
单词 orage
释义 I. oˈrage
[a. F. orage (ɔraʒ):—popular L. aurātic-um, f. aura breeze: see -age.]
1. A violent or tempestuous wind; a storm. Also fig. Obs.
c1477Caxton Jason 56 b, Whiche knightes beyng..upon the see, were sore vexid..with great orages and tempestes.1483Gold. Leg. 137/2 Sodenly descended fro heuen suche a tempest of rayne and of orage that it couerd alle the montayne.1611Cotgr., Orage, a storme, tempest, orage.a1734North Lives (1826) I. 183 His gains..were much greater by his practice; for that flowed in upon him like an orage.Exam. iii. viii. §63 (1740) 632 But there was then enough of the Church and Loyal Party..to stem that Orage of Faction.
2. An organ-stop designed to produce an imitation of the noise of a tempest.
1891in Cent. Dict.
II. orage
obs. form of orach.

