes Diary 10 Jan. (1971) 102 Lord Northcliffe was..distressed at what he regarded as my overweight. He told me that he and his wife weighed each other constantly.1951I. B. Allen Youth after Forty vi. 53 Raw fruits do not induce overweight.1973M. Senechal Guarding your Family's Health iv. 56/1 One of the commonest of all health problems revealed by a checkup is overweight.1975Times 20 Dec. 12/5 She needs to lose weight..an overweight caused by a careless diet.
4. An alleged name of avoirdupois weight. Obs.
1656H. Phillips Purch. Patt. (1676) 210 There are two sorts of weights used by us in England, the one is called Troy-weight, the other is called Avoir-du-poiz, or over-weight.
5. Pros. An instance of overweighting (see quot.).
1940J. R. R. Tolkien in Clark Hall & Wrenn Beowulf & Finnesburg Fragment p. xxxi, An example with double overweight would be wéllmàde wárgeàr.
II. overweight, a. (n.2)|ˌəʊvəˈweɪt|
[over prep. + weight n.; see over- 32.]
Above, or in excess of, the proper or ordinary weight; too heavy. spec. of a person: too heavy for one's height and build; obese. Also fig. a. As predicate, or following the n.
1638Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. II.) A b, The Authors Gold is so much over weight.1670Cotton Espernon ii. viii. 415 His Majesty would yet make her overweight, by giving her himself two hundred thousand Crowns in Dowry.1852Mrs. Carlyle Lett. II. 203, I wonder if my letter will be over-weight.1856Kane Arct. Expl. I. ix. 97 We found..that a very few pounds overweight broke us down.1899G. R. Shepherd in Med. Examiner 212/1 Are people who are overweight likely to live longer than those who are..underweight?1925C. E. Turner Personal & Community Health ii. 52 The tendency to become overweight is no doubt constitutional.1941F. Silver Foods & Nutrition iv. 117 A child..is considered overweight if he is 20 per cent above the average for his age and height.1951I. B. Allen Youth after Forty vi. 50 ‘She is an obese person’ sounds right down [sic] unattractive—but if she is pounds overweight, that's just what she is.
b. attrib. as adj. |ˈəʊvəweɪt|.
1639Fuller Holy War ii. xlii. (1647) 101 He displaced Guy, because he found him of no over-weight worth.1888Pall Mall G. 22 June 6/1, I was charged for a few pounds of overweight luggage.1958Which? Autumn 20/1 Overweight people can reduce their weight by reducing their food intake.1976‘L. Black’ Healthy Way to Die ii. 12 How often must he have heard every possible comic remark about overweight women!
c. absol. or as n. (stress variable).
1899G. R. Shepherd in Med. Examiner July 211/2 From our mortality records the overweights are clearly less desirable than the underweights.1910A. Bryce Laws of Life & Health vii. 247 No ‘over-weight’ dies of old age or senility.1935H. Roberts Everyman in Health & Sickness ii. iv. 152 Insurance companies find that ‘overweights’ are bad lives.1974Times 4 Jan. 5/3 The overweight have become America's largest, least protected minority group.
III. ˌoverˈweight, v.|-ˈweɪt|
[over- 27.]
1. trans. To give or attach too much weight to, exaggerate the importance of. Obs.
1603Florio Montaigne ii. viii. 220 We also overweight such vaine future conjectures, which infant-spirits give us.
2. To weight too heavily; to impose an excessive weight or burden upon; to overburden, overload. lit. and fig. (Chiefly in pa. pple.)
1819Syd. Smith Wks. (1850) 253 note, There should be two or three colonial secretaries instead of one; the office is dreadfully overweighted.1879F. G. Lee Ch. under Q. Eliz. I. p. liv, The author..has thought it wise to avoid over⁓weighting..an ‘Historical Sketch’ with too many of such quotations.1897Daily News 22 Feb. 8/6 Their boat was overweighted with household produce... It is supposed the craft foundered.
3. Pros. To stress as in overweighting.
1940J. R. R. Tolkien in Clark Hall & Wrenn Beowulf & Finnesburg Fragment p. xxxi, The second dip of B, C and the dip of D, E may not be overweighted.
Hence ˌoverˈweighted ppl. a.; -ˈweightedness.
c1860Faber Old Labourer iv, To take to God their overweighted hearts.1878N. Amer. Rev. CXXVII. 189 An overcharged and overweighted people.1895Dublin Rev. Apr. 308 The historic overweightedness, to which the Jews were succumbing.1927Bowley & Stamp Nat. Income 1924 23 When we pass from the accidental grouping in the returns, overweighted by banks, to the whole numbers according to the census, the averages are brought up again to the medians.1948Mod. Philology XLVI. 86 Besides these..light or weak verses there are, of course, many which are extra-heavy, ‘overweighted’, and many which seem overlong.1949Penguin Music Mag. Feb. 85 Such a combination provides a monotonous tone colour and the bass seems turgid and overweighted.

